What lies do you tell yourself?? Lies that make cheating on diet ok?

allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
edited November 2017 in Introduce Yourself
First, you must begin with seeing all that you’re telling yourself. Look for the lies that make you feel defeated, or weak, or even excited to binge. Those ones are the ones you have to break down to find out whether they are true or not.

I have to eat the cake or I will explode


  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    I have to binge to relax
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    I can’t stop overeating.. i have tried
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    Lies lies lies
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    Eating is so much fun
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    I deserve this
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    I have such a pretty face. It makes up for my body
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    No rules.. party time
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    I don’t care anymore about my diet.
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    I am happy being fat
  • nari408
    nari408 Posts: 10 Member
    "You'll bwork it off tomorrow" "Have a little now and a little later" "I can cheat I did one push up yesterday" "I worked out so my body will burn it off" "I'm okay being fat" "I quit"
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    When I was losing weight I used to tell myself that it was okay to cheat because being in too low a calorie deficit is bad for you so I should let myself have that extra slice of cake just to make sure! I'd also think how it's important to build sustainable habits that will help me be healthier long term and 'cheats and treats' are not things I intended to completely get rid of so I would say it was all part of the plan!

    It worked in the end though so maybe cheating occasionally (or....regularly...) isn't too bad! I know after cheat days of pizzas and sweet things I always crave vegetables and nice fresh, homemade meals so I think it kept me on track
  • nr0289
    nr0289 Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2017
    If I eat this today....tomorrow I'll just literally eat nothing - so it will balance out, right?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited November 2017
    I used to lie to myself and make myself believe that the "healthy-alternative-high protein-clean-chemical free-guilt free-etc-etc-bs whatever" was just as good (or better) than the "normal" version of the food.

    How sad was that!
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    None, I don't diet. I eat sensible and exercise. There is no need to deprive yourself of anything if you meet your daily calories needs and move
  • thapainmaker
    thapainmaker Posts: 152 Member
    whatever I'll won't do cardio tomorrow
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    Yes thank you for your feedback. I have been working out
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    What is worse is I have actually gained 7lbs since joining the weight loss workout program
  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    edited November 2017
    "I'll only eat half" lol ya right. Good thing I leave some calories for my lies. I guess not cheating then tho.