

  • Huh! I didn't know this. Do they taste any differently from each other? This I gotta try. I love my risotto, and I'm looking for healthier ways to make it. Have you ever made risotto with quinoa in place of the arborio rice?
  • I started wearing a pedometer when I started my fitness journey. The first two days I wore it, I walked 2,000 and 1,600 steps, respectively. I needed to see exactly how sedentary I was! I initially set a goal of 5,000 steps a day, which is no longer considered sedentary (according to something I read on the interwebs -- so…
  • OT: I eat turkey bacon because I don't eat red meat. OP: Try using it in egg white quiche or quinoa cups. I like adding turkey bacon for the saltiness!
  • That Diva cup review is priceless! I never could master it after so many months of trying. I like to use Insteads instead -- I'm assuming those are like the Soft Cup others have mentioned... And to our dear OP, not changing my tampon every time I peed didn't dawn on me either until I was getting ready with friends in the…
  • I use a Fit Bit One and highly recommend it. Seeing exactly how inactive I was in numbers really helped me get going. It really motivates me. And I've set incremental goals to help me get up to 10,000 steps a day. I am just now digging into my sleep data, and that's very helpful, too. I can tie how I ate and my activity…
    in FIT BIT Comment by Smash323 March 2013
  • The first time I made quinoa, I prepared it simply with just water, and then used it as an ingredient in a quinoa-egg-cheese-spinach cup, which I baked in muffin tins for convenience. I found it to have a very slight nutty or earthy flavor when I tasted it before adding it to the egg mixture, which after baking brought…
  • Yep, this is me. I'm 5'7" and started MFP last week at 224. I got a Fitbit this week, which has really helped me get moving. I definitely need fitness pals to help me keep moving. I love these success stories! Anyone willing to encourage is very welcome to friend me, too! I'm sending some friend requests now, also!
  • Someone on my friends feed asked that question yesterday! Sometimes when I have PMS, I feel like I'm slogging through my day and everything seems tougher!
  • When I joined last month, my intention was to keep my food diary closed. I opened it to friends, though, because I'm new and trying to make new friends on MFP. I noticed a lot of people saying that they prefer friends with open diaries, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I got a comment last night when I closed the day out…
  • I like one large banana while I commute. I also like the Belvita breakfast crackers. Adding onto the egg cups idea, quinoa cups are really filling and you can make them ahead and grab one or two on your way out.
  • I just joined Monday, as well! I ordered a Fitbit on Wednesday -- it's my birthday present to myself. I've been eyeing it for several months. The integration with MFP is what ultimately drew me here from SparkPeople. And there seems to be a lot more activity here than SP or the Fitbit site. I'm going to send you a request,…
  • I second the suggestion for Pinot Nior if you want to try a red. Actually, I've found that anything that starts with Pinot suits my tastes. I like Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris for whites. Also, Sauvignon Blanc is a good white to try -- to me it tastes a little greener than the fruitier Pinot Grigio. I'm not a brand snob,…
  • YUM! Thanks for this idea. I could even make these at work! +1 on the quinoa suggestion. I made quinoa cups earlier this week for the first time. They were really filling. But $13 a bag sounds crazy steep. I'd look around online for someplace that will ship a smaller, less expensive bag if you only have access to one store.
  • This is a great challenge! I'm in! I'll write some goals after work.
  • Another Dallasite here! I lived in Waco for 6 years (Sic 'em Bears!), and Waxahachie for 6 months, and Plano for 4 years. Back in Dallas proper for a year now. I love it! Feel free to add me, y'all. I'm new to MFP and really loving it.
  • I just joined MFP (I was a long time Sparker on Sparkpeople, but never could find a fitness buddy there, and now they're charging for their iPhone app. Boo.) and I'm amazed to see so many people sharing their stories to encourage each other. I, too, struggle with anxiety and depression. For a few years, a regular yoga…