brookelester10 Member


  • Congratulations on your first week! I cannot stress how much I love this program. I'm on week 7. I use a treadmill right now. I run at 5.7-5.9 and walk at 3.2.
  • Running is great for fat loss! I just started running 6 weeks ago. Prior to that I had been dieting, weight training, and walking for at least a month.. only to lose 2 lbs. Since I started running, I've lost another 10. While it is hard work, it is worth it. Personally, I've never been able to run or more than a minute or…
  • I'm 5'5" and 135 lbs. My measurements are 34-26-34. I started out at 144 and about a 28 inch waist. I still have a bit of a belly although my measurements sound pretty good. I want to lose another 10 lbs and at the very least another inch off my waist.
  • Yes it is! I've never been more proud after a workout.. Before yesterday, I had never even ran a mile without stopping. I ran almost two! I'm amazed at what my body can do now. I can't stress how much I love C25K!! :)
  • Well ladies, after a few roadblocks, I finally did it! I wasn't able to complete the run on Thursday as planned due to my gym being closed and getting rained out of the possibility of running outdoors. So, bright and early this morning, I hit the gym and I did it! Was it hard? Yes. Did it hurt? Yes! Did I feel like I just…