HeidiCooksSupper Member


  • A diet that recommends all meat is developed by a physician so bad he loses his license. Oh, yeah, why not try it? No, eat a healthy, well balanced diet -- just less of it -- and you will lose weight.
  • I was a Diet Coke junkie but gave it up. I found the sweet flavor of diet soda just makes me hungry. It doesn't do that for everyone but I find it much easier to control what I eat by drinking unsweetened seltzers. Quitting it also made my dental hygienist happy. Yes, it was easier to clean my teeth and she noticed.
  • A plain cup of brewed coffee has fewer than 5 calories. A cup of instant coffee has somewhere between 3 and 4 calories. Many labels will say zero calories for these items because laws allow manufacturers (at least in the US) to round anything under five calories per serving to zero.
  • Hubby and I are mobility impaired and rely on instacart for grocery shopping. See if you can get groceries delivered. And, yes, the steam-in-bag veggies are wonderful. There are national brands like BirdsEye Steam Fresh but even cheaper is the Steamin' Easy brand that many grocery chains sell under their own labels. Also,…
  • Abdominal wall reconstruction should not have cut into any digestive tract organs. If constipation is the problem, make sure you get enough fiber and water. With that in mind, don't go the juice route but toward smoothies instead. Juices have little or no fiber and high sugar content by volume.
  • Stop. Take a breath. Both 154 and 174 are in the normal range for weight for a 6'1" man. A cortizone shot can cause water retention so that probably accounts for some of the weight you gained on the scale. 1700 calories are far too few for an active man like you are. Figure out how much you should be eating and do that,…
  • 25 pounds since May 8th. Cancellation of the convenience of last minute pizza, calzone and baked ziti runs has helped.
  • A smoothie including both the solids and the liquids has all the nutrients. Juice does not. Juice is hard on your blood sugar/insulin levels. Juice "cleanses" do nothing but risk damaging your gut flora. They are not a good idea. They are unhealthy. If you don't like that answer, so be it, but it is the truth.
  • I have been saving enough calories that I usually end supper with 2 oz. of mixed nuts eaten slowly like a snack. This lets me know I'm done eating. On a day like yesterday, when I didn't save enough for nuts, I find lots of seltzer water, sugar free cough drops and a hand-craft to keep me busy while watching TV help.
  • It does add some carbs but how about turning the cod into cakes (patties). I personally don't find cod to have much flavor but if you like a really mild fish, it's a good one. I'm more of a blue-fish, haddock girl, myself.
  • At between 5'5" and 5'6" and 152 pounds, you are on the border between normal and overweight. If you were to lose another 35 pounds, you would move down to the borderline between normal and UNDERweight. So, you've identified a problem with your self-assessment of your body. You think you are obese and you are not. You…
  • I've gone from 121 kg to 110 kg in about the same period of time by eating at a calorie deficit -- and I'm a lazy old lady. The only thing that correlates with weight loss long term is eating fewer calories than you expend long term. If keeping track of other things helps you keep on track, okay, but none of them is…
  • At my present weight, 91. At my hoped for weight 100 pounds from now, 98. Another good reason to lose weight. I want to outlive my money!
  • If the doctor says a pill will help, don't be afraid to take it. Getting the proper balance of an ACE inhibitor and a Beta-Blocker has my supraventricular tachycardia bigeminy totally under control and I feel MUCH better. Arrythmia kept me mentally on a hair trigger. Now the only time it gives me trouble is when I've…
  • I was a Diet Coke and a Diet Dr. Pepper junkie. I didn't want to give up bubbles so initially switched to no-cal sweetened seltzers, then to flavored, unsweetened seltzers and finally to a SodaStream machine. I'm now a total fizzy water drinker and on the rare occasion I try to drink a Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper, I find…
  • As a chef, you have an advantage. You know that experimenting and adding things to food can make them really delicious. Don't be afraid to add anything that fits in your calories. For example, riced cauliflower (I really like the Green Giant cauliflower "risotto") has very few calories and by itself lacks taste. I toss a…
  • I've been in a whoosh (pounds falling off) for a few days. During that same period of time, we've been working on a big container of double fudge brownie ice cream. Cause and effect? Is double fudge brownie ice cream the weight loss elixir we've all been looking for? What? No? Do you mean I'm losing weight over the long…
  • The only way to "gain 5 pounds overnight" is through water weight. This can happen through a variety of means but most often it has to do with salt consumption. You will pee away this weight in the next few days. If I eat takeout Chinese, I gain 4 pounds in the next 48 hours and pee it out over the next 72 or so.…
  • For the vast majority of folks who "can't lose weight," this is THE problem. We are terrible at eyeballing. The most important tool for weight loss is a food scale which can be gotten in a big box store for less than $15. You can save that just by not buying protein bars and other special "diet" foods. You can lose weight…
  • The normal weight for a 4'10" female is 91-118 pounds so you are not the least bit "chubby." In fact, you are toward the low end of weight for a woman of your height. If you think you are soft and squishy, then you need muscle definition not weight loss. In fact, were you to build your muscles, your weight may even go up a…
  • I'm losing at an average of 1.5 pounds per week but that is not to say it's been totally consistent. I've experienced plateaus and whooshes -- just not extreme ones because my life is fairly predictable and I'm too old for hormonal swings. I hope to continue this rate until I get down to overweight from morbidly obese. To…
  • After watching Clara make her pizza, it's all I can do to keep from heading into the kitchen and starting some bread dough!
  • There are a gazillion seated exercise videos on youtube. Yes, a lot of them are for seniors but some of them are pretty vigorous. Try them until you can exercise on your ankle. You also might ask for a referral to someone who deals with sports medicine to see if taping or a brace would help.
  • I'm a morbidly obese, 69-year-old with type II diabetes. I don't want Covid because it's a horrible disease and my stats mean I have increased risk of dire outcomes like death. So, what do I do? I wear a mask over both my mouth and nose whenever I leave the apartment. I wash my hands with soap and water. I practice social…
  • No. It would be simpler not to log what I eat and sit like a couch potato all the time. I'm very familiar with that way of living. It's how I got to have a circumference roughly equal to my height. I also felt weak and incapable of doing much so everything else seemed hard. Changing the eating habits of a lifetime is hard.…
  • I think that's what most of us are doing. Isn't that the whole idea behind controlling weight on MFP? I know, some folks add in other things that help them in terms of eating schedule or what they eat but in general, aren't we all just controlling our calorie intake/usage.
  • Split them up or don't in a way that works for you. Some folks do three meals a day, some graze all day, some do one meal a day (OMAD). Some intermittent fast-ers eat at only during a set amount of time per day, some intermittent fast-ers eat more on some days and less on others. The only thing that matters for weight loss…
  • We all wish physicians had more nutrition lectures in med school -- or even a whole course. Since that's not the case, congratulations to you for trying to learn more about it while you have so many other things pulling at you for attention! One of my favorite sources for good nutritional information is Harvard School of…
  • I've made a pizza-like substance with a spinach crust. It was good. It was not pizza. We get a DiGiorno's Rising Crust pizza and I still eat half of it but I log the calories and figure it's one of those "OVER" days where I'm not going to lose weight. We haven't gotten a pizza from any of our favorite local purveyors since…
  • If 16:8 works for you, GREAT! If you find it isn't keeping you satisfied, remember there are other ways to apportion your food intake, 16:8 is just one. Many people try one way and, if it doesn't work for them, they throw up their hands and say, "I can't lose the weight." Whereas, the thing to do is try something else. As…