What is worse is I have actually gained 7lbs since joining the weight loss workout program
Yes thank you for your feedback. I have been working out
I am happy being fat
I don’t care anymore about my diet.
No rules.. party time
I have such a pretty face. It makes up for my body
I deserve this
Eating is so much fun
Lies lies lies
I can’t stop overeating.. i have tried
I have to binge to relax
I made a huge revelation tonight you guys probably already know this. You have to burn thousand calories a day to to lose 2 pounds in one week. I thought you just had to eat less like 1200 cal. But really for me to burn 1000 cal a day, I have to exercise for about two hours a day or take a class at the gym and go on the…
Ha ha. I hit level 20 yay and I have a Val Porian 1430 so funking good. Yay me. Ha ha , still lovin poker on . My strategy is I don't even bother with Ratatat so I hate them. PIgeys are the best. I'm going to save up 100 eggs and evolve some Draconies
Well I weigh 164 pounds and I think I look OK but I know others don't think that. So my motivation is more to look goodfor other people. So I guess I'm doing it for other people and not myself. So if I think about why am doing this diet, it's not a good reason. I do notice I'm eating a lot of vegetables which I've never…
Dessert . HAhA. Spelling . Oops
Tonight I am going to do the bathroom thing at desert. Brilliant
Checkout my daughter in the back seat. Haha
I should do what you said and join in some activity. I don't move enough. Yesterday 6000 steps, no exercise. I know weight loss is slow2lbs a week for me usually, so I don't want to gain 5 lbs this weekend. You know for me the ideal protein diet is more about making the commitment To my friend and paying the money 390.00.…
So yeah, I have to be careful. I have been eating a lot of bison sausages and chicken breast, salad. But for me, I have a problem with portion control. I never feel full and late at night I eat to stay awake
I don't sell ideal protein. I don't recommend it. My friend And I just started it together two weeks ago. It is junk food with a lot of protein in it. I usually don't eat that junk food even if it is high in protein,so I have cheated by eating blueberries, etc. It's basically high protein, low carb. Those high protein and…
the hardest :D part is the drinking alcohol It's hot I am thirsty and there is so much booze. I like to drink. I had one apple cider cooler yesterday,so good. Tonight , I will probably do the same except everyone else is wasted,.
Oh my gosh, you all are very supportive. Haha I live love. going to the bathroom story. Desert and chips, no problem I know they're total chemical junk. I am very short 5'3 weight 160 on Friday am., so I only burn about 1000-1200 a day without exercise, so I have to be careful about everything. My husband is 6'5 230lbs…
I am definitely not going to eat ice cream or hotdogs. I guess I will try to exercise more. I am going to record everything in fitness pal. So no surprises, I brought my ideal protein food but already ate chip in car. Boo hoo. I have no will power
Just walked from 830pm to 10:00 playing Pokemon. Whoa exhausted. Funny but true story, my 27 year old niece was playing at the park and accidentally threw her phone into the lake. A innocent bystander stranger jumped into the lake to try to find her phone. This is not a clean lake.The two are going to go out for drinks now.
Thread for Pokemon lovers, not haters. Too many haters on fitness pal. Why would anyone want to read negative replies. Pokemon is my life now. My feet are killing me from walking otherwise I would be hunting..I am on level 8. I walked 4 miles the other day. Not sure today. You find way more Pokemon walking than biking and…
Oh, by the way you probably have low low thyroid. Go to the doctor and get on thyroid medication. If the doctor says your thyroid is normal, I suggest you get supplements to help. If you going to any health food store and talk to them, their supplements that can help you. On I'm on ideal protein, and our supplements are…