I Had Just Given Up and Didn't Leave The House For Months..

I am finally starting to come a bit out of an almost year long funk.. I went for my very first walk in over six months yesterday.. I could barely walk a mile and had use allot of motivational self talk constantly to keep going. I feel beyond depressed and very self conscious about the way I look. I know exercise will help and I am going to try my best to get out every day now. Right now I vehemently don't want to but I've got all my walking stuff together and an audio book loaded and hope that will motivate me enough to get out every day.. this is what I USED to do and I was pretty successful with it.
I've done some research on depression and have a bottle of 5HTP and am starting that tonight.

This AM I weighed in at 230 pounds. I am taking back control.. I know it won't be easy that's why I am reaching out. I am not a good group person "in real life" but hopefully I will be able to open up here and get the help both diet wise and emotionally that I need.

I used to be an incredibly strong, fun person. I have a home based business and staying home and never leaving the house has been WAY too easy.

I've decided counting calories is for me because over the last two years I have tried WAY too many extreme diet regimens and have no progress truly to show for it. I need easy and something doable in the long term. I feel a little hopeful but honestly I need so much work!!! mentally and physically.

So here I am.. another newbie. I am glad to be here.


  • SprackleMe
    SprackleMe Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! I hope you can find lots of encouragement and advice on here. I'm pretty new to this but we all have to start somewhere right? Good for you for making the decision to take back your life. You can do it!
  • karenh
    karenh Posts: 44 Member
    I'm not new to MFP but I'm new to making friends here and I think it really helps to have support from others who are struggling with you and understand you. I admire your strength and bravery to post about your struggle, it is not easy. I struggle with depression that is worse during the winter. Exercise can help. You are doing things right and you can keep it up! Feel free to friend me...
  • Katz135
    Katz135 Posts: 22
    Welcome!! You've made the first steps by joining here and going for a walk. I too am over 200 pounds and can be self concious about it at times. There are other times I really don't care. But it has to be about what you think and no one else. The compliments are nice but not a necessity.
  • Katz135
    Katz135 Posts: 22
    Also you can add me as a friend if you want to
  • HomesteadHoney
    Walking is such a great way to exercise when you are fighting a 'funk'. I hope you can find someplace pretty to walk, that's a help.
    Thanks for being honest, I have a 1 week funk going on :/. I hope to post tomorrow that I have gotten out and taken a walk, hope to hear that you have too!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    My Fitness Pal is so easy if you do it right. For me, my only regret was not doing it sooner.

    Forget extreme diets. It's very important that you don't make yourself miserable. Because when you're miserable, you will give up and probably eat food for comfort. So set your goal to lose no more than a pound a week. Eat under this number without counting your walks. Then walk, and let all the calories you burn go right to weight-loss. If you're really hungry and want to eat a little extra some days, go ahead - as long as you stay under your goal.

    Do this, and the weight will surely start to drop off. As it does, you'll feel so much better and your walks will get so much easier. You'll feel better about yourself. The success will motivate you to keep going - and you'll build this positive spiral that feeds on itself.

    But for now, just take it one day at a time. Make tomorrow an awesome day.
  • Pete0725
    Pete0725 Posts: 36 Member
    I had similar feelings, thought maybe I would just stay out-of-shape for the rest of my life. But, as you, one day I decided to make a change. I started off walking my two dogs for 30 minutes a day. Built it up to 2-2 mile walks per day (pending weather conditions).

    You are taking the first step, just don't give up on yourself.
  • Tabbycat54
    Tabbycat54 Posts: 98 Member
    Feel free to friend me! I am actually (even though it says I've been here a while) very new to MFP myself.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Oh honey! You don't have to live like that! There's some really great therapists out there...all you need to do is find one that you connect with! And medications do wonders for depression and anxiety! It's great that you're starting to take by your health! For people with mild to moderate depression, 30 minutes of exercise a day is equivalent to a low dose of antidepressant. Try to establish a good support network to help you on your down days.