All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



  • The research certainly does NOT agree about HFCS.

    "The bottom line is that there is no valid reason for HFCS to be any different than sucrose in the way that it affects your body. They are both nearly identical in their composition, containing roughly half fructose and half glucose. They are both nearly identical in the way they are metabolized by your body. There is no practical difference between the two as far as your body is concerned. Now, I’m not saying that you should go out and consume all the HFCS that you want. The point is that there is nothing uniquely “bad” about HFCS compared to regular sugar. HFCS is not uniquely responsible for weight gain as some people would have you believe."

    "[N]early identical in the way they are metabolized by your body."


    I don't have the study reference at hand, but another study did a simple test of keeping all macronutrients the same, just varied fructose/sucrose.

    The fructose rats got fatter.

    Instead of arguing over sugar vs HFCS, we shoudl just be limiting our exposure to both of them. A family friend of mine is a diabetes researcher and once told me that the human body is not designed to process sugar (cane, processed white, HFCS, etc), It is a major cause of disease. We should be getting our sugars from fruits.

    Indeed, trying to avoid sugars all together is better. Obviously natural sugars are better than anything processed. My original comment comes from my own research and testing and several other articles published. One examined HFCS in baby formula; the result was that those formulas that contained HFCS had a direct correlation in obesity in newborns. While everything in life can be argued one way or another my advice is to simply try to avoid it.
  • The research certainly does NOT agree about HFCS.

    "The bottom line is that there is no valid reason for HFCS to be any different than sucrose in the way that it affects your body. They are both nearly identical in their composition, containing roughly half fructose and half glucose. They are both nearly identical in the way they are metabolized by your body. There is no practical difference between the two as far as your body is concerned. Now, I’m not saying that you should go out and consume all the HFCS that you want. The point is that there is nothing uniquely “bad” about HFCS compared to regular sugar. HFCS is not uniquely responsible for weight gain as some people would have you believe."

    "[N]early identical in the way they are metabolized by your body."


    I don't have the study reference at hand, but another study did a simple test of keeping all macronutrients the same, just varied fructose/sucrose.

    The fructose rats got fatter.

    Instead of arguing over sugar vs HFCS, we shoudl just be limiting our exposure to both of them. A family friend of mine is a diabetes researcher and once told me that the human body is not designed to process sugar (cane, processed white, HFCS, etc), It is a major cause of disease. We should be getting our sugars from fruits.

    and on a side note, H2O is one atom away from hydrogen peroxide. One is necessary, the other will poison you. Similarity doesn't prove much.
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    This is a great idea for a thread!

    Here are mine, might be more than 3:

    1. Only surround yourself with positive people who will cheer you on as you reach your goals. That may mean some people drop out of your life. If they don't believe in you, you are too important to let whatever is going on in their heads bring you down.
    2. Have a plan. It's much easier to eat the thing you planned to than to try to wing it when you're starving
    3. Log every bite. It's data and you can go back and see what works.
    4. Move your body. Not just for weight loss. You'll feel better, be happier and sleep better doing this. I tell myself that I am a daily exerciser. I'm not really, but it means I end up doing it about 5 times a week.
    5. Be kind to yourself. Sometimes things slow, sometimes you get a whoosh for no reason. Learn about your body. This is an incredible journey that few people get to accomplish.
    6. Drink tons of water and try to eat as much "real" food as possible. Our bodies don't really know what the heck to do with processed foods.
    7. No food is "bad" or "good". Just some stuff you have more often and other stuff less often.
    8. This is about making habits you can stick to for life. If you don't like what you're eating, it's that much easier to give up.
    9. NEVER GIVE UP!!

  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    1) fake it till you make it!! -- tell myself every day i super hot and that each day i go exercise it only makes me hotter =)
    2) pick somebody at the track to battle with in my mind LOL hey, it works
    3) take lots of pics bc you see lots of results
    4) try and eat clean
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I decided I would try this "weight loss thing" one more time by not making a single change in my life that I couldn't maintain for the rest of my life. I have done exactly that and lost 70 pounds since January 2011. I find progress to be the most motivating thing for me. I love feeling energetic and healthy and that motivates me to continue living this lifestyle. It's not a diet for's who I am now. : ) I have to admit, it feels good to say that.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Set near term, achievable goals, broken down into increments that you can reach regularly.

    On my fridge I have two charts. These run from 1st January to 22nd March (when I go on holiday[vacation]).
    the first is a column of numbers with 1 at the bottom running up all the way to 40. This is for cardio workouts. Every time I do a workout I colour in a box.
    The second is also a column, but this time it's my weight target. Broken into increments of 0.6kgs. Each time I hit the new weight I cross it off.

    I find this a very simple but powerful tool as it's a constant visual reminder of what I have achieved so far and what I am trying to achieve by my goal date. It's keeps me motivated.

    I'll set some new goals when I've met those. I find this shorter term goal setting much better than some distant goal thats 12 months or more away. It's far more achievable like this.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    1. log it ALL (i keep my diary private bc i log the good and bad and I won't if i know people will be reading/judging. however, if you feel you need help with your food choices/like to share your food, by all means keep it public)
    2. exercise - make yourself do it and find something you LIKE (for example. don't just do the 30 day shred bc everyone else on your friends list is. if you like to play just dance, do that. if you like to ride the bike, do that. do what you like and do it often but change it up sometimes! keep your body guessing/working)
    3. keep a blog of your progress/trials/foods etc (i have a tumblr, had 1 from like april to september/october, and then made a new one. feel free to check out :)
    4. fruits and vegetables - eat them
    5. MODERATION. You like ice cream? good, eat it. but don't eat a whole carton. eat a serving. plan out your treats. don't deprive yourself bc you will just binge later.
  • jennyliveslarge
    jennyliveslarge Posts: 4 Member
    1. Log everything on here, even if you go over, just think before you might have been eating double the calories (at least Im sure I was)

    2. Get moving, as much as possible. Walking is great!!

    3. Try to drink half your weight in water each day.

    Oh and try not to eat processed food. Good luck!! :smile:
  • Truly love yourself!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    Watch your portions, drink plenty of water, and do something every day that makes you sweat!
  • Hi All,
    I am a 23 year old female, 1,55m & approx. 80kg at the moment.

    I'm seriously struggling to get back on track. I've been to a dietician last year and lost kg in 3 months. I stopped seeing her cos she seemed to wanna see me every week and that was financially unnecessary. I explained to her that every 2nd week would be better for me, but she insisted and would not budge. So I terminated her services.
    I kept up the good work for a few weeks, but I have slipped right back into all my old habits and stopped gyming completely, something i did 3-4 times a week. I can feel my rolls getting bigger, and have since put on 3.5kg, moving to 4kg.
    I just cant seem to stop myself... its getting so hard!!!!

    I am Maid of Honour in my cousin's wedding at the end of September 2012 & I am afraid I will be fatter and not thinner as I had told myself I would be!!

    I feel down and defeated. I feel like I'm getting nowhere.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    Hi All,
    I am a 23 year old female, 1,55m & approx. 80kg at the moment.

    I'm seriously struggling to get back on track. I've been to a dietician last year and lost kg in 3 months. I stopped seeing her cos she seemed to wanna see me every week and that was financially unnecessary. I explained to her that every 2nd week would be better for me, but she insisted and would not budge. So I terminated her services.
    I kept up the good work for a few weeks, but I have slipped right back into all my old habits and stopped gyming completely, something i did 3-4 times a week. I can feel my rolls getting bigger, and have since put on 3.5kg, moving to 4kg.
    I just cant seem to stop myself... its getting so hard!!!!

    I am Maid of Honour in my cousin's wedding at the end of September 2012 & I am afraid I will be fatter and not thinner as I had told myself I would be!!

    I feel down and defeated. I feel like I'm getting nowhere.

    Start small - and build it up! If you have a gym membership! Use it! If you don't start moving - the only person to blame is yourself in the end! Remember - something and more than nothing! Park further away from places and walk. If you go out to dinner. Eat half and put the other half in a to go box for lunch the next day. Small things like that work tremendously.

    Me and my roommate have decided when going out to eat to share everything. Cuts all the huge portions down by a lot!

    Also - find a workout buddy!

    I read somewhere that YOU will start to feel results in four weeks... and people will see results of you in eight weeks. I can say being in my 8th week - that this is definitely true.

    Set small goals at first - don't think of about Sept 2012... Think about losing a couple of lbs in March. Maybe find a 5k near you and sign up for it so that you have motivation to start walking/jogging/running to train for it.

    There is so much you can do! You just have to get off your butt and do it :D
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    1. Find a way to stay motivated - Watch inspirational youtube videos, join other fitness sites, surround yourself with people with the same goals, etc......

    2. Make the right choice - Every day you are faced with choices where one will lead you to your goal or farther from it. I always tell myself, "for once in your life, man the F up and make the right choice!"

    3. Knowledge is key - Informing yourself on how to properly lose weight is the best thing you can do for yourself. Don't base your weight loss attempts on "what other people say" or "I saw this on tv or read it in an article" Really educate yourself properly on the aspects of losing weight or whatever your goals are.

    Good luck on your 2012 goals!

    I love this!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    1. Don't give up
    2. Don't give up
    3. Don't give up

    It has taken me much longer than I wanted to get my weight off, and I have fallen off the wagon for a few weeks at a time but I never threw my hands up and quit. It is hard but no matter the results you are seeing, you are doing good things for yourself. Success is possible, you just have to keep at it.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    1. Stop falling for diets, Dukan diet, Atkins, Jenny Craig... just learn simple math and consume less calories than you burn.. try to avoid chemicals.

    2. A day or two binge does not mean you have failed.. just means you owe yourself a couple days it is not a reason to revert back to old ways.

    3. You are beautiful and worth every drop of sweat.

    Wow! Love this post :)
  • PamelaKeebler
    PamelaKeebler Posts: 38 Member
    This website inspires me every day. You guys rock. Thanks for being you and sharing your stories.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    The research certainly does NOT agree about HFCS.

    "The bottom line is that there is no valid reason for HFCS to be any different than sucrose in the way that it affects your body. They are both nearly identical in their composition, containing roughly half fructose and half glucose. They are both nearly identical in the way they are metabolized by your body. There is no practical difference between the two as far as your body is concerned. Now, I’m not saying that you should go out and consume all the HFCS that you want. The point is that there is nothing uniquely “bad” about HFCS compared to regular sugar. HFCS is not uniquely responsible for weight gain as some people would have you believe."

    "[N]early identical in the way they are metabolized by your body."


    I don't have the study reference at hand, but another study did a simple test of keeping all macronutrients the same, just varied fructose/sucrose.

    The fructose rats got fatter.

    You mean this study:

    "The female rats fed HFCS for 24 hours a day gained significantly more weight than the other groups. Now compare these results to the chart for Experiment 1 earlier. Do you see the disparity? In Experiment 1, the rats fed HFCS for 12 hours per day gained the most weight. However, in Experiment 2, the rats fed HFCS for 24 hours per day gained the most weight, and the female rats fed HFCS for 12 hours didn’t gain any more weight than the other groups. Why did the 12-hour group gain the most weight in one experiment, but the 24-hour group gain the most weight in a nearly identical experiment? This is a glaring contradiction in the results, and a problem which the researchers did not discuss. We also have the same statistical problem that we did with Experiment 1. Since there are 6 comparisons, there is a 1 in 4 chance that the results are wrong (and ironically, we have 1 out of the 4 groups showing a significant result). In fact, when we take both experiments combined, we have at least a 50% chance that the results of one of the experiments are wrong. Out of all the comparisons being made, we would expect to see a couple groups show a significant result based on random chance…and that’s exactly what happened in this study."

    Also This:

    The paper concludes, as you might imagine, by reiterating the points I’ve made above. HFCS is in no way unique amount sugars, with a composition identical to sucrose as well as the supposedly ‘healthy’ honey. Increased caloric intake since the 1970′s is the driver for increased obesity, with no relationship with HFCS intake per se.

    In that all fructose-glucose solutions (whether HFCS, sucrose or honey) are metabolized in exactly the same fashion in the body, there is simply no reason to think that HFCS per se is particularly obesity promoting outside of being a caloric source.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I calculated my BMR it came to 2549.13 calories per day. I currently have my daily calorie goals set to 1500 cals but my weight loss is extremely slow?? Any suggestions?

    Since you are Moderatetely Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week), Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is 2389.48 calories per day. If you are trying to lose 1 lb per week, then you would cut 3500 calories per week from your diet, or 500 per day. That puts you at 1889 calories per day. I would only eat back exercise calories that exceed 240 minutes per week

    Can you open your diary so I can see what you are eating?
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member