need to i wrong for feeling this way



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm seething at the personal trainer. He absolutely needs to be reported to management. I doubt they'd be too happy to hear what he's telling members. But I'm, unfortunately, not as sympathetic as you may like about the friend. If I've learned anything (the hard way) is no one can help me in this. I'm on my own. Savor the times you DO get to work out together. But you've got to find the motivation within yourself to do this.

    I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. I'm kind of on the other end of this. I have a friend who's gained a bunch of weight while I've lost. She wants to work out with me, but I'm already working out a lot as a figure skater. I need those practice sessions to be about what I'm working on - jumps, edgework, spins, etc. She wants me to go to a public session with her and just skate around in a circle. I'm happy to do this with her a couple times a month. But not more. But she won't go by herself. I can't give her the motivation she needs. She has to find it for herself.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    that PT sounds like a jerk. you should of talked to the manager at the gym and told him/her about your experience.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this my dear! I always start up the year (January) with a few friends that are all gung-ho for working out and making changes, but every year all those friends drop off and I am left alone to workout. I realized this year (I moved and wasn't around anyone I knew) that I HAD to do this on my own and that no one owes me anything. It sucks that your friend has so much going on but that doesn't mean that you can't find some fun exercise stuff that you like! Like some posters have said, try classes, that is a GREAT way to meet friends. Everyone has the same things in common. Even if you just get together a few nights a week, it's good to have friends like that. First and foremost though, you have to get to the gym by yourself and if people are there to workout with you, then that is a bonus. Look at it that way. Sometimes I wish I had friends that would diet with me. To ME, that is the hardest part. My fiance eats horribly and most friends' outings revolve around food, booze or partying! it's hard. I'm going to a concert this Friday and I have already told all the girls, I AM NOT DRINKING, do not pressure me or ask me. I'm on a diet (I started Paleo on Monday) and I have a kick butt workout planned for Saturday morning. I PLAN to stick to this. It'll be hard. We are all a product of our enviorment. Moving on, think of your workouts as "me" time.. Unwind, blow off steam, take out aggression, whatever!

    As for trainers, as others have said, they are NOT necessary. I have had success with doing cardio on my own and now I lift weights with a group of people. I know the Fitness Director at my LA Fitness gym and I told him the same things--I can NOT afford a trainer. He said I didn't need one! So take that right from the horses mouth!! If you have over 50# to lose MY advice is to start with simple cardio (walking, jogging, classes, dvd's, etc) and lose some before focusing on weights, which is all you'll get from a trainer anyways!

    Feel free to add me. I feel ya girl!
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    1. there is no need to spend a bunch of money like that. for any personal trainer/fitness questions go to they even have videos to show you how to do certain exercises.

    2. You and only you are on this weightloss journey, you have to take this journey alone to figure out who they person you are and why this weight came on in the 1st place. Sounds like your friend has a lot going on and you cant fault her for working a full time job, raising her kids and going back to school to better herself. I dont mean to be mean but she didnt need anyone to go to college with her to better herself, so you do not need anyone to work out with you to better yourself :)

    I have lost 75 pounds doing this mostly alone. My hubbby works nights and I work days, we only see each other on the weekends and I work a full time job, have 2 girls and go to the gym. Sure I have had some people help me and point me in the right direction but I in no way waiting for someone to exercise.

    I dont think its not that she is no motivated. She has a lot going on and may exercise in different ways or she is just not ready because so much is going on.
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    That trainer is a complete jerk!! About 6 yrs. ago I lost 40 lbs without a personal trainer (or a gym membership)!! I did it by counting calories and daily exercise. As long as you're making an effort to get moving and eating healthy then you CAN do it without paying money you don't have for some jerk trainer!!

    Your friend I think, deserves your understanding right now. (Maybe your encouragement too!!) Between a job, college and kids that has got to be tough to find the time for working out.

    I personally think that one of the best things my husband and I ever did was getting out of the gym and trying to make working out fun. We have really been enjoying bike riding this summer and we're looking for other fun ways to make sure we break a sweat everyday too.

    Keep up the good work and pay not attention to Mr. Negativity at the gym. He's just playing on your emotions to make more $$!!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Ok - first off, have you talked to the friend? I mean, could she be feeling so overwhelmed with all that is going on in her life right now? Working out with a friend isn't all its made out to be anyways - especially if you are in such different places in your weight loss. I have a friend that always bails on me. I'm used to it now. I invite her, but plan on going it alone. If she shows (rarely), then Jim-dandy. If not, I'm still gonna exercise FOR ME and my health.

    Second - that trainer is an azzhat. But not all of them are, so please don't crucify all of them. Gym trainers seem to be worse - a lot of times ( NO, not always!) they are young snots that just wanna make a buck. The chain gyms hire them because they are muscle bound and cheap! NOT because they are good. I have a trainer that I work with twice a week, and adore her! She owns her own business, is certified, and teachs instead of preaches....

    If you have insurance, sometimes they will pay for visits to trainers and nutritionists. If your doctor says it is medically necessary. Good luck, and hang in there!
  • espieee2003
    I think it's wonderful that you are even wanting to lose weight. You are just the type that needs motivation, is all. You made a big step in joining Myfinesspal. I joined because my daughter invited me. My daughter needs to lose like 60lbs or more. I could and would love to lose 30lbs. This site is a great start for all of us. I find that it helps me keep tabs on what I'm putting into my pie hole. I exersise in the privacy of my home to Lesie Sansone videos. She does walking of up to 4 miles. Check her out and see if this is more in your price range. My name is Espie. If I knew how to invite you, I would. Maybe you can find me. Good luck!
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    First of all I think that you should report that trainer, if he thinks that he is going to make a sale by making you feel bad he is seriously mistaken and I dont think his supervisors would be happy with that! As for your friend...well I have learned the hard way that you can not depend on anyone exept yourself. I have had so many friends swear that they will go with me and then at the end they all have excuses. I have not had one single one follow through!! Just know that you are strong and you don't anyone to go with you or anything, look deep within yourself and you will find all the strength and support that you need, plus you have us here as well!! Good luck on your journey and keep your chin up!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    1) your trainer is an asshat and you can do it by yourself. Sure trainers are helpful, but they are not necessary.
    2) you can't expect other people to hold your hand through this. Your friend had good intentions but she's fallen. It happens. It's happened to all of us and while it's frustrating, making her feel worse won't help either of you. Try making new friends at the gym. Failing that load up your ipod with very good very loud music and ignore everyone around you.

    I completely agree with this!! Some of my best friends are people I met through working out at the studio I go to. I didn't know anyone when I started and was so nervous the first couple classes but now I look forward to going and talk to some of these people outside of class and they are some of my biggest motivators!
  • sava624
    sava624 Posts: 19
    i can understand how you feel as your friend was your support for this journey, pity it didnt happen but remember you are doing this for you and you will benefit from it, it is disappointing and hurtful when let down but dont let it spoil your friendship and maybe you could get chatting to one of people in gym and become gym buddies ........although sometimes its good to do alone as it is then you deciding because if friend gave up would you.........and that could be a negative.......however you can ask hubby and friend for support in other ways.
    like you im on the long haul and i felt unsupported until someone asked me what did i want and i realised i wanted people to acknowledge and validate my hark work and achievements and so i told my family so now when i come down once a week and say what i lose they all have to celebrate which has turned into a funny but werd beetlejuice kinda dance at table,,,,,,,,but i feel good that its acknowledged.
    trainer........he just wants money and they dont listen to us, i went to a gym and after using my own system of walking machine, bike and some weights trainer came over to sell and said he show me benefit of using exercise ball...i have arthritis everywhere and i said i have to be gentle as have the arthritis but again he was finished and i got home my whole body started to seize up and that one routine took me out of remission for 7 months and i wasnt even able to walk. So feck him, he's not on your lose him and dont let him bog you in have had the strength to start and to go on and his negativity you dont need nor the expense of a negative bum..........keep doing it yourself girl, use the forums for support and ask for achievements to be acknowledge... weall be with you on the journey
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Cut your friend some slack. She has a lot on her plate. My sister started working out with me and she fell to side. Sometimes my husband works out with me sometimes he doesn't. I use to go running with my son on regular basis but our schedules are conflicting. It happens.

    I will not allow that to stop me from getting my exercise in and achieving my goals!

    As for the trainer he is a complete *kitten*. If his tactic is to get you to pay for sessions by belittling you then he is an idiot!! Brush it off and turn it into self motivation to achieve your goal!!! Screw that jerk!!!

    I don't pay for trainer they are way too expensive and I have achieved most of my goals on my own. They try to get me to pay for sessions and I tell them "Why should I pay you hundreds of dollars for something I can do myself for free!" They leave me alone!! LOL!

    Good Luck
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    That trainer sounds like a POOP HEAD to me anyone who strange is going to belittle your friends (who they don't even know) and make you feel so bad and insecure about yourself that you find yourself in tears is not looking out for your best interests and certainly not someone you need in your life, let alone PAYING them to be in your life.

    As for your friend, you know what we are all in this alone. You have to do this for you first and foremost!
    I understand being very disappointed, but I peoples circumstances change and they have to do what is best for themselves and their kids. So I don't think her actions were a betrayal as much and circumstances lead her in a different direction that she did not foresee when you two started off with this plans. (It's not like she's ditching you to go out drinking (or binge eating) with other friends. She's getting an education to build a better life for her family.)

    I don't know if your schedule allows, but can you make it a WIN-WIN, by taking her kids once in a while, and being a good example of healthy active lifestyle for them take them for a hike or bike ride, show them that active can be way fun? Her kids will be with someone she trusts you can encourage her self-improvements, foster your own healthy self-improvements and have some pint-sized company (I don't even know if you are a "kid person")

    Maybe that's even a WIN-WIN-WIN:
    WIN 1) For your friend...supporting her educational goals with a little free child care,
    WIN 2) For you... supporting your own active goals & having some company doing it
    (I know when I've got kids around I strive harder to be a good example and that benefits me too),
    WIN 3) For the kids... teaching the kids good life-lessons along the way
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    I am a personal trainer.. for one, I would NEVER treat a potential client the way this particular trainer has done to you.. I don't understand his tactics by any means, but I also feel women who feel like they need or want a trainer should try to find another woman to train them, they are more in tune to what and how emotions tie into a woman's weight loss journey... (I have had a child, I have gained weight, I am still overweight by "charts", and I KNOW the struggles to get it off, keep it off and progressing to loving your body no matter what it looks like)... two, if you can't afford it, YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, trainers ARE expensive but please remember we are also out there trying to make the money you feel is also precious to yourself when you get your paycheck at the end of the week doing whatever job you may have... three, on that last note I will agree with an above post.. YOU DON'T NEED A TRAINER, a trainer is there to "guide" you through an exercise routine to help you in your own weight loss goals and efforts, we are not miracle workers some people just have better experiences than others depending on goals, trainers, routines... etc. and lastly weight loss is 90% nutrition 10% exercise... I hope I have helped in some areas by shedding some light as a trainer.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Your friend has her kids, is working and is trying to better herself with education, her future could well depend on her doing these things so I think its unfair to be mad at her to be perfectly honest. yes is a p off that she changed her plans but these things happen, opportunities come along that you would be foolish to turn down.

    On the other hand I think the personal trainer is totally out of order but you can use his words as your motivation, be a stubborn madame and make him damn well eat them!


    Support your friend--going to college as an adult with three kids, PLUS working is backbreaking. Be there for her. Offer to help her study/quiz her on terms and such. Offer to watch her kids. Our lives change, and you can't take it personally. Stuff happens.

    Ditch the trainer--heck, I'd even find a different gym, and I'd let the management know why. You can do this without a trainer, and you can do it solo if needs be. Don't let your friends' changing needs and demands on her time OR some snot-nosed trainer derail you. You do your thing--you CAN, you know. You're capable, and any trainer who tells you different is just sore at losing your cash.

  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    P90 for the win or P90X if you are up to it. Great way to train and it can be done for very very little money.
  • Sarw27
    Sarw27 Posts: 68 Member
    As far as your friend goes- It took me a long time to realize that everyone has to be their own priority... so while I'm sure your friend wants to work out with you, she has to put herself first, and right now that might mean spending more time doing other things. On the flip side of that, you have to put yourself first- so good for you for going to the gym... but another thing it took me a long time to realize was that SINCE everyone has to put themselves first, I can't rely on them to keep ME motivated and I can't blame them for it.

    I've actually enjoyed working out a lot more, and I have gone more often now that I just anticipate going alone. I'm never disappointed if my friends can't make it. If someone is available to join me: FANTASTIC! It's a treat.

    In addition- Since I've started being my own priority and stopped focusing on everyone else, I've been much more successful and in a much better place, mentally. It's okay to be selfish... selfish is NOT a bad thing.

    As for the trainer-- I think that that guy was a total douche (pardon my french, but it seems appropriate) and you should do your best to surround yourself with supportive and understanding people. Maybe that means switching gym's.

    I've never had a trainer, but I think that having someone to guide you and help keep you motivated could be a good thing, but like anything there are going to be good trainers and bad trainers... that's to be expected.
  • kristyklein8
    First of all, I am going to start off with the fact that I think that trainer was way out of line and had absolutely no reason to speak to you this way. It sounds like all he really cared about was padding his own wallet and not about your health.

    As for your friend, I can understand the hurt feelings. It always hurts when a friends says they will do something and then fails to do diminishes your trust in her and hurts the friendship....However, after 8 months I would say that her working out with you will probably not happen. You can't use her an excuse to not go to the gym.

    I can only offer a few suggestions....perhaps this gym is not the right fit for you. Is there a YMCA or any other club out there to help you out...Curves, Community Fitness Center, etc? Getting to the gym is the hardest part, because often you feel like you don't know what you are doing or don't understand how to use the equipment...basically you feel like you will make a fool out of yourself. However, you will never learn unless you try...and that means getting yourself to the gym. Make it as important to you as your job or a doctor's appt. You wouldn't just not show up for work would you? You have to want to make getting healthy a lifestyle.

    The gym should at least give you a thorough introduction to all of their equipment so that you know how to use it properly. Start small...walk on the treadmill, get on the elliptical, do whatever makes you feel comfortable and then keep adding machines or routines.

    Of course, weight loss isn't all about gym time either. Think about the nutritional content of your food and whether or not you are really physically hungry. When you are that hungry then give only the best fuel to your body through lean meats, veggies, fruits, nuts. Start cutting back on's hard, but it can be done. I keep dove bite size dark chocolates with me to help fend off cravings.

    Best wishes to you.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Tell your trainer to p*ss off! All he wants is your money, and he is trying to guilt you into staying.

    You CAN do this on your own. Scrap that, you're not on your own anyways, as everyone here on MFP is here to help you.

    I say add as many friends as you can on here, vent when you need to, and look to the MFPers for encourgement. Sounds like you are doing a great job already. Please feel free to friend me. I am gonna be here for a while!
  • nefertirie
    nefertirie Posts: 13
    thanks for all the comments.. i know i am in the wrong with how i feel about my friend.. i just needed to vent...i still love her and i know he intentions were good. and things change...and she has a family. and a life.. and a job..SORRY.. i will be okay tomarrow.. just letting things get to me i guess..and i dont need to.. and i asked if i was wrong..we all have really bad days think today is my one really bad day..:sad: :embarassed:
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    thanks for all the comments.. i know i am in the wrong with how i feel about my friend.. i just needed to vent...i still love her and i know he intentions were good. and things change...and she has a family. and a life.. and a job..SORRY.. i will be okay tomarrow.. just letting things get to me i guess..and i dont need to.. and i asked if i was wrong..we all have really bad days think today is my one really bad day..:sad: :embarassed:

    We ALL have those. Hang in--remember you deserve to succeed and you WILL.
