

  • lose 42 pounds since jan 1, 2011.. start weight was 368 at 326 now.. was size 30 on tops now a size 24ish.. pants were 32 able to zip a size 26 but really tight..
  • i work out 4-5 days a week.. none on weekends...i tend to workout for about 2 hours a day.. doing both cardio and weights.. gonna be starting zumba next month.. so its gonna be interesting..
  • i started 368 in a size 30/32 of last week now at 329 (up to pounds because i got taken off of one of my pb meds and got some water of last week i was able to buy and wear a size 26 jeans from k mart and and a size 24 kakies but they are super tight.. but then cant fit walmart or avenue size jeans.. so…
  • my aug goals 1. drop 10-15 pound 2. since hubby is out of state.. go veggi only 6 out of 7 days of week.. 3. work out at least 2 hours 4 times a week.. 4.. start zumba classes. 5. cut back on diet soda.
  • the processed food are the killer...lunch meat is the worst on the salt.. more veggies/fruit
  • thanks for all the comments.. i know i am in the wrong with how i feel about my friend.. i just needed to vent...i still love her and i know he intentions were good. and things change...and she has a family. and a life.. and a job..SORRY.. i will be okay tomarrow.. just letting things get to me i guess..and i dont need…
  • antioch, tn 10 minutes from nashville international airport
  • awsome job...think i need to think about getting a before and after picture set up that way i can watch my own progress...and others can too...but AWSOME JOB...keep up the work.
  • well. i am in the over 100+ to lose too...started the year at 368 at 338-340ish at moment.. trying to lose this weight sucks....exspeally (sorry for spelling) with my pcos.. it doesnt like me losing weight but i am getting there. trying to get down to 325 by June 1st..and then 300 by oct of this year...gonna try for 250 by…
  • i have pcos too... diet wise...i am on low carb...I also have been given metformin to take however the pills make me so sick that i cant use them... in the last week i was told i was boarder line diabetic...low carb has been working for me...started year at 368 and now i am at 338-340. i also have high blood pressure.. my…
    in PCOS Comment by nefertirie April 2011
  • that was happening to me to...but one thing i started to do thats helping and it may not be for everyone. but i drink a cup of unsweet silk soy milk..with one spender packet in it right be for bed. i know everything says nothing before bed but i find it really helps me...
  • hey there. i just started here yesterday.. its kinda quite..i jump between here and but figured i would say hi and welcome. best of luck on your adventure to become a better you.. i am trying myself but i have alot more to loss on weight then what i have seen on here so far...i have to lose about 200…