moose_15 Member


  • I would probably recommend weighing yourself. Although it may be disheartening if you have put weight on, if you work your *kitten* off next week and you jump on the scales, it may seem like you haven't lost anything/very much and that would be even worse in my opinion.
  • I've had a blip these past couple of weeks and have put on 1.5 pounds. I'm back to tracking my food this week and am really hoping the scales show me something good at the weekend! Keep up your hard work!! If something is not working for you, shake it up a little and do something slightly different!
  • Thanks guys. Losing weight is such a hard thing to achieve. It's so easy just to give up and that really isn't what I want to do!! X
  • Well done! That's a great achievement. Keep it up :smile:
  • Amazing! Congratulations :smile: I'm hoping I notice that much of a difference after my 30 days!
  • My push ups are awful, so I've been doing wall push ups. I seem to be able to keep my body straight then and it's still tough!
  • There are very few things I don't count, but they are all drink related. I don't count tea, orange squash or diet coke. I do count the milk in the tea though.
  • Thanks :) good luck for your weigh in!
  • For years Diet Coke and Pepsi Max was all I drank. I only used to have water in tea or coffee. I've cut down an awful lot since I started on MFP. I have maybe one can a day, if that. It wasn't really a conscious effort, but I found that drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day I just don't have the need for anything else to…
  • I'm really excited! It seems forever ago Eclipse came out. I'm really glad they've split the film into two parts, the book was huge after all! I'm not entirely sure how the second part will pan out though... it did get strange towards the end!!
  • Bimbo Minky :laugh: That's not even a joke....
  • I regularly hold interviews for an office position and some of our questions are:- What do you know about the company? What's your understanding of the position? Why are you leaving your current role? What did you like most/least about your current role? What interests you in the position we have available? We then ask…
  • My hair is pretty long - about half way down my back but I don't ever seem to have trouble with tangled hair, even when it's windy outside! My brush is nothing special but I always condition my hair. I do have really thick hair though so that may be the reason. Do you have fine hair and do you condition it every time it's…
  • I have a Nintendo Wii with Wii Fit Plus, and even though it's fun to do I stll find myself struggling to get my motivation up to do it. I am conscious of spending lots of money on workout DVDs etc in case they don't help or I never use them (being realistic here).. does anyone know of any that that actually help and are…