missmerchandise Member


  • I feel the same way about not losing anything but im not consistent on this app
  • great job! extreme dedication...i know this is off topic from your great weight loss, but can u tell me how to post progress pics up here?
  • Hi, I'm a psychology major and am will be going into my masters for psychology. Here is some info that may be pertaining to you. EDNOS...eating disorder not otherwise specified...that is the condition I believe you might have. It is a disorder name given for those that are not quite there at anorexia level but are close to…
  • I've heard milk is really bad for digestion actually, its something humans should avoid...all dairy in general. so i'd stick to water in the morning. i've heard water is definitely great to drink right when you wake up. I have done it too and it definitely aids in digestion...just make sure its room temperature or luke…
  • The tricep and bicep machines help out alot. And also shoulder extensions. I did it for 4 to 6 weeks and I imediately started seeing definition and lines. I'm not quite there yet but time always tells! Good luck!