Anyone quit drinking soda?



  • I cut out soda 3 years ago and went from 167 to 155 over a few mths. I occasionally will splurge and have one but there was no denying the benefit of not drinking it on a daily basis. Now this was regular soda, not diet.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I stopped drinking pop about a year ago (on the odd occasion, I'll have Ginger Ale for a hangover or a sugar-free energy drink) and I can honestly say, it's done wonders for my face. I get, zero breakouts and it's super smooth/even-toned with a minimal daily wash routine.

    Now, juice, I stopped drinking a few months ago and that has helped me to be able to drink an ample amount of water everyday (10-15 cups on most days). I've read that drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day can help you burn up to 500 calories a week!
  • I stopped drinking all pop, diet and otherwise, a few months ago. I will have it if I want a treat, so far not too often. I drink a lot of low sodium club soda and green tea now, water gets boring all day long.
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    i haven't completely stopped, I'll have a soda every now and then but I try to drink more water than anything but I haven't really noticed a difference in anything....oh but I do notice when I do drink a soda after not drinking them for awhile the carbination hurts my chest and is really heavy for me. which is an incentive for me not to drink any lol
  • msdominique1
    msdominique1 Posts: 65 Member
    Well I quit sodas completely 3 months ago when I started changing my eating habits... I didn't really drink a lot of sodas like that and I did drink regular and diet, but when I cut them out there was no change or withdrawal symptoms...
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I cut out soda about 4 or 5 years ago with no side effects. I do drink unsweet tea on occasion and I drink coffee in the morning without any sugar but that's about it for me. For me, it was more about the sugar content and I just find all of that stuff too sweet for my taste. I'm full on water now - sometimes with a little lemon.
  • I used to drink 3-4 cans of Coke a day. I love the feel of it, the taste. I don't think I can give it up altogether. (I've tried...) So I let it be my daily treat thing. One coke a day at home. When I'm out and drinking fountain soda, I used to skip the ice to get as much not-watered down Coke as I could. I don't do that anymore.

    First I switched to more juice. Now I'm trying to switch to more water because juice still has lots of sugar in it.

    For those days where I'm just dying for another Coke, I try to keep a stash of these fizzy drinks that are fruit flavored but have little to no sugar/calories. They are to me what Nicorrette gum is to my ex-smoker boyfriend who still has the occasional craving for a smoke, it's just enough to take the edge off.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I drink one or two soda's a month. I gave up drinking it many years ago with any frequency. I drink water, coffee with creamer and Mio to flavor my water occasionally. My weight gain was from drinking too much beer, eating to much food while i was drinking and in general and eating too many chips, cheeto's etc over 25 years. My diet in general has never been really unhealthy. Have eaten raw foods ie non processed most of my life. I don't eat premade food that comes ready to eat in boxes.
  • i never drank diet but i did drink regular soda everyday all day long. and when i quit drinking it i lost 7 Lbs. in a couple of weeks. and i felt soooo much better and more energetic.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I quit right before my wedding a year and a half ago. I had headaches, so I drank unsweetened iced tea to help curb those. Now I can go days and days without drinking any type of soda. Although I do drink one occasionally. We have free pop at work, so that's really really hard to turn down some days.
  • I have. I started my diet a few days ago and I have not touched one soda drinks anymore. We have them provided to us at work, but I am really going to try hard not to drink any. I bought Lipton grettn diet tea. I like that a lot.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    My first semester away at college I drank no soda because I didn't have the extra money for it. Just by doing that and not changing much else, I lost about 20 lbs. Wish it would come off that quick again, but I have my occasional "drink" every now and then, so slow and steady for now! But good luck, you'll be much better without all that extra sugar.
  • moose_15
    moose_15 Posts: 29 Member
    For years Diet Coke and Pepsi Max was all I drank. I only used to have water in tea or coffee.

    I've cut down an awful lot since I started on MFP. I have maybe one can a day, if that. It wasn't really a conscious effort, but I found that drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day I just don't have the need for anything else to drink.

    I didn't notice any side effects at all, I expected some headaches from the caffeine withdrawal but nothing seemed to happen.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm assuming plenty of you have, but I just recently completely dropped diet coke out of my daily routine and am wondering if anyone else has done the same...what type of effects/results can i expect? (and i know everyone is different, just looking for an idea!)

    Quitting soda was a cake walk for me. I didn't drink them daily so I don't think I was addicted. Now quitting coffee was another story entirely. The headaches were awful, but I'm glad I did it.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    I dropped my daily 2 diet cokes and also dropped coffee with milk and sugar. I drink 2 green teas a day and maybe a diet coke once a week. So far so good.
  • shanners85
    shanners85 Posts: 28 Member
    I haven't had any pop since Ash Wednesday. I cut it out for lent and haven't drank it since. I'm sure carbonation would feel weird now.
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    I haven't had it in a while, no headache I guess because I was never a heavy soda drinker but I do miss the bubbles.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I was a major addict to Diet Coke (regular Coke before that) and drank my weight in it nearly every day. I knew it was bad for me, the chemicals in it can really effect your metabolism among other things. Finally I was sick of feeling like crap and gave it up cold turkey. That was two years ago this past April and I don't miss it at all!!! Took a week or two to not feel like crap, then about six weeks total to stop wanting it when I would smell other people drinking it. Six months later I tried a small glass and was grossed out!!!! Never again. I drink tons of water every day now and a glass or two of unsweetened iced tea at noon. I feel so much better! More energy, my skin looks better, people tell me I "sparkle" now... ok, just one person tells me that, but still, it's nice!!!

    Soft drinks in general are not good for you, although I'm all about moderation, I don't regret for one minute my decision to stop drinking them. Now the occasional glass of wine.... I'll never give that up!!!! LOL!
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    I'm on my second week of detox from all suger drinks & do I ever miss Monster/Ice Tea. Its not as easy as I thought it would be.
  • ElleEise
    ElleEise Posts: 21
    I definitely quit - and I was a super Diet Coke drinker too! You know what motivated me so that I never went back: Sweet Misery. It's a documentary about the negative effects of Aspartame in the body (the sweetener in Diet Coke and many other drinks). Seriously, you should check it out! It's crazy how dangerous it can be. I'm in Pharmacy School and I am thinking of doing research on Aspartame for me thesis...

    And yes I had headaches and cravings for like 2 weeks!

    Good luck - you will feel better in the long run! To help with the head aches, try Zip Fizz once in a while!
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