

  • 6" of tightly wrapped yarn trumps your $5 guard. :wink:
  • GREAT Job! You look awesome and this is totally motivating.
  • While it's not really a cardio exercise an alternative to the push ups might be planks. Before I started my recent lifestyle 'adjustment' I always thought planks were for sissy-types who couldn't handle push ups. I have a had a MAJOR attitude change. It's a great core exercise. As for cardio when my knee and ankle couldn't…
  • 10 gyms & 5,000 employees?!? Holy crap! The line for the lift rack must be ridiculous. ;)
  • Yeah, this was a depressing find for me too a few months back but you know what was worse? Learning that the nutrition info on my Entemanns donut box was for 1 donut!!! ONE DONUT?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? Who eats just one donut? I don't think I have cried that much since I was 6yrs old and found out my dog died. And I…
  • I had to smile when I read your post- I too had to invest in some new britches due to bagginess. It is a a great feeling and you should be proud. And the Goodwill tip was one I also had heard, until last week I'd never been thru the front door, had always just been dropping off stuff in the back. It seems until a few…
  • Great job! I joined you in ONEderland just this morning and didn't have near as far to travel. Keep up the good work, you're keeping a lot of us motivated.
  • I lik that goal of feeling fit and healthy without worring about the exact #. Keep it up you look great and forget about the height. Short girls rock!
  • This was definitely the wrong post to read on the day I forgot my lunch and wallet. #IhateMondays
    in Eating out Comment by swpguy July 2013
  • My apologies. I went back and reread the replies and yup, I was out of line. My snark detector is most probably defective. What I saw as a simple question (and one that I was interested in learning about) seemed to have responses more concerned with his choice of words and suggestions of losing fat vs. exercise. I jumped…
  • Wow, and I thought all the snarky comments were reserved for the crossfit threads... For the original poster, do a google search for USMC boot camp exercise regimes. No gym equipment involved and most if not all male recruits have significant chest 'toning' in 12 weeks. Granted their in the prime of their life and…
  • Too many similarities in our stories not to comment. Awesome job and don't stop!
  • This is my first post so forgive any grammatical or procedural errors but after reading your post I wanted to respond. I'm a 42 year old, happily married, white male who works a pretty sedentary job and until recently didn't do much more than watch TV and read. March 15, this year I got on the scale and decided it was time…