All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Bump 4 later
  • I think it's pretty much covered here already. But here's just one more person to reinforce what has been said.

    1. be realistic with your food choices - don't cut any food group out, but do log it in -it's amazing the impact of seeing what you're putting in your mouth has, especially those favourite cheats - automatically makes me re-think how much of something to eat or if I really should eat it. But if all else fails and I really want something I have it. and then get back on track right after

    2. Find an exercise routine that you are comfortable with and fits into your lifestyle. Start slow and work up to a goal. Then switch it up a bit, again if you miss a day or can't do the whole workout you have set - don't beat yourself up about it. It's one day you have the rest of your life to move forward.

    3. Positive self talk and write it down. I have a list of goals on my file cabinet at work. I see it a hundred times a day - and it never fails to re-affirm what my objectives (long and short term) are and that I can achieve them.

    Good luck - you can do it
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    love this! so motivational! bump
  • msmithevv
    msmithevv Posts: 58 Member
    Just one - Patience!
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    1. Weigh your food
    2. Dont assume the calories on the database are correct, check for yourself ( food packaging can be misleading and there are tons of mistakes, people often misinterpret the calories when inputting the product!)
    3. Eat your exercise calories
    4. Allow yourself treats (in moderation), otherwise whats the point?
    5. If you fall of the wagon and have a bad day or two, don't worry, just get right back on it!

    I hope this helps, A ;-)
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    As a person who has lost 83lbs and kept it off a is what worked for me!

    1. Giving up is NOT an option
    2. Log everything you put in your mouth
    3. Get at least 4-5 days of workouts in a week
    4. Never NET below 1200 & always try and eat back most of your workout cals
    5. Never stick with the same workout routine for more than 12 weeks at a time, change things up..keep your body guessing!

    Good luck to you!

    Patience is the key...its better to be going somewhere slowly than nowhere fast! :)
  • I don't eat anything at all 2 days out of 7 each week.

    ^^^What in the world???:huh:

    <--- has lost 1 average human being

    Are you nuts - this is a set up to major disappointment in the future not to mention all the possible health implications, do some research on eating disorders, and swing diets. Not healthy and not safe - 1400 calories sounds reasonable but I don't know the rest of your history (weight, height, age, activity - lifestyle, so it's not fair to comment, we're all different)
  • bump
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    1) I try to plan my meals out for a week. Sundays I do most of my cooking and I freeze my food in single serving containers.
    2) I try and stay positive and focused on the prize at the end remember why I want to do this.
    3) If I feel myself getting comfortable in a workout I bump up the burn and push myself harder. I workout almost every day not because I feel I need to but because I love how I feel after a good sweat.
    4) I don't eat anything containing sugar for at least 2 hrs after my workout. Sugar slows down the body's ability to continue with the calorie burn.
    5) Support! I don't think I would have made it this far without a great support team I have a great group here and we motivate encourage and congratulate each other on our accomplishments.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Bump for reading later.

    But my 3 tips to succeed would be :

    1 = Don't get too obsessed with the scales
    2 = If you go off track, enjoy it and get back on trackt the next day - I often (maybe even 1 day in the week) have a weekend to myself and eat what I want, without stuffing myself and then get back to it on the Monday.
    3 = Find an exercise you enjoy and challenge yourself - I entered a 5k then learned to jog now I'm aiming for my first mini-marathon.

    Good luck and you can do it. See it as a life choice rather than I wanna be a certain weight, because when you get there it can be hard to maintain (you'll miss the buzz of losing). xx
  • I have only been using MFP for a few weeks the second time around, and I must admit, some days I have been struggling.

    I am taking all of my advice from diets/healthy eaten plans that I have done before and have been very sucessful with.

    1. If you are hungry and counting the hours down until you can have your next meal treat yourself to a can or glass of diet coke. Empty into a glass and wait for all of the fizz to die down. When it has little or no fizz in it drink it in one go. It will keep you full until your next meal. Be warned though, that I do not recommended more than 2 cans of diet coke a day.

    2. When you have a craving for something sweet, brush your teeth. You will be surprised how much it works.

    3. Try not to eat anything after 6pm, you body would have digested your evening meal properly by the time you go to bed.

    4. If, like me, you live on a very budget, go to the supermarket about an hour or 2 before the store closes, if you can, to pick up some bargains.

    I also have not got the money to enrol at a gym but I am still getting plenty of exercise. I take the dog for a 30 minute brisk in the morning, and i am starting to go walking on my lunch break at work. I am so lucky to work were I do. If I walk around the perimeter fence around the outside it is 4 miles both on hills and flat. I am suffering today as I walked for 40 minutes solid yesterday.

    Good Luck everyone, and if you wish to add me to your friends list feel free.

    Debbie x
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    1.) Get in the groove of working out. Make that time for it, and slide it into your routine. The most important part, though, is not to stop! Once you do, it's super difficult to restart.

    2.) Set mini-goals, and not just about the number on the scale. This makes a lifestyle change feel much more attainable.
    3.) Let yourself have a serving of what you crave, and fit it into your macros. For me, that's nut butter. I have one serving a day, and my desire to munch on junk is much lessened!
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    1.) Patience, work with your body not against it.
    2.) Clean eating, when i first started i cut out everything that i knew was bad, or slightly bad, i mostly at raw foods. As i progressed in weight loss i started adding other foods in, so i could make this a life style not a diet. I still eat clean, i just eat more then i was. Eating the right amount of calories can make a difference.
    3.) Busting my *kitten* 6 days a week. I did insanity, and now i'm doing p90x and half marathon training.

    Setting mini goals is a great way to keep you interested and focused.
    Good Luck =)
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    1. Get an Electronic food scale
    2. Get a HRM
    3. Increase exercise duration and intensity as much as porrible and mix things up, not doing exactly the same routine every day at moderate effort levels. Do a LOT of exercise!
  • beccas753
    beccas753 Posts: 11 Member
    1. Figure out your BMR and base your caloric intake on your goal weight.
    2. Try to balance carb and protein grams
    3. Don't eat back all your excercise calories until you get into maintenance mode
    4. Build muscle in addiiton to doing cardio
    5. NO BOOZE!
    6. Measure when you are unsure of portion size.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    1. Figure out your BMR and base your caloric intake on your goal weight.
    2. Try to balance carb and protein grams
    3. Don't eat back all your excercise calories until you get into maintenance mode
    4. Build muscle in addiiton to doing cardio
    5. NO BOOZE!
    6. Measure when you are unsure of portion size.

    No Booze? Why deny yourself a tipple if you enjoy it? I have a drink two days per week (and sometimes as much as 12 beers at a time) and I have managed to lose 42 pounds in 13 months. Its simple, if you want a drink then just log it like everything else and go for a nice long walk the next day.

    PS that was not meant as an attack, I just feel that people are already changing lots in their lives when they choose to go on this journey and they don't need the added pressure of also becoming tee total.

    Signed, the drunken Scottish Guy....
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    1. ask yourself if you are hungry when you find yourself thinking about food. most people eat out of habit and not because they are hungry. if you're not hungry, do something else until it passes.
    2. if you find yourself eating too much or "binging" just step away and stop. even if you go over calories, you can stop yourself and not make it worse by continuing to eat more when you're not hungry. A day is not blown by 1 slip up, you can get back on track.
    3. never eat less than 1200 calories. for me, this slowed my metabolism down and made it harder for me to lose the last 10 lb. i know this is controversial, but for me eating so little made me irritable and hungry all the time. i would say 1400 would be the lowest i'd intentionally go if i was going to do this again.