
  • Im on my second round of P90X, not back to back. Both times I've done it, I wasnt able to move for the first week. Your body is adjusting and it wont be so bad after a week or so.
  • You could try checking your heart rate manually ( count beats for 10 sec and x6) and using the calculator here: http://www.shapesense.com/fitness-exercise/calculators/heart-rate-based-calorie-burn-calculator.aspx this is what I do since I dont have a HRM. Your monitor could be faulty.
  • I start phase 2 tomorrow!
  • Have you seen "Foods that Kill"? It is a documentary, you can find it on youtube. He goes into explaining how fats work through our system, plant vs. animal. I am a plant based eater, and my family made the change after watching Forks Over Knives a year ago. I think you would like the Foods that Kill documentary.
  • http://realsustenance.com/ this chick has tonz of awesome recipes!
  • You need to make sure you are getting enough calories, but when you are trying to drop the weight, you need to stay in the shredder phase, and go easy on the carbs. I struggle here too. I am vegan, so yes, I get my protein needs, but all the veggies with protein have decent carbs as well. I just try to limit my intake of…
  • I'm somewhat fair skinned, and I got terrible (deep, wide, long) stretch marks with my first pregnancy. My weight loss really hasn't affected them at all. I'd have to say, now they are looser, and kinda ripple in some areas. I still have some flab to get rid of, who knows what they will look like if I can get this last…
  • I start phase 2 tomorrow. This is my second time doing the program, the first time we moved around the end, and I fell off track. It took me over a month, almost 2 to complete the last 10 days. I was so bummed and upset with myself, but this time I am sticking to it!
  • it is a beachbody home work out program.