Slight Hiccup

Here it goes...

For the last 2 weeks I've not paid any attention to what I've been eating and it all stemmed from a meeting I had with the bank.

My boyfriend and I are in the process of buying our first house and we had a meeting to discuss life cover. In this meeting I had to disclose my height, weight, health issues etc. Luckily, I don't have any health issues (touch wood) and rarely have to go to see a doctor so that bit was fine. I disclosed my weight honestly and it was really hard to admit that to a stranger. Because of my BMI the bank wouldn't commit to offering life cover there and then and said I may need to have a medical.

So, I waited for a bit and as suspected they contacted me about going for a medical. This means they want to weigh me, take urine samples etc. Although they will come to my home to do this, the thought of it is so completely humiliating. All this because I'm so fat that they believe my life is a risk.

Now, you'd probably think this would perhaps be a wake up call..... but no :frown: I just got severely down about it, and my emotional eating kicked in. I've been eating all sorts I haven't eaten for months... chocolate, McDonalds, ice-cream, sausage rolls, chip shop chips, pastries... everything!

I finally built up the courage to weigh myself this morning to find out the damage. Somehow I have only put on 1.5 pounds. the only thing I can think is that I've been feeling nauseous some days and not had much appetite... no surprise considering the crap I've been eating!

Sorry for the long post but I know you guys will probably get where I'm coming from and can hopefully give me a bit of a lift to get going again. I have goals to meet and if I'm going to get where I want to be I need to get my *kitten* in gear :ohwell:



  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    Well then Moose...get your butt in gear!! If it is a house you want then do what you need to do to go get it!!! Put down the junk food and self pity and take life by the horns again! You can do it!!!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    You CAN do it!!! You really can. Ok so you have had a blow out and a mope, understandable after what happened, anyone would, so don't be too hard on yourself. The important thing is what you do from this moment on. Are you going to go back to the junk food and walk a long, slow and painful path to death or are you gonna get up and walk your way to health.
    You are buying a house, starting a new life, make this time all about changes, changes for the better. So you and your boyfriend can live a long and happy life in that new house. Good luck to you. x
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    " Moose" you can do It.... Make sure you are wanting to get healthy and loose weight for YOU,, Let starting a new life be the motivation you need to get your but moving... Just make sure you have the right mind set..... Its all About YOU.. YOU.. YOU..To be healthy. And " Live Long and Prosper" ( Spock) :flowerforyou:
  • moose_15
    moose_15 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks guys. Losing weight is such a hard thing to achieve. It's so easy just to give up and that really isn't what I want to do!! X