Filling breakfast foods?



  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I have to have a good amount of protein at breakfast to keep me full until lunch. So it's either Greek yogurt mixed with cereal or (if I have time) and egg with some laughing cow cheese on a lite English muffin or sandwich thin. This keeps me full until lunch.

    Can you bring an apple or some carrot sticks or something to munch on midmorning?
  • I guess it depends on what you like in the morning. I have found a protein bar that I love and is very feeling. It's called Muscle Brownie and to me taste like a brownie instead of the funky grainy taste you get with other protein bars. It has 20g of protein and 340 calories. It's really filling, so I find myself eating half. It holds me for several hours. I'm not a big breakfast eater. Mostly just coffee. But when I am hungry, grabbing one of these are quick and easy! Hope this helps!
  • The only thing that makes me not want to eat is an APPLE. a big red apple. keeps me full.
  • ksyrnyk
    ksyrnyk Posts: 53 Member
    I agree on the Quaker oats. Put a little skim milk, cinnamon, and sugar twin brown sugar on it. Very few extra calories. It is a clean carb, and lots of protein. Definitely helps me make it through my morning. Good luck!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Eggs for me, please. Breakfast of choice: 1 Buena Vida whole grain tortilla, fried a few seconds till slightly crispy, 2 eggs (or egg beaters, but I prefer eggs), 1/2C salsa mixed with a little water, brought to a simmer. Pour that over the eggs n tortilla, and voila!

    Sometimes I'll add: Spinach. Cheese. Ham. Bacon (rarely). Lean ground beef. Peppers/onions/tomatoes. Avocadoes. Light sour cream.

    I think you get the idea.

  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have steel cut (Irish/Scottish oats) for breakfast. I have a tiny crockpot and what I do before I go to bed is put a 1/4 cup of oats, a cup of water, a pinch of salt and some dried fruit in the crock pot right before I go to bed and wake up to yummy oatmeal in the morning. I have them with a drop of milk, maybe a teaspoon of smart balance, and a splenda packet. If the fruit agrees with it, I'll sprinkle on a little cinamon.

    The important thing is buy UNSULFITED fruit or you'll ruin your oatmeal. Unsweetened if you can find it too, but it doesn't ruin the oatmeal like the sulfited fruit.

    I have this maybe 5-6 days a week and either eat something healthy out or make eggs & turkey bacon, the other days.

    Oh and PAM your crockpot as it will make cleanup much, much easier.
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    I would recommend trying a Kashi GOLEAN Crunchy Protein & Fiber Bar if they have them where you're located. They have Chocolate Peanut & Chocolate Almond flavors that I've seen. It's bigger than your average bar, so you're literally eating more, plus the protein & fiber really keeps me fuller longer. Plus, it will be easy for you to grab & go. I'm going to the store tonight to pick up more! :)
  • I tend to alternate having:

    50g of porridge oats with 120ml semi skimmed milk and a bit of water then microwave on full power for two minutes and add 3 sachets of truvia sugar substitute.


    2 soft boiled eggs with 2 slices of Nimble wholemeal toast with 10g of Bertolli light spread.

    I also add a piece of fruit and a cup of coffee. I find that I get hungry again about 4 hours later by which time it's nearly lunch time! I also try to drink at least 2 glasses of water before lunch and if I get really hungry before lunch I have a snack of mini pretzels as they take forever me to eat and stop the cravings!

    Good luck :-)
  • ksyrnyk
    ksyrnyk Posts: 53 Member
    I like this breakfast, too. (poached eggs on english muffin for me). To save a few calories, cut the yolk out. You also don't get all the cholesteral - a healthier way to eat.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Why not at 10am have a snack of a piece of fruit - like and apple and some peanut butter, or yogurt and granola.
  • If I have time to cook-

    Poached egg on a pile of wilted spinach with a tomato.

    If not (Which before work during the week, usually not)
    A glass of non fat milk-followed up around 10 AM by a banana or apple.

    However, today we grabbed panera bread for breakfast (fiance with the power breakfast sandwhich) and me with the fruit smoothie...

    I've found smoothies an excellent breakfast alternative when I'm in the mood. (Better to make homemade) And you can do a higher protein (banana peanut butter!) if need be, or just keep it simple. OR grab some bolthouse smoothies...
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    Oatmeal is good... but i find it doesn't always keep me full. Found a suggestion on here to add an egg, or egg substitute into it, and have found it keeps me fuller for longer.
    If you search on the recipe forum for "Clean Breakfast Oatmeal" or something along those lines... theres a recipe for "instant" (minute or minute and a half in the micro) oatmeal with egg in it... add whatever fruit or flavouring you like and you've got a quick filling breakfast. :)
  • You could try this, I used to do it as I was never very hungry in the morning, but would be at work about 9am.
    I had a multivitamin dissolved in water, or sometimes a multivitamin juice drink when I got up at 7am. Then at 9.30am I would get some eggs or fruit in the cafeteria. I'm not sure how good of an idea it is but it seemed to work for me. Otherwise if I have a bigger breakfast I just seem hungrier at 10 - 11am.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    Personally I like to eat egg omelets w/ lots of veggies added it ... plus a piece of fruit . I normally make it the night before because i like to sleep as much as possible in the morning =) ... Another quick one I like, is you take a whole wheat wrap, spread it with some peanut butter (about 1 tbsp or a little more) .. and add 1/2 of a sliced apple (as thin slices as you can get it) .. roll it up & eat it .. and eat the rest of the apple plain (or, if you can fit the whole apple sliced into the wrap go for it lol .. i never can though!)

    Or try a protein shake .. you may be a person who just doesnt like to handle solid food early in the day because it makes your metabolism go ... which could be adding to the feeling of being hungry.

    Good luck !!!
  • I actually started eating 2 breakfasts a few weeks ago. First, at home, is either baked apple, oats with cottage cheese & dried fruit, sometimes even soup with rye bread. And the second breakfast is a couple of hours later when I'm at work, and it's usually something small with coffee - an egg, 100g cottage cheese, an apple, a banana (awesome for energy and very filling, plus, tastes great with coffee), some nuts & raisins, sometimes just 20g (~6 pieces) of bitter chocolate etc.
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    I just started eating a high fiber english muffin with a tbs of peanut butter, a tbs of apple butter and a sliced half a banana. I used to go through the hungry phase but it only last for about a week or so until your body gets used to it. At least that was my experience. Good luck!
  • Oatmeal is good because it's a good source of fibre which is filling as is protein so you can try adding some protein powder to it. I mix half a scoop of protein powder into my oatmeal when I have it and I find that helps keep me satisfied for about 3-3.5 hours. I start to get hungry just before lunch, but that's to be expected. I also have some fruit at breakfast, which you may want to add later when you get used to eating in the morning.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    2 egg whites, 1 whole egg scrambled and a slice of w/w toast with pb keeps me going for under 300 calories. Also try some Kashi cereals 1 cup cereal +1 cup milk + fruit of choice will keep me going way passed normal lunch time if i'm running late. It has so much protein and fibre per serving. They are all really tasty too! Oatmeal (even quaker packets) made with milk instead of water will keep me full, but the kinda you have to really cook are much better for you

    I should also add, you don't HAVE to eat breakfast food for breakfast. I sometimes grab dinner leftovers for breakfast (i always pre measure leftover servings when putting away for easy grabbing).

    For the days i'm really rushed I have researched what's ok to grab at my local Tim Hortons if i HAVE TO - like their egg white sandwich (hold the cheese) for 200calories or a fruit and yogurt parfait. That way if i have to grab a takeiut breakfast i can still make a good choice.

    I also try to keep a handful of natural almonds in my lunch bag for if i'm really ravenous to tide me over.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    Hmm, you might try having some whole grain waffles, with maybe some sort of fruit, and maybe 1/4 a cup of egg beaters??? YOu want to make sure you have a balance of proteins and carbs, and add fruits/vegies to bulk it up without adding too many extra calories.

    I like to make my breakfasts ahead of time like on Sunday night. I do what I call a breakfast casserole. I take a cup of shredded hashbrowns cook them in a pan sprayed with olive oil spray until they start getting their golden brown color, then I add some bell peppers (any color) and onions, cook until the onions start to carmelize, I add 1 cup of egg beaters and about 4 tablespoons of salsa and cook until the eggs are thoroughly cooked. Put in 4 different containers top with an oz of 2% fat cheddar cheese and voila!!!

    I like to eat this with a coule of corn tortillas, and it keeps me satisfied until my next meal. Granted, I eat 6 small meals a day, spreading my calories throughout the day, so I don't allow myself to go too long without eating a meal. :)
  • jodee_donavan
    jodee_donavan Posts: 51 Member
    It depends on what kind of eating plan you are on.
    I am on a low carb diet- that said- oats and yogurt are out for now
    I do eggs and a meat protein- but if that doesn't satisfy you for about 3 hours- you could try a 1/2 of a deli flat and tablespoon of peanut butter- that is usually my preworkout snack- 1hr before I go workout and it gives me energy to get through my workout like a champ with energy to spare.

    But you should not go longer than 3-4 hours between meals- you need to have a snack between breakfast and lunch- to keep your blood sugar even- so perhaps with that wonderful water you are drinking- you should add a mid morning snack (cheese stick, some almonds- I wouldn't do fruit- it will spike my blood and make me more hungry)- I would do that before tweaking what you are eating in the am- because eggs is a good start to the day.

    eat more frequently and keep up the great job:flowerforyou: