Pokemon go



  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    I was too old for Pokemon first time round. I'm loving the collector aspect of this, though will confess that some of my best collecting has been done either sitting on the steps of a city centre monument with my lunch or sitting on a slow moving bus through a built up town centre!

    Unfortunately, it's useless around the village - barely any 3G reception here and not a single pokestop.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    scoii wrote: »
    Save all your pidgey/caterpie/weedle candies until you get 60 evolves ready. Activate a lucky egg and evolve everything. 30 minute later you are 6 levels higher.

    Yes I think this is what my husband wants to do.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    ouryve wrote: »
    I was too old for Pokemon first time round. I'm loving the collector aspect of this, though will confess that some of my best collecting has been done either sitting on the steps of a city centre monument with my lunch or sitting on a slow moving bus through a built up town centre!

    Unfortunately, it's useless around the village - barely any 3G reception here and not a single pokestop.

    We were just going to sleep last night when my 16-year-old came in the room - "There's a Rapidash just at the end of our street!" Out we went, and my wife and I and our son now all have a Rapidash.

    If you haven't used pokevision.com - have a look. It's spotty for uptime but very worth it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    ouryve wrote: »
    I was too old for Pokemon first time round. I'm loving the collector aspect of this, though will confess that some of my best collecting has been done either sitting on the steps of a city centre monument with my lunch or sitting on a slow moving bus through a built up town centre!

    Unfortunately, it's useless around the village - barely any 3G reception here and not a single pokestop.

    We were just going to sleep last night when my 16-year-old came in the room - "There's a Rapidash just at the end of our street!" Out we went, and my wife and I and our son now all have a Rapidash.

    If you haven't used pokevision.com - have a look. It's spotty for uptime but very worth it.

    That is freakin' awesome...sounds like my husband and me.

    I was late for work by about 5mins because I saw a gloom and had to go get it...I was about 2mins from work...

    I've only missed one...*grumbles*

    and yes until they get the proximity thing fixed we are using pokevision too...great app when it works.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I've had a couple of rarer Pokemon get away. I'm getting better at timing my throws when the circle is small, which increases the chance of catching the target.

    For anyone that has Tmobile for phone service they have free stuff you can claim on Tuesdays. Download the Tmobile Tuesday app - and next Tuesday take the offer for free data for a year for Pokemon Go. :)
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm really mixed about Pokemon. I grew up with it and I used to trade cards as well as collect them.

    I think it's great that it's being used as a tool to help people get more active, but I also think that people shouldn't be glued to their phones. Especially children. Now I know that parents should monitor their child's game use but let's face it, not all parents do that.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I heard turning your GPS on and off can get pokemon, also I heard you can use a record player to hatch eggs. (I have a record player, that's who still has record players)
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Record players have had a bit of a revival in the UK. HMV has gone back to having a big vinyl section, in the past few years.

    Poke vision shows all the good ones in a reception black spot for me. Also mostly outside the house of a proper curtain twitcher.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited July 2016
    Maxematics wrote: »
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    It was released July 6th

    It is now 20 days later and you have reached your weight loss goals already? Did you only have a few pounds to lose?

    It's possible; it's managed to do a lot for Darwinism within the past 20 days as well.

    I officially ticked the "Insightful", "Like", AND "Awesome" things for this post. It deserves all 3.

    Mt $0.02:
    I like the game. I wish I had a phone that could run it but I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy a new phone and get a data plan.

    It is NOT fun watching your entire group play it without you at a get together though. That's just boring. Saving grace for the puppy who gave me something to watch.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Maxematics wrote: »
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    It was released July 6th

    It is now 20 days later and you have reached your weight loss goals already? Did you only have a few pounds to lose?

    It's possible; it's managed to do a lot for Darwinism within the past 20 days as well.

    I officially ticked the "Insightful", "Like", AND "Awesome" things for this post. It deserves all 3.

    Mt $0.02:
    I like the game. I wish I had a phone that could run it but I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy a new phone and get a data plan.

    It is NOT fun watching your entire group play it without you at a get together though. That's just boring. Saving grace for the puppy who gave me something to watch.

    It's also not fun to have players totally distracted standing in the middle of bike paths, etc.
  • ekd23
    ekd23 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a big fan of this game. It has gotten me out of the house more and has given me something fun and active to do with my kids. I don't get the hate. I love Pokemon cards and am watching the series on Netflix. Having a blast and exercising too...sounds like a win to me.
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    My girls are 14 & 16. The 14 year old isn't 'into' PG. But her phone is also kind of poor on GPS quality.

    If you go into your google maps app and download your area into your "offline areas" the GPS functions a lot more smoothly.
  • allyalexandria
    allyalexandria Posts: 39 Member
    Thread for Pokemon lovers, not haters. Too many haters on fitness pal. Why would anyone want to read negative replies. Pokemon is my life now. My feet are killing me from walking otherwise I would be hunting..I am on level 8. I walked 4 miles the other day. Not sure today. You find way more Pokemon walking than biking and car. Oddly, in certain shopping places. I find a bunch
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    One of my supervisors at work had a meeting with me today and was so fascinated by my talk about this game that she wanted to walk with it on so I could show her how to do it. So I got in an extra mile of walking today!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    edited July 2016
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    It was released July 6th

    It is now 20 days later and you have reached your weight loss goals already? Did you only have a few pounds to lose?

    Weightloss goal doesn't necessarily mean goal weight has been achieved, could be minor goals like getting 10k steps etc

    But anyway, Pokemon go, I don't get it, is it just an excuse to walk around staring at your phone.

    Pokemon I get, collecting, fighting, beating the fantastic four or what ever their name was. It was a pretty solid game.

    But Pokemon go seems to have stripped back the game too much, isn't fighting a matter of swiping left or right on your phone? Or have I been misinformed?

    But to each their own, I will stick to Pokemon yellow on my game boy colour if I want to play Pokemon. :smiley:
  • StandardFiend
    StandardFiend Posts: 9 Member
    The pokemon games have always been about connecting with people and getting people to interact with each other. They were some of the first games to come out to utilize the connecting cables with the game boy color for trading and battling with friends. Infrared and wireless just made it easier as the games advanced. When Gold and Silver were remade they released the pokewalker with it which was a pedometer you could use to train your pokemon and find new ones, just like how leaving your pokemon in the day care and walking your character around trained them in game.

    It's actually really neat to see how much the pokemon company CARES about getting people moving and talking to each other. The mechanics I've mentioned are only a few of the ways they reward players for getting up and meeting new people.

    That combined with Niantic's goal of getting people to visit historical sites and monuments is a match made in heaven with this game!

    Though for those of you who maybe like the idea of it but are stuck on the idea of it being a Pokemon game, I'd like to recommend the game Ingress. It was Niantic's first game, the locations you visit are identical to the pokestops and gyms, but it deals with more science fiction themes and has a secret agent feel to it that some of you who maybe aren't into Pokemon for whatever reason might find more ideal.