SweetestLibby Member


  • My mom tells me that lifting heavy will make my uterus drop and make me infertile.
  • For standard shopping Wemgans and Costco. Giant if I'm at my boyfriend's house. Then trips to specialty stores once ever few months - h-Mart, a Sri Lankan grocer (my boyfriend is Sri Lankan and won't eat American/western rice. Ever.), and an Indian grocer. In the summer we add a farmer's market to the mix.
  • Lost 95 pounds - gained 25 back - down 5 again and I still do this. Admittedly I now only have one measured (to the gram) spoon but I still do it. Yesterday's breakfast (I slept until nearly moon!) was cookie butter. ;) When I was in college - freshman year - I would have chick fil a for breakfast every morning. Two…
  • I don't worry too much...I rarely get thei specialty drinks. My go to drink is an Americano - it's espresso and hot water. It take it with Splenda no cream so I don't bother recording it.
  • Congrats on what you've lost so far! Enjoy your vacation!! I went on a 8 day cruise to the Bahamas almost 2 weeks ago. - I enjoyed myself, ate, and worked out/ was as active as I could be. I came back 5ish pounds heavier but after about a week back to normal Idropped the weight that I "gained." You may come back up but it…
  • Serious answer: Keeping myself healthy enough to donate a kidney to my sister if/when she needs it. She's type 1 diabetic and has been through kidney failure twice now. There was nothing more painful than the doctor telling me I was a match but I wasn't healthy enough to donate - I was 5 foot 4.5 and 215 pounds. I managed…
  • Hi! Started at 215 a looong time ago. Got down to 135 before joining MFP. Joined and got down to 115 (US size 0, even 100 pounds lost!). Didn't like it so I did a body recomp and found my happy spot at 120, 16% BF (US size 2/UK size 6). Started a new my dream job about 2 years ago and pick up 30 pounds. I realized I can't…
  • $28.98+ shipping if you're in the States - lower 48 of course. Still nope. I'll just work in regular chocolate when I want chocolate.
  • Breakfast for me is the first meal of the day regardless of when I eat it. During the week I have coffee at about 7am during my commute to work and I generally don't actually feel hungry until about 10:30am. I manage to both lose 95 pounds and gain 25 with this habit. Eat when you want but be sure to eat a fairly…
  • Ditto. I'm a 30F and spent years with stores trying to put me in a 34D bra (pretty sure I'm not supposed to be able to stick my arm in the band!). I swear by Freya and Panache. A bit pricey but well worth it.
  • I love Black Fire!
  • exactly this! At 215 pounds and 115 pounds I ate the same things - just less. I don't believe that any food inparticular is "unhealthy" for an average person that has not medical reason to track sugar, sodium, carbs, etc. That being said - I do read the labels on the food I buy because I want to know what I'm eating and…
  • I have an Apple Watch - I've only had it for a couple of weeks but it definitely needs the Bluetooth hrm strap. That's next on my list. I had a Fitbit flex for about a year but I found it overestimated my tdee so I stopped wearing it. I also had a polar FT4 which I loved but I got annoyed with having multiple devices. That…
  • What is this skinny Nutella spread you speak of? Op, I'm a fan of apples or cucumbers with a tables spoon of Greek yogurt mixed with dill.
  • I hated lentils...until I met my boyfriend. His from Sri Lanka so he cooks it in coconut milk with cardamom, cloves, ginger, garlic, onions, curry powder, and turmeric.
  • Here's a thread from the apple discussion board that may help Total calories vs Active calories on the Apple Watch https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7018370?tstart=0
  • but plain is my favorite snack for greek yogurt. I like plain greek yogurt - or I'll mix in a scoop of protein powder. After that - sometimes I'll add pb2 or a banana.
  • Golden Oreos are gross. I like the peanut butter, birthday cake, and gingerbread ones (with the chocolate cookie of course!).
  • my OCD would not be okay with this. The clutter would seriously make me anxious! ....at least I have the option of eating the food! :D
  • so? My boyfriend keeps junk at my house, his house, AND my mom's house. I like to bake as a hobby and he requests things FREQUENTLY. He bought me a kitchenaid stand mixer so he likes to make sure I use it at least once a week). I buy it for him and don't eat it. I bake it for him and don't eat it. I don't force (or even…
  • Can you set schedule specific days to go to the gym with her? And if she doesn't go either go without her or let her know that you'll stop changing your routine if she doesn't actually go with you. I actually block off time on my boyfriends calendar to go to the gym with him - otherwise he might not actually leave work…
  • whatever works best for whoever is going? I hate working out in the morning so I do it maybe once a month/every other month with my boyfriend. Mornings are reserved for coffee, commuting, and planning. I workout in the evening because I find that it helps me come down from work. My boyfriend however is horrible at leaving…
  • Sashimi is my favorite! Then unagi. California and rainbow rolls are also good.
  • darn it. I should not have been drinking coffee while reading this! :D Best response I've read so far!
  • My sister has had Type 1 diabetes since she was 12 - as a result she has been through kidney failure twice (her's plus transplanted kidneys). The hardest thing I have ever had to endure was to be told that I was a match for my sister but at 5 foot 4 and 215 pounds I wasn't healthy enough to donate. I need to get healthy -…
  • I weigh in once a week and track it once a month. I track my weight in my cycle tracker rather than MFP since my weight fluctuations are around ovulation and my cycle.
  • 20 more pounds. Lost 100 - didn't like my body comp so I gained 5 pounds of muscle making it 95 pounds lost. Changed jobs and couldn't keep up with my training schedule but I still ate like I was! Ended up gaining bach 25 pounds. Now I'm down 5 with 20 more to go.
  • Birth control. iron supplement, whey protein, and vitamin d in the winter. 3 out of 4 are doctor prescribed and the fourth is because I don't always eat enough meat to hit my protein macro.
  • ate less and moved more. no special tricks. nothing complicated. Once I got the hang of that I started lifting weights - really heavy weights. I lost 95 pounds doing that and when I stopped doing that I gained 25 pounds back. Now I'm back to eating less and moving more and I'm down 5 pounds. I workout about 3(ish) times a…
  • For the most part I drink water, tea, and coffee with the occasional diet soda or sparkling water...if I'm going to drink calories it's going to be things like wine. I have wine a few times a week. I still drink some calories but it helps that I'm not much of a juice or milk drinker (almond milk has fewer calories but I…