Anti anxiety pills and weight loss?

Hi, I am 21 I suffer from bipolar disorder I believe type 2 but I am unfortunately still unsure. I only had a form of 'psychosis' when I was 15 and first went on perphenzaine which didn't cause the weight gain because the mood stabilizer did but it cause involuntary movements of my tongue and mouth so that had to be stopped! It did, then I went on olanzapine which caused a little more but I was combatting it with more exercise-mostly walking than i am doing now (mostly because it's bad weather and I don't own a car so I can't go to a YMCA nearby and I don't have the money for a gym) so I just use the wii fitness game I have for mainly long yoga sessions or a mixture of yoga and kickboxing so far. I know it's not enough to lose the weight fast enough but I am HOPING that there is a possibility of being on an anti anxiety pill such as Topomax or hydoxyzine or Xanax that could give me more energy and possible or probably weight loss.

My question is has anyone else been on these before?

I know a lot of people say that Wellbutrin is great, even a miracle drug to some people but I still have to discuss it with my doctor. I worry that it won't do enough for my anxiety as I have pretty high levels but also experience depression with self harm. I am even In a complicated relationship and have rapid cycling with complete loss of self esteem so I think my 'boyfriend' who I do love always likes other girls or wants me to be a lot different and better than I am. Anyways, this post isn't about my relationship, but basically I feel so bad as if I am over 209 lbs again as I was before or even if I had the biggest nose in town where I just want to disappear because I think nobody likes me and I don't like or love myself. :( please let me know I just wouldn't want to be on a med that caused too much weight loss and worse side effects for my health. But on the other hand it's better than gaining more weight and it causing more issues for my health. I have never been considered thin before. Just average or slightly overweight or very overweight maybe even obese when I was about 215lbs I don't know what that's considered as. Well, I hear Topomax can do that cause a lot of weight loss but maybe harmful side effects, anybody else really know?


  • Bethany0214
    Bethany0214 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't know much about the pills you have described, other than xanax which being an anti-anxiety pill all it does is calm you down and if anything make you tired, not energetic.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Mental illness, especially bipolar disorder is NOT a subject that you should be getting advice from on the internet dear.

    Please talk to your doctor and discuss what meds are right for you and your symptoms. It takes a while to get the right med combination for each individual person.

    After you have the right combination of meds down, then come here to find the help and support for your diet and fitness needs.
  • beccas27
    beccas27 Posts: 200 Member
    Hello.. I am sorry about ur anxiety. I too suffer from constant worrying etc.. I have heard that Wellbutrin is a GREAT pill for depression/weight loss & even to stop smoking. As far as xanax goes that is more of a chill-out kind of pill. It won't give u any energy whatsoever. The main thing is having people to talk to when u are having down days, We ALL have them but when you suffer from anxiety or bi-polar it's hard for some people to understand. The main thing is try to stay positive & keep ur mind/body busy with activities as much as u can. :)
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Can't help with the weight loss and meds question, but I gotta ask- are you getting counseling as well as meds for your condition?
    Your post was kinda all over the place and hard to understand. Sometimes meds and combinations of meds, can cause confusion and difficulty focusing. Hopefully all your meds are being prescribed by the same doctor, and you are working closely with a counselor at the same time.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    A blogging friend has quite a bit of experience in this area ... you could check out her blog and I'm sure she'd be happy to exchange experiences.

    I hear of some drugs helping with weight loss, yet others causing weight gain.

    I have some minor anxiety, things I can just avoid (so I generally do) but it is getting a bit worse in my old age. My mom and SIL had a little "intervention" over Christmas, wanting me to at least talk to a doctor and see if some medication or counselling would help. I haven't gotten around to it yet (switching insurance and such with the new year) ... and of course just the thought of talking to the doctor is anxiety inducing *Ü* but I do know I've struggled with the weight loss, so I'd definitely want to look into any side-effects before starting something ...
  • HomesteadHoney
    #1-Being overweight is better than severe depression or severe mania,'IMHO
    #2-Find a quality bipolar support group
    #3-Make sure you are seeing a quality Psychiatrist for these meds.'DO NOT go to a family Dr for these types of prescriptions.
    #4-Make sure you are seeing a quality Therapist/Counselor to talk with regularly. Your train of thought is rambling and you should let your Dr know. The best way I know of to find 'quality' Psychiatrists and therapists is to ask around for recomendations at a good support group.
    When your moods are stable, then you can focus more on weight-loss :)
    I wish you all the best, keep fighting and you can overcome these difficulties! It took many years, but I did!