To Hydroxycut, or Not To Hydroxycut



  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I tried them for two months. Didn't drink enough fluids and ended up with kidney stones. Never again.
  • Paleo_wolf
    Paleo_wolf Posts: 28
    Ummm is this a jk? No offence but if its making you sick why would you even take the stuff?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    So it's making you ill, and you're still don't know if you should stop taking it?
    That's like having scalding hot water pouring on your hand and wondering whether you should turn the faucet off or not.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    No. This has been simple answers to supplement questions.

    A 1998 randomized controlled trial looked at the effects of hydroxycitric acid, the purported active ingredient in gambooge, as a potential antiobesity agent in 135 people. The conclusion from this trial was that "Garcinia cambogia failed to produce significant weight loss and fat mass loss beyond that observed with placebo".[8]
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    I would.
    I love taking things that make me feel like ****...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't give a supplement the power. It is YOU achieving the weight loss, not some pill.

    This. The credit belongs to you for your diet and exercise, not to the pill. Just stop taking it before it makes you really sick.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member

    Problem is; It makes me feel like $h!t when I'm on it. Like actually ill enough that I sometimes have to lie down for a bit! I don't take the full dose, I take about 2/3, as when I attempted to take the full dose, I couldn't sleep and was really knocked on my @$$!

    Doesn't that kind of answer your question?
  • Abdul160
    Abdul160 Posts: 2 Member
    All Hydroxycut does is stimulate your body to make you "feel" like you have more energy to do tasks, like lift weights or do cardio exercises for example. And, just like any pre-workout supplement, your brain will think you can do more when on this stimulant so it will, from then on, start to release dopamine and make you fell like you "need" this product. Just like when eating sweets your brain will release this chemical into your system. If you keep taking it daily your body will get used to the ingredients and they will have less of an effect on you, from then on you will start to take more for it to work. However, you should stop taking it at that point for about two weeks to a month. Then start again (if you feel the need to take this product). Bodybuilders do this with pre-workout supplements it is called "cycling," so your body doesn't get used to the stimulants in that product.

    I do not, myself, take any pre-workouts I just time my meals correctly during the day so that I would have eaten a pretty sizable meal about 1.5-2 hours before my workout so I would have enough energy in the gym or during my run.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Problem is; It makes me feel like $h!t when I'm on it.

    And you don't think it's a problem? You keep taking it?!!! Really? :noway:
  • nmeeks81
    nmeeks81 Posts: 9
    i have used hydroxycut before but it made me sick.... so i went to my local gnc store got b 12 and green tea extract . the green tea extract comes in a pill or a liquid so you can built up to a level that is comfortable . if you like smoothie or blender drink you can add a little bit in your drinks and get an even boost when you need it.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    i have used hydroxycut before but it made me sick.... so i went to my local gnc store got b 12 and green tea extract . the green tea extract comes in a pill or a liquid so you can built up to a level that is comfortable . if you like smoothie or blender drink you can add a little bit in your drinks and get an even boost when you need it.

    Green tea extract does nothing either.......
  • rainavsfood
    rainavsfood Posts: 79 Member
    There is no such thing as a quick fix. Work your butt off for the body you want!
  • I'll keep this short and sweet... I tried it several years ago, landed me in the Emergency Room and have had heart palpitations since. Anything that you know you're going to get mixed reactions from up front is obviously no good.
  • tumblr_mcgm2puWB31rq0hnm.gif

    Bhahahaha! This made my day!! :) Not exactly how I feel, but hilarious none-the-less.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I think you've answered your own question...if it makes you feel ill, why would you keep taking it? I've used it in the past and will never do it again.
  • Thank you to everyone who provided some helpful alternative suggestions. Perhaps I should have clarified this or focused on this request more in my original post, as that is really what I was looking for.
    For those of you "who were, like, sarcastic, and like, mocked me, and like, were super rude and *****y" - get over yourself! This site is for support. And if you felt that this post was not worth your time, why did you even bother to comment? REALLY!!!
    Yes, the fact that it makes me feel ill when I take it is a red flag. But I wanted to hear what others had to say who have tried it as well. If I used the rule to stop doing anything that made me feel sick, I wouldn't eat apples, or push myself to work hard. I happen to have a sensitive stomach, (I've been known to throw up from drinking ISO Whey Protein even!) and simply wanted to clarify if I was the only one experiencing these effects and needed to suck it up.
    So thanks again for all the great suggestions and alternatives, especially those who took the time to message me directly! :) And for the others who love to hate, I'm just so so sorry for you. :)
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    What the--- something that makes you feel like crap whenever you are on it can't be healthy! Find a good alternative. I find that taking some CLEAN caffeine (ie., not soda) before working out makes my workouts more intense and helps me lose weight faster. Just drink a ton of water because caffeine can dehydrate you.
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    It makes me feel like $h!t when I'm on it. Like actually ill enough that I sometimes have to lie down for a bit!

    What was the question again?
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    It's not about being rude, it's about pointing the obvious. All the things you are mentioning are supplements which are not an essential part of a diet. Also telling people what they want to hear if what they want to hear may harm their health is not being supportive.

    Unless you are pregnant or suffer from an actual measured deficiency you do not need supplements, why torture yourself and your digestive system taking things which are not necessary?

    Are you a professional athlete?

    It's the only reason I could find for improving performance beyond what your body is naturally capable being perceived as important enough that you need to put yourself through serious discomfort and maybe even impair absorption of the nutrient you get through your food.