imboswell Member


  • Thaeda is great to have your words of wisdom back on here. You have been my inspiration when I am done. I know you can do what you set out to. Please let me know how Qysmia works for you. I am so obsessed with my next meal that I eat because it is 9 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 6 o'clock even if I am not hungry. Something to help…
  • Relentless I was sleeved a month before you. (I believe we have been fitness pal friends since then.) This year in February I also went on a cruise and have gained 11 lbs. (I am going on another one in May) I am feeling miserable and for the first time since I was sleeved my blood pressure was up and my hands started…
  • I had surgery on 10/16/14 I lost 45 lbs gained back 15 and now I am trying to get the 15 off plus the other 20 I need to lose. I am back to the basics. Protein drink for breakfast and lunch and small dinner. I am staying under 1000 calories. So for the 1st week I am down 5 lbs. I miss how at the beginning the weight was…
  • Start weight 217 cw 175 - I am also on a restart I am staying within 800 to 1000 to try get get these last 20 lbs off. I am doing protein drink for breakfast, lunch and snack with a salad for dinner. I don't feel hungry but my mind keep saying to eat. I can only eat over 1000 if I am eating slider foods. I am not sure why…
  • I got one for Christmas and I love it. I have tried a couple of things in it and the only thing that didn't really workout was the hamburger. It came out way to dry. Chicken comes out perfect. I love hotwings and they come out very crispy.
  • I am struggling right now also. I need to lose 10 - 15 lbs. I have gained 10 since Thanksgiving. I never ever reached my goal weight but that was okay as long as I maintained the size. Now I am feeling things getting tight. I am starting again with healthy eating "NO MORE SNACKS".
  • You can add me. Surgery 10/14/14 - SW 218 LW 166 CW 175. Trying to lose the 20lb that I was originally supposed to lose. I just started back on the program. I had been eating whatever I wanted and was getting surprised at how much I could really eat. I don't want to be back where I started.
  • MEEE TOOO. Everything said here is me. I am 18 months out and have been at 170 - 175 for for months (like 8). My doctors goal for me was 140 my goal was 150 as of yet I have not hit either. I was on vacation and gained 5lbs I can feel the extra in my pants. So I am back on MFP to get back on track and lose those 20lbs. I…
  • Great job
  • [I think your decision to be good to you is an awesome one! Eat well, move when it feels good, and above all, LOVE YOU!! :)[/quote] Thank you Thaeda.
  • Happy Birthday!!
  • I really needed this today. I have not been on here for about a month and I have not been following my plan. My suriversary date was Oct. 16 and I have totally fallen off of the wagon. I am up 5 lbs, my pants are feeling tight and I am really scared. I know that I have to get back to focusing on me and loving myself. You…
  • I am going to print this out and put it on my mirror in the bathroom. I love this thank you Thaeda.
  • Great job!
  • Just want to let everyone know that doing the low carb thing has worked. I am down to 168 this morning. I thought I was never going to break that 170. New goal 160. Wish me luck.
  • This is me right now. I had to make a clean break and now I have started losing. I have been stalled for 3 months losing and gaining the same 3 lbs. I have a month and a half to my 1 year surgery anniversary. I would like to be at my goal weight. I know that that the only way I can make it is to stop cheating myself.
  • I am 10 months out and can most things but sometimes that one bite too many has made me throw up. (I am writing this after my one too many bite of salad that I had for lunch.) The things I cannot tolerate are pineapple (I used to love it) and apple skin (I have to peel the apple to eat it.) I can drink soda, sometimes I…
  • Good job! Hard work definitely pays off. You are proof.
  • 10/16/14 - sleeve
  • Great job!!
  • I had my surgery in October. I have weighed 170 - 172 for 3 months now with no movement. I am going to do very strict low carb for a week and see if it breaks or if 170 - 172 is it for me. Wish me luck.
  • I am also having a hard time. I am down 50lbs and it is really hard to get focused, I have been here for 3 now with no further weight loss. I wake up every morning with the goal to get back on target and find and excuse why I have to eat a carb. (This morning it was because I had a queasy stomach from the numbing shot I…
  • Congratulations.
  • Wow. You look fantastic.
  • You look great! Have fun at the parks.
    in Photo Comment by imboswell June 2015
  • I went through the itchy thing also. My PA suggested taking a benadryl tablet, which I did for a couple of days before bed and it went away. I tend to get really itchy if i am working out and I sweat. So after a workout it is shower and benadryl.
    in itchy ?? Comment by imboswell June 2015
  • This is exactly how I feel I eat what I want when I go out just not much of it. My husband and I had a date night on Saturday and went to a very expensive steak house. I ate half of my steak and 2 pieces of asparagus and was full. The waiter boxed up my meal for me and I had 1/2 of dessert. I didn't feel guilty at all. My…
  • VSG Oct. 16, 2014 Height: 5'2 Highest weight: 217 Surgery weight: 215 Pants: 16 Tops : 1x Current: 170 Pants: 10 Tops: Large
  • Congratulations. Welcome to the other side.