Eat what u want...



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I tend to limit myself a bit. Before if I want a cookie or something, I would usually take the packet and just sit there eating them without thinking. This site has helped me limit the amount of junk food I eat. I usually put down what I'm going to eat for Dinner in the morning. If I know that my Dinner isn't going to be too high in calories and I say, had calories left from the previous day or two, I will consider treating myself.

    Like last night, I craved chocolate. I find some leftover Dark Chocolate 74% Cocoa. There was like 3 and a half pieces left. Each piece of 55kcal. I had it and that was that. Sadly my parents decided they wanted Toblerone... I had never tried it before and it was quite big. I had one triangle, but I stopped at that. I went over my calorie limit by 41 calories, so it's not that bad, but the day before I had almost 400 calories left.

    I'm not trying to lose weight anymore, I'm trying to build muscle, so I have eat a bit more. I'm getting my protein, I'm strength training and I'm doing cardio. It's better than sitting on my a*** and eating a whole packet of Maryland Cookies.
    Maryland Cookies. I had to look that up.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    yep. I eat what I want, exercise, hit calorie goals and lose just fine.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Lol. British cookies, made in the good old United Kingdom :D
  • ValleryK
    ValleryK Posts: 16
    If I want to eat something - I eat it.
    You couldn't possibly want a chocolate cake or a hamburger EVERY day for a month, right?
    The most important thing is to figure out if you REALLY want the thing you think you want. Sometimes when I'm not sure I decide - if I still want it tomorrow, I'll eat it. And sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
  • ryvenna
    ryvenna Posts: 83 Member
    hell, yeah!!!

    just make sure that you eat PLENTY of fruits, vegs, complex carbs, and healthy protein. i eat beans, yogurt, cheese, nuts, and white meat almost every day, and i get about 5+ servings of different colored fruits and vegetables. i aim to eat at least 100 g of protein and 30 g of fiber, while keeping my sodium below 2500.

    i also don't deprive myself of pizza, since it's one of my favorite food indulgences! i have my own delicious pizza dough recipe:

    Oil - Olive, 1 tsp 40 0 5 0 0 0
    Yeast - Baker's, active dry, 1 tsp 12 2 0 2 4 1
    Honey, 0.33 tbsp 21 6 0 0 0 0
    Gold Medal - Unbleached All-Purpose Flour, 1 1/2 cup (30 g) 600 132 0 18 36 6
    (random note: i also add 1/2 tsp oregano and 1/2 tsp basil to the dough, for flavor)

    whenever i make it, i split it with my boyfriend (we each eat half a pizza), and the calories for the dough per person= 337! with cheese and sauce and toppings, i never exceed 450 cals and i eat half a very large, thin crust, tasty pizza.

    this isn't to say i never eat other pizzas; yesterday, i ate an entire kashi pesto pizza by myself lol ;]

    other times, my boyfriend and i walk about 2 miles downtown to get new york style pizza. om nom nom. it's nice, because you then walk back home, and don't feel as guilty, having found a way to incorporate some good ol' exercise into an indulgent meal.