aidsmith Member


  • I think you know the answer really, don't you! I work odd hours and shifts, sometimes it's really hard to keep the balance and sometimes I'm tempted to use the next day's calories if I'm up for a long time. However, that would only work if you cut down the next day; the weekly totals would have to be sensible. I've been…
  • I find potatoes (or bread) in any form just wreck the calorie count.. They are relatively tastelss stodge and you can haved loads of tasty veg or salad instead, for the same number of calories. For the (calorie) price of a lump of stodgy mash you could gave a couple of glasses of wine, or a sensible desert. I know which…
  • Cheshire, feel free to add me, anyone.
  • I've been using it to maintain for a few weeks now, and I must admit I'm finding I have to keep just as careful an eye on my intake as I did when I was trying to lose weight. I suppose if I stop using it, and return to my previous eating habits, I will return to my previous weight. MFP is, therefore, a pal for life!
  • I'm guessing you don't actually like the taste of coffee if you must put something in it. I start every day with an espresso coffee, no additives, and I absolutely love it. The flavour is like nothing else. Try a cup of instant coffee with milk after that and it tastes like puke.
  • Milk is a fluid, and will hydrate you, however it's very high in calories and fat. If you drink 8 glasses a day of full-fat milk that would be a large proportion of your calorie intake; even semi-skimmed milk has about 100 calories per glass. Log it as milk.
  • Look on the internet for Escabeche sauce. It's delicious, healthy and low-calorie.
  • You look fantastic, and I bet you feel even better. Well done!
  • Andrea Healthy eating begins in the supermarket; if you don't buy the candy and biscuits then you won't be tempted by them at home. I have no willpower at home, if there's rubbish in the cupboard I'll eat it, but in the supermarket I don't even go down the biscuit aisle. Your kids don't need to eat rubbish and neither do…
  • Beautiful, very feminine guns, well done.