

  • Oh my, I cannot imagine a day without cottage cheese - it's definitely one of my favorite products. I eat it for breakfast with all kinds of yoghurt OR/AND raisins, nuts, dried fruit OR/AND honey - if I want something sweet. I eat it with salt, parsley, garlic and pepper - if I don't want anything sweet. I also make…
  • If I want to eat something - I eat it. You couldn't possibly want a chocolate cake or a hamburger EVERY day for a month, right? The most important thing is to figure out if you REALLY want the thing you think you want. Sometimes when I'm not sure I decide - if I still want it tomorrow, I'll eat it. And sometimes I do and…
  • Oh yes. It's been 4 days of non-stop eating for me. Especially chocolate non-stop eating. I feel very disappointed in myself, doubting that I even CAN start fresh. I've been so good for ~9 weeks...
  • Same here. I eat tons of fruit, dried fruit (dates, dried apricots, prunes), & fat-free natural yoghurt and my sugar is always twice as much as my goal. I have no idea what to do about it, because I really don't feel like cutting down on my fruits & dried fruits & yoghurt.
    in Sugar?? Comment by ValleryK March 2012
  • I think it depends on how often you eat junk food. I love junk food, and I allow myself to eat it if I'm really craving it & I still lose weight, however, mostly I'd rather eat 6 meals a day of healthy food than one meal of junk food.
  • I'd say that if it makes you feel good & improves your health, and most importantly, if you actually enjoy it - go for it. I used to do an hour + of cardio every time I went to the gym, but after a few months I started feeling that I don't want to go to the gym anymore, because it's too hard and too time consuming. So now…
  • Yes. You should stick to one set of scales, put it in the same place & wear the same clothes!
  • I actually started eating 2 breakfasts a few weeks ago. First, at home, is either baked apple, oats with cottage cheese & dried fruit, sometimes even soup with rye bread. And the second breakfast is a couple of hours later when I'm at work, and it's usually something small with coffee - an egg, 100g cottage cheese, an…
  • I ALWAYS take "too skinny" as a complement, because I know I can never actually become "too skinny", due to my unconditional love of chocolate!
  • Obviously, this is highly subjective, but those are the things that work for me: 1) No more than 300-350g per meal. Sometimes it's even less. So - small portions. 2) 6 meals a day. Three "bigger" meals - breakfast, lunch & dinner, plus 3 smaller meals - Snacks. Snacks are usually some tea/kefir/yoghurt with 3-4 dried…
  • I don't cook, but ex & me used to manage to find some kind of a compromise. He cooks/I do the dishes. He cooks meat/I make salad. He cooks/I go to the store. Sometimes we played poker on who's cooking.
  • I'd say just continue doing what you were doing before. I know how it is - when you see the results and don't want to ruin them, but celebrating something, or going out for dinner on occassion won't ever spoil your results, because it doesn't happen every day. You're allowed to treat yourself from time to time! (:
  • You can definitely lose weight without exercising. I've been eating healtier and ~1200kcal for 5 weeks now & I've lost ~4 kilos during that time. Right now I have so much energy that I actually start to WANT to work out, but finding the time is also a problem for me. Anyway, as I see it, food is just as important, and…
  • I basically have an 8-week Menu, suggested by a dietician. It's not exactly a diet, just a balanced Menu so my body will get everything it needs in a week. So yes, right now I fill out MFP in the morning. It is actually really helpful, because when I don't have a plan, I eat anything I see. And when I have a plan, I…
  • Definitely, 100% YES. Though not only new clothes. Now I'm also buying things like skating-rink tickets for the day, massage, yoga etc.