lonna985 Member


  • I just restarted back on the journey this week so I haven't really thought about short goal rewards yet. But my big goal is to have a weight loss of 60 to 70 pounds by November 2015. At that time I am planning on going on my first cruise. And I really want to be able to enjoy myself and try new things. But I know I will…
  • Great job! I know I am just taking it one day at a time. Slowly feeling better.
  • Well just went a little over the 1200 calories but no biggie as I earned extra calories from exercise that will cover that. Got in over 10,000 steps today so doing good. Will weight in in the morning and see how I have done for this first week back on track.
  • Ok did ok with the eating today. I think I have been clean today the only thing that may have been a little off would be the natural peanut butter. But other wise doing ok. Still a few steps short but will get those in before bedtime.
  • Thanks for the post! Good job on those steps. I know it took all I had yesterday to get mine in. Don't know if I will make it today or not. Just not feeling to well today. But going to do the best I can. How wonderful to be able to go and buy new jeans in a smaller size. I am needing new jeans just for the fact that the…
  • Todays totals steps: 5256 miles 2.69 calories 1882 plenty of water and no cheese
  • queenegreene great job on yesterdays steps. I am betting once you get to that 8,000 you will push on to the 10,000 just think that is only 2,000 more steps! Have a great one and keep on moving.
  • Reached todays goals Total steps 5384 and drank 6 bottles @16.8 oz Who knows what tomorrow will bring!
  • Great job queenegreene I bet you can do it again today. One day I will be hitting that 10,000 steps everyday but I do believe that it is going to take some time. But every extra step is a step in the right direction.
  • Day is done! I only missed getting up and walking once and that was between the hours of 9-10 at that time I was with my manager cutting locks for our next auction. Then getting the certified letters ready to be mailed out. So my breakdown for the day Steps:7944 I am sure I can get this up to 8000 before bed Miles: 4…
  • So how has everyone day been so far. I have been doing really good still have about 500 calories to eat and not really hungry. Still need to get my 15 mins in on the mini tramp yet. Will be back soon with a final count for the day.
  • Ok day is done stayed with in my calories today. Steps goal met with a total of 5453 and 1800 calories burned. Happy with this day. So how did you do today?
  • Welcome Cassi looking forward to getting to know you. Hope we can be a help to one another.
  • Thanks for stepping up to answer selfmom5's question crazeeally. I really had no idea how to answer that question and I hate to see any ones questions not answered. I think we are starting to form a helpful group here.
  • Thank you for joining me on this journey. I know that with the help of each other we will be able to do this. I know we will all hit a bump or two along the way. But it is time to take control of my life once again and not let the fat win.
    in Hello Comment by lonna985 September 2013
  • About 40 miles from the Big Easy, New Orleans, LA