

  • #1-Being overweight is better than severe depression or severe mania,'IMHO #2-Find a quality bipolar support group #3-Make sure you are seeing a quality Psychiatrist for these meds.'DO NOT go to a family Dr for these types of prescriptions. #4-Make sure you are seeing a quality Therapist/Counselor to talk with regularly.…
  • Walking is such a great way to exercise when you are fighting a 'funk'. I hope you can find someplace pretty to walk, that's a help. Thanks for being honest, I have a 1 week funk going on :/. I hope to post tomorrow that I have gotten out and taken a walk, hope to hear that you have too!
  • I am getting started (again) to finding how to use MFP as a help to my fitness. I am in the 50s, female and wanting to lose 50 # category, so I will Friend Request similar. However, this looks to be a 'thread' only. Has anyone set it up as an actual 'group' in the settings?
  • Thanks for the tips on logging meals.
  • Lately, we have been having fruit n vegie smoothies for dinner. It has surprised me that I am not so hungry. We put some type of non-GMO soybean powder in and it is supposed to help you get full. It is expensive, though. I also load my smoothie up w broccoli stems n raw greens, a little juice for flavor. I was theorizing…
  • A full body mirror near the shower is helpful for denial :) Mine told me "it's time to get serious about this love affair with chocolate" You've made a good start! Now, I'm going to look for "the biggest loser", never seen it ;)
  • Hi, I moved to the city last summer so can no longer produce my own raw milk. We do have some leads and might be getting some again soon. We get a local, organic CSA box each week and it is a great help in getting vegetables in the diet. My roommate is very focused on using each week's veggies before the new box comes. We…
  • A few years ago I worked very hard on a WAPF/Eat Fat to Lose Fat diet, even to the point of getting dairy goats to have my own raw milk. I saw from EFTLF, it was more important to build my health than lose weight. The healthy oils greatly improved my emotional health and stamina. However, I have never lost any weight :(…
  • I nursed all 6 of mine, and enjoyed the closeness and bonding, as well as knowing they were getting the best nutrition. I remember my sister researching and finding that your body wants to hold onto the weight for about 4 mos. I would definitely think about 'what' I was eating, sodas and cinnamon rolls will do your baby no…
  • Stevia! I have a jar for home use and have packets by 'Now' brand that I carry w me in a zip-type snack bag. It is from an herb and not a man-made chemical.