All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    1. Don't give up. You can do this never believe that you can't. Its not a race it's a lifestyle change it'll happen just keep going
    2. Drown yourself in water I'm serious Ive never drank so much water in my life
    3. Log everything that goes in your mouth
    4. Move around at least half an hour for five days a week
    5. If you have a binge day you just start again the next day. It happens and then you move on

    above all be pateint.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Tip # 1 drink the recommended 8 glasses or more water per day.. it flushes u out helps with appetite and really helps with weight loss!
    Tip # 2 burn more calories than u consume!
    Tip # 3 keep yourself accountable log everything everyday don't cheat yourself! That cake\ candy bar\ cookie\ fried food isn't worth it!

    Remember you are worth it!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Tip # 1 drink the recommended 8 glasses or more water per day.. it flushes u out helps with appetite and really helps with weight loss!
    Tip # 2 burn more calories than u consume!
    Tip # 3 keep yourself accountable log everything everyday don't cheat yourself! That cake\ candy bar\ cookie\ fried food isn't worth it!

    Remember you are worth it!

    Nice if it' working - but there is no such recommendation - but an old experiment which is now totally obsolete. Drink more - less, doesn't matter at all - drink when you feel you need to ;)
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Works for me so I recommend it
  • Surround yourself with people who encourage, motivate, and will work with you to achieve your goals...I agree with logging everything you eat...fruits and vegetables...whole foods not only help with the weight loss, but will help the inside of your body's not just about the loss of lbs, but about making the whole you healthy...
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    1.log food and execise( all even if u walk to ur local shop intead of taking the car)
    2.drink lots of water and sleep at least 7-8hours( i know its hard with kids and a job- took me a while to there)
    3.Take codliver oil caps and multi vitamins daily ( i feel slugish and tired when i miss mine out)
    4.go to gym or classes with friends or family ( u will want to go so nt to let them down)
    5.get the kids involved- take them swimming,bike rides, walks, get them to help you cook soups, salads ect
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    For me, planning has been key. When I'm doing it right (which isn't always by any means!) I prepare all of my lunches for the week on a sunday, and know what I have available for dinners. When I get into work in the morning, I enter everything into my planner, and then I know what I have left for snacks etc.

    Exercise is also definitely important for me, I tend to lose a lot more consistently when I am exercising on a regular basis.

    Finally, don't let one bad meal or snack ruin your day, don't let one bad day ruin your week, and so on. When you go off track, as most people inevitably will, just get back on it as soon as you possibly can.
  • Obviously, this is highly subjective, but those are the things that work for me:

    1) No more than 300-350g per meal. Sometimes it's even less. So - small portions.
    2) 6 meals a day. Three "bigger" meals - breakfast, lunch & dinner, plus 3 smaller meals - Snacks. Snacks are usually some tea/kefir/yoghurt with 3-4 dried apricots/prunes/nuts/raisins or fruit/fruit salad, or on some days coffee with 20g dark (70% cocoa) chocolate.
    3) Routine - my meals take place more or less at the same time every day.
    4) Water. A LOT of it. I'm not sure what is the reasoning behind the advice to drink at least 8 glasses per day, but I do it & I've always done it. Even before my lifestyle change. When I thought I was hungry, I drank water or tea.
    5) Moving. Obviously. When you're eating healthy, a want (a NEED, actually) to move is natural. I started counting calories and eating healthier 5 weeks before I started exercising.
  • what does bump mean?
  • 1) Accurate Food Diary (weigh and measure to ensure proper portions)

    2) Excercise at least 4 times a week and ensure a minimum of 30 min of cardio EVERYDAY!! (I love my personal trainer he gives me homework)

    3) Awesome support home, at the gym, at work, online, my doctors etc...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    My weight loss has been very slow and inconsistent; with many gains, loses and weeks with neither. This last week has been particulary rough and I feel like I don't even know where to go from here or what the right choices are anymore. As a result, I found myself asking, "What are the people losing weight doing that I am not?" I would love to hear from all of you who are having success and are losing those pounds and inches. What are the top 3-5 things you have done to achieve successful and healthy weight loss?

    Thanks everyone!!
    Be consistent, lift some heavy *kitten* weights, learn to moderate foods you like.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Boosier3
    Boosier3 Posts: 57 Member
  • bump
  • mwitthaus
    mwitthaus Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 70+ pounds with three guidelines:

    1. No processed food. I called it the Out Of The Box Diet. Eat fresh and when possible raw food, cook meat/fish/poultry yourself, drink water, not soda. Nothing artificial, and organic if possible.

    2. Exercise daily and early - I found 5:30 AM was great because I could never be postponed by a meeting or phone call.

    3. Count everything - every calorie in and out, every ounce lost or gained. Use a site like this and watch the line - BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

    There are others, but without these three, I could not have reached my goal.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    1) EXERCISE - Find something you enjoy doing, and do it 3-4 times/week for 30-40 minutes. You don't need to work out every day.

    2) FOOD - Eat sensibly and watch your PORTION sizes. I weigh and measured everything in the beginning.

    3) JOURNAL - Keep track of what you consume, and be honest. Your body will know.

    4) RELAX - No one is perfect. When you cheat, don't bury yourself in guilt. Just acknowledge it and move on. If you have a special event, ENJOY it. One day or one meal will not derail your plan.

    5) MFP - Join and make friends. It is my secret weapon.

    6) HRM - Get one and wear it when you workout or do any other strenuous activity.
  • 1. STOP paying so much attention to the scale and set yourself some non-scale (non-pant size) goals. Ideally, these should be fitness goals.
    2. Make a list of why you want to drop this weight and what you hope to accomplish once you do and tape it to your vanity mirror.
    3. NEVER ever EVER EVER believe you can't do this. NOT ONCE.
    I'm not sure if i should buy scales?? they keep me in check but they also depress me so much. What to do?
  • bump
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    1. Suitable calorie deficit
    2. Consistency
    3. Time
  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    Bump for later
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    1. Have a LOT of patience
    2. Maintain a small-moderate calorie deficit (300-600)
    3. Lift weights