

  • steel cut oats during the week because they can be prepared the night before. Either served hot, cooked in the rice cooker on timer or served cold bircher style (1/4 cup of oats to 3/4 cup of almond milk works for me consistency wise, adjust to taste, found almond milk works better than cow's milk for it, not sure why).…
  • Grapefruit is lovely, however, if you are on any medication, check first with your doctor if your meds are the sort that grapefruit is likely to interact with, just to be on the safe side. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20497086
  • The ones with a taste/texture you enjoy the most :-) Beware though, they are very calorie dense and more-ish so it's easy to eat them mindlessly so measure your portion first and hide the packet away after that.
  • yes it looks a bit like a yellow melon, same family as courgettes. It's not easy to find in the UK, farmers markets would be your best bet. Don't get your hopes up too much though about how fantastic it is. It doesn't have the same texture at all as spaghetti so if it's an alternative to pasta you are looking for you may…
  • I have reduced mine a bit but nothing short of surgery would repair the gap completely. Be careful with crunches they can make it worse. I was advised by my GP to wrap a towel around my middle and hold on to both ends when starting abdominal exercises again until the gap was less than 2 finger wide at least (I am between 1…
  • Since you like things like surfing and think climbing might be fun, how about roller derby maybe for indoors activity that are physical without being the gym?
  • your diary is locked so it's hard to see what substitutions you could make to fit your macros better.
  • 5'1" 133 pounds - UK10
  • I often drool at the boots there, they do several circumferences (for a fee) http://www.duoboots.com/ I have the bulky calf gene, I like it, it means I'll never get cankles. The only time it's an issue is for ski boots. The combination of small foot (22 cm) and big calf makes it hard to find a ski boot which is not made of…
  • It's not about being rude, it's about pointing the obvious. All the things you are mentioning are supplements which are not an essential part of a diet. Also telling people what they want to hear if what they want to hear may harm their health is not being supportive. Unless you are pregnant or suffer from an actual…
  • What was the question again?
  • You didn't do any chemistry at school did you? Mixing an acid with something even more acid does not make it turn into a base.
  • Since you sweeten it with honey, you might want to keep tracks of how many calories your current obsession is making you drink.
  • My youngest would get on well with your daughter at the table, he certainly prefers food with stronger taste.
  • Britney, is it like this one? http://www.lakeland.co.uk/17120/Large-Rubbermaid-Produce-Saver They usually get eaten too fast in our house to need storing, sorry.
  • Your best bet is probably soups then - youngest will eat most veg if they are in soup (as long as we go easy on the carrots because they are the root of the devil as far as he is concerned). They are nice and easy to reheat. Since the veg texture is part of your dislike you could make a big batch of the veg part (peel +…
  • I am always intrigued when somebody says they hate vegetables as a block of food. There are so many out there, with different tastes and textures. My eldest and my husband like veg as much as I do except for a few (son hates parsnips, hubby won't eat raw tomatoes or cucumbers). My youngest will only eat a very limited…
  • I prepare my breakfast and lunch the night before (chop veg etc) then I do last minute stuff at work. I keep vinegar, soy sauce, salt and pepper there too so if I haven't had time to pre-prepare I can buy a bag of veg and flavour them. Most of my colleagued do the same but one or 2 buy a bunch of stuff on the Monday and…
  • You can have it raw in salads, slice thinly or dice. I like it with lambs lettuce and a bit of walnut oil and lemon juice. You can also slice it can cook it on a griddle pan, you can brush it with a tiny bit of olive oil if you like the taste before putting it on the hot griddle. Doesn't take long. It goes very well with…
    in Fennel Comment by Oriole15 June 2013
  • Swimming is great however like most exercise it has a tendency to increase your appetite so you need to make sure you are not increasing your portions to a size which more than makes up for the calories you are using in the pool. If you measure and track for a few weeks you will be able to work out if it is that case.
  • I do it fairly regularly in the Summer, the route I use is mostly on a riverside path and away from cars. The drawback is in winter it isn't as well lit up as a road would be and it would be too dark at the time I commute and I might end up in the river so the bike gets relegated to the shed. I like the morning leg of the…
  • I have only looked at the last few days in your food diary and maybe they are not typical but you don't seem to eat any vegetables. They might help make you feel fuller as they contain insoluble fibre. Try and aim for at least a portion of fruit or veg with each meal and see if it helps.
  • Maybe a tweak of the foods you are eating might help. From a quick peek at your diary, I notice you have a lot of food that require no or little chewing (mashed potatoes, stewed apple pouches that sort of thing). I find that food with "crunch" or "chew" seem to work better in giving me a feeling of satiety (for example…
  • Had moose last winter it was meh. Maybe I cooked it wrong but it was a bit tough and didn't taste as gamey as I expected. I would say it was like really chewy, not particularly tasty version of venison. If you have squirrel let me know what it's like. I would expect it to be a lot like rabbit.
  • You do know one of the frequent adverse side effects of a hysterectomy is loss of libido right?
  • Try writing down everything you have eaten since the diagnosis and take the list to your doctor. The doctor can then check you didn't inadvertently have some "hidden" gluten and if you haven't they may recommend further tests to see if the remaining pain is down to another condition on top of the coeliac disease or if it…
  • Keep trying. There are many vegetables out there so you may find more of them that you like as you experiment. Also don't dismiss one vegetable without having tried at least a different way of cooking it first (for example you like raw carrots but not cooked one so you already know different ways of serving them can alter…
  • I use my commute time. Some days I try to replace the train with a bike ride and if not cycling I walk from the station instead of taking the bus. Because the train time is fixed I am still at work by 8. If the weather "turns" I can leave my bike in the office and take the train home and cycle home the next day. At…
  • You claim to have made your own ice cream, what did you use to sweeten it? A) Ice cream is meant to taste sweet and some flavours just do not work without the sweetness. B) Freezing dulls the sweetness sensation (eat some melted ice cream and eat some of the same ice cream in its frozen form, same ingredients but one…
  • If you are having the coffee purely to have something warm, have you tried roiboos instead? I don't like but quite a few of my friends do. It has not bitterness to it so you wouldn't need to add sweetness to it.
    in Stevia Comment by Oriole15 May 2013
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