Is running effective and how to push yourself mentally?

I want to start running (again). I sprained my ankle pretty badly a few months ago, but even then I didn't do a lot of running. I was more focused on the elliptical because I never thought running was something I could "do." Well a of recently, I know it IS something I can do. I lift 3-4x a week (Mon, Wed, Fri generally) and do cardio 3x a week (Tues, Thurs, Sat). I usually bike which is fine. I don't mind biking. I may split up running and biking for 30 minutes each, eventually building up to running for an hour and stuff.

Is running good for fat loss when paired with a good diet and weight training?

Also, how does one mentally push themselves to just keep running? I know that mentally, I give out quickly. What works for you to push through the hard spots? How do you just "get in the zone?"

**Diet is the most important to see a change, I'm aware (: I'm just curious about the exercise portion of it**

Thanks so much


  • brookelester10
    brookelester10 Posts: 7 Member
    Running is great for fat loss! I just started running 6 weeks ago. Prior to that I had been dieting, weight training, and walking for at least a month.. only to lose 2 lbs. Since I started running, I've lost another 10. While it is hard work, it is worth it. Personally, I've never been able to run or more than a minute or two without feeling like I'd fall over (sad, I know!) So, I started running with the couch to 5k program and now I can run 2 miles straight without stopping. For me, the motivation to keep running comes from all the years I "couldn't". Every time I think about stopping I just think about the person I used to be.. And how at 21 years old I'm finally in the best shape of my life and I just have to push myself further and further. It's quite addicting :)
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Running is great for burning calories. Eating at a moderate deficit and doing strength training will help ensure it is fat you are burning and not muscle.

    As far as the mental piece of it, my first piece of advice is slow down. Running immediately becomes more enjoyable if you are running at an easy conversational pace. Running with a buddy helps too. And a great playlist and varying your routes. When none of these tricks work for me (we all have days when we have decided to run but still don't want to) I let the zonbies chase me using the zombie run app. Having the storyline running and my music playing distracts me so I can just run without thinking about it

    But really it just takes time and effort and repeated practice to get your head into it.