
  • You could always eat popcorn at home before you leave, lite popcorn this way you would have filled the need to eat popcorn. I know it's not the same as movie popcorn but it will satisfy your need to have popcorn and you are not denying yourself what you want.
  • Thanks, I appreciate your advice and I will check out the goodwill because I weigh 140lbs and my goal weight is 125lbs so I know this will not be the end of my problem, I just don't want it to become an expensive problem. Thanks again:smile:
  • NICE CHOICES:love:
  • Hi, I just remind myself of how hard MFP are working and if they can do it so can I, it's been times when I did not feel like working out but I think about the contest that I have entered and again about all the hard work that people on this site are doing and I just push myself to keep going.
  • Hi, you can always bring your own snacks with you, like the 100 calorie snack packs (cookies, muffins) or bring fruit. Hope this helps:smile:
  • Our weight changes throughout the day, that's why it's recommended that you weigh yourself at the same time everyday. I would not panic if I were you, just keep with your program and I'm sure you will see results. Good luck :smile:
  • Hi, welcome to the community. Good for you in wanting to make a change in your life. I like your positive attitude, you go girl:smile:
  • Hi there, I would like to join. CW=140lbs
  • Welcome to the community, I hope you enjoy this site as much as I am. I have received a lot of support here and I know you will as well.Good luck 2 u as well:smile:
  • You have come to the right place, I have received great advice and plenty of support here and I'm sure that you will also find this site very helpful.:smile:
  • You are so right, I do not even think about the scale it just drive me CRAZY! I know that I have lost weight because my clothes fit a lot better than they did 2 weeks ago. I will no longer rely on those numbers on the scale my clothes do not lie nor does the tape measure.
  • Hi, welcome to the community, you will find all the support you need right here on this site, I know I have. Sending you a friend request.
    in Hello! Comment by SERIOUS2 January 2011
  • Hi, glad you like this site, you can certainly add me as a friend, I would love to be one of your supporters:smile:
    in Hi Comment by SERIOUS2 January 2011
  • I sent u a friend request
  • Thanks for sharing this, very inspiring. I will print this and post it on my mirror as a constant reminder that I can reach my goal no matter what. Thanks again.
  • If you are going to eat, try eating healthy so you won't do 2 much damage and feel guilty afterwards. When I don't feel like exercising I push myself to do something even if it's not much like say 25 jumping jacks or 10 minutes of running in place because if I don't I will just feel guilty about not doing anything at all.
  • Thanks, you all have some great advice:glasses:
  • Welcome:happy:
    in Blah Comment by SERIOUS2 January 2011
  • I feel your pain, OMG I work late an I seem to snack just to keep myself awake. I drink coffee a lot, I know that's not good for me but if I did not I would just be snacking on all kinds of food. I have lately been taking a small bag of popcorn, some fruits and veggies but sometimes I do want something sweet so I bring…
  • Welcome aboard!! I have not been on this site long but I have to tell you it is great. I have received great advice from so many people, not only do I hold myself accountable but MFP hold me accountable as well. Feel free to add me as a friend:smile:
  • I have the Biggest Loser that rocks!!!:glasses:
  • Please,I did not gain weight... the dryer shrunk my clothes:bigsmile:
  • OK, here I go!! SW= 140lbs Neck=13 Bust=36 Waist=36 Hips=41 Lets get this party started:happy:
  • Hi, I have been struggling with an ED for years and I have been in recovery for a little over a year now, so I know what you are going through, I would like very much to be your friend, be-friend me so we can talk
  • Hi, welcome to the site I am new myself, I have already received great advice from many people. I know you will do well because already I have changed several things about myself that will help me reach my goals. GOOD LUCK!!
  • Count me in:laugh:
  • HI, I know all about disordered eating and starving yourself to the point of frustration is serious. Someone on the site gave me some very good advice he said that I should not deny myself the foods that I like but eat them in moderation because the more you deny the more you want. I do cardio along with strength training…
  • No I have not but I will certainly try it, Mcrib huh sounds good:smile:
    in deny Comment by SERIOUS2 January 2011
  • I think that's great!!! 6lbs is a lot, do not down play any amount of weight you lose because 6lbs is 6lbs closer to you r goal.
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