
Hey everyone! Im unsure as to how to stay under my sugar goal everyday. Even when I have calories left over, Im ALWAYS over my sugar goal, everyday! Will this stop me from losing weight?

Is anyone else having this issue? Any feedback would be appreciated!




  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    Besides fruit, where are you getting your sugar? How much fruit are you consuming?
  • Well I wasnt doing too good with my eating habits the last few weeks, but today, I put in everything Im going to eat today, and Im over, Today Im eating, grapes, light yoplait yogurt, nutri-grain bar. Things like that, and after I logged it, my sugar is over.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    If you maintain a calorie deficit you should still lose weight. Don't worry too much about natural sugars found in whole natural foods like fruit and milk. If your sugar is coming from other sources, try to cut back.
  • If you maintain a calorie deficit you should still lose weight. Don't worry too much about natural sugars found in whole natural foods like fruit and milk. If your sugar is coming from other sources, try to cut back.

    Oh ok, that make's sense. I didn't know that I shouldn't worry too much about natural sugars! Thank you for letting me know! :)
  • klea13
    klea13 Posts: 1
    Grapes, yogurt and granola bars are all very high in sugars. I agree with what the person before me said about trying to keep your sources as natural as possible. Also, you will still lose weight if you are burning more calories than you take in but I find that I lose a lot more/feel better in general if I keep my sugar to no more than 15 grams a day. (google belly fat cure for more info)
  • sgbeck
    sgbeck Posts: 9
    I'm having the same problem. I'm not eating bad sugars and I'm still losing so I'm not worried about it anymore. I get most of my sugars from fruit, quaker oats, greek yogurt and organic granola. I also like a Kashi granola bar once in awhile. I figured as long as I'm under my calories everyday I'm not going to worry about the sugars. Good luck :)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Well I wasnt doing too good with my eating habits the last few weeks, but today, I put in everything Im going to eat today, and Im over, Today Im eating, grapes, light yoplait yogurt, nutri-grain bar. Things like that, and after I logged it, my sugar is over.
    Yoplait yogurt and nutri-grain bars are processed foods and loaded with refined sugar. Compare the nutrition labels of yogurt and choose one with less sugar, plain (not flavored) greek versions.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I'm over on my sugar everyday too and so far I'm still losing weight. My sugar is often not the "good" sugar either, I have a horrible sweet tooth! At this point I'm not too concerned with it.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    A lot of yogurt even healthy greek yogurt have like 12 grams of sugar in it. I try to eat fruit at least 2-3 times a day and just by that it'll put you over. I agree with others as long as it's natural good sugars coming from fruit, yogurt or milk you'll be okay. I do try to look for sugar free products from time to time as well.
  • tami7447
    tami7447 Posts: 23 Member
  • ValleryK
    ValleryK Posts: 16
    Same here. I eat tons of fruit, dried fruit (dates, dried apricots, prunes), & fat-free natural yoghurt and my sugar is always twice as much as my goal. I have no idea what to do about it, because I really don't feel like cutting down on my fruits & dried fruits & yoghurt.
  • BarreGirl
    BarreGirl Posts: 11 Member
    I agree that healthy sugars are ok - apples are high sugar and I don't know anyone that is "unhealthy" for eating apples. However, I'd watch the processed sugar. The nutrigrain bars are very high in sugar, and while I am all about portable food, my weight loss seems to slow significantly when I'm high sugar - especially when it's sugar from things like nutrigrain bars, salad dressings, and other packaged foods.

    I'd take a couple of days and keep your sugar to right where it recommends, play with your food choices to get it down and see if you feel better and have a better weight loss.

    Sodium can also have a crazy inpact.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I also try to keep my carb avg. under 100 and my sugar lower, plus the processed foods you eat contain a lot of sodium and you will have a constant retention of water because you're not drinking enough water to flush out the sodium. Peaked at your diary. JMHO too..
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Your yogurt and Nutri grain bars were the downfall. I eat plain Greek yogurt, and it has 9 g of sugars for a whole 8 oz cup. If you try getting yourself to eat that instead, it may help.

    As for the nutrigrain bar with 12 g of sugars... maybe just eat some actual cereal with an unsweetened almond milk? I can eat a bowl of fiber one original cereal with unsweetened almond milk for under 100 calories, no sugars, and lots of good fiber in it.

    As for me, I don't actually look at or pay attention to my sugars because I know that most of my sugars are come from fruits and veggies. :)
  • If you maintain a calorie deficit you should still lose weight. Don't worry too much about natural sugars found in whole natural foods like fruit and milk. If your sugar is coming from other sources, try to cut back.

    Ditto this. :smile: And when you have a moment or two....just check out how many grams of sugars are in those "so called" health and protein bars. Some are HUGE sugar sources. :noway: And the high fructose corn syrup isn't the best nutrition source, either. :wink: It's hard to stay away from that stuff unless one is an avid label reader.

    Wishing you the best!! Believe you can....and you will. It's all in the ATTITUDE~:happy:

  • Thank you ALL for the replies!! I appreciate them! :) You all have given me great advice!!

    Thanks again!
