OmegaAlpha007 Member


  • I agree with Steve on this ^ I do the same 5G Pre and 5G Post, just personal preference and that's how I find it most effective. Call it placebo but if it gets me pushing more weight then ...
  • Bodyweight.
  • NATSTAR you sure put up quite some posts tonight huh Like we talked about, eat your calories and by simply being at a caloric deficit you'll start losing weight. We already went into detail about the workouts and your macros. najranforever, I do agree with most of your stuff but a lot of it seems like bro science no diss...
  • Could you share your macros and caloric goal please? That's what I thought, not everyone can start off doing HIIT excersies with weights. There's plenty of BW workouts though :)
  • The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep…
  • What? you had over 900 calories left after all your meals were done?... when did you do this after breakfast? Plan your meals a day ahead, get as close as you can to your caloric goal with "clean food" then from there maybe you're allowed "terrible food" Failing to plan is Planning to fail...
  • I'm hoping this is a troll..
  • I see a lot of people giving HIIT routines with weights.. I would say no to this mainly because we or at least I dont... know if you even know how to do the workouts/lifts Will you be more focused on the 30 seconds/deadlifts... or on performing the movement with proper form... doing weights real fast can lead to poor form…
  • CARBS did this to you? does this include veggies and fruits? or where you shoving twinkies down your throat?
  • I love that old saying. yes you're right a lot of processed foods do seem to be the cause but that's not really the issue here. There's tons of people out there losing weight eating McDonalds 3 times a day as long as they're eating under they're TDEE The thing about processed foods is that most of them have a lot of sodium…
  • I actually liked MHP's Cookies and Cream protein powder. ON's hydrowhey was pretty good as well. To each their own but personally I stick to the Cookies and Cream :p
  • Why are people double posting tonight... Your body stores fat in your lower body that's how your body decided to do so... Find your TDEE and eat at a deficit, you'll have to lower down your BF% to see results
  • You can't spot reduce fat, your body just stores fat in your lower body easier than it does in your upper body... I'm a guy so when I put on weight its all in the mid section.. arms don't even change it looks .. weird lol Find your TDEE and eat at a caloric DEFICIT.. you'll have to lower down your overall BF% to see…
  • Yeah you can eat all food but try and stay on the "clean" side to be more on the slow bulk, you can tweak stuff before it gets out of hand.. if you've done it before though go ahead and dirty bulk but its not recommended if its your first time.. I usually play with my carbs more than anything, add carbs to gain, lower…
  • Knowing is half the battle. Lets say you don't understand all the specifics of the numbers but you're pretty much ball park on them. Stick to a "diet" for 2 weeks... 6 meals that include chicken and rice... for two weeks straight you follow the same diet and workout regimen... guess what you gained 1lb... the next 2 weeks…
  • I had a friend who does not logon anymore named RaychulJ who had amazing abs and she never did crunches. I think a lot has to do with your abs being active during many of your lifts... and obviously lowering down the BF%
  • Personally I'd go on a cut and see what type of abs you're working with, everyone is different so take a peek. On your next bulking cycle work with them to add more shape ... slow bulk to be able to keep an eye on them... I know a lot of people who have done weighted ab excercises and when they cut they're very unhappy…
  • Yeah you can definitely gain weight while drinking beer, will you get the same results as adding a cup of rice.... no Surplus in calories will lead to weight gain but,... make concious food choices...
  • You're still out of bubblegum huh, well I must agree ^ Supplements are there to make it a tiny bit easier but you can't depend on them to make you lose/gain anything. I drink whey protein when bulking up but that's only because its easier to chug down calories than it is to munch on them.... I add a "fat burner" to my diet…
  • Find out your TDEE and eat at a caloric deficit. No product will really make that much of a difference unless ^^^^
  • I don't seem to get the question, sorry. My gf has fairly nice legs and a decent mid section, however she doens't train chest/arms very much. = Nice legs/abs but no upper body... have you seen those guys that are all buff but have no legs?.. they "bulked" but only trained certain parts.. you can't really spot reduce fat ..…
  • I personally weight myself every single day first thing in the morning, the thing is that most people don't eat the exact same thing day in and day out... while yes you might be hitting your macros believe it or not the food you hit it with does matter since there's more than just macros.. sodium,.. minerals.. fiber.. etc…
  • I personally don't believe that having "delicious" food is cheating. I think people think more like "Cheating = Binging" I drink a nice millkshake everyday,.. the thing is that i went from drinking a 24oz shake to a smaller 8oz shake.. So if you've been cheating because you ate 5 snicker bars, cut it down to 3,.. then cut…
  • 5g a day should be more than enough, some people pre-load on it though (20gDaily/1WK) I personally did pre-load a while back but honestly there's not need, I do feel however that I retain more water which is not really a bad thing since the more water in you usually gives you a bit of more strength... Conclusion: try 5G a…
  • I love those Greek Yogurts from Chiobani, the "Flips" are GAF!!
  • I think the injuries* happen when the beginner doesn't know his/her weight for the "bench press" strong lifts are very good but if you don't know your limits you can seriously injure yourself. I saw this hefty young kid (200+lbs) benching 135, I thought he was going to do them with ease... but no he struggled and flopped…
  • That's when I'm the hungriest :) I eat about 12 oz of chicken and 2 cups of rice :) why whats wrong with morning hunger??
  • You'll feel even better once the scale starts moving a bit faster
  • don't ... Have you tried counting your calories? be honest...