

  • I eat red meat religiously. Anyone who says its bad while cutting weight does not understand science. Stick to lean cut meats and the timing is also important. Eating red meat as your last meal of the day unless its 2 hours before sleep can be bad, because the fats actually slow your metabolism. Can also be pro-active…
  • My girl competes - Did 3 bikini shows and has now moved up to figure. I motivate her, for strength and size and she motivates me for diet and cutting. We play off each other perfectly. http://gallery.rxmuscle.com/index.php?bodybuilder=36730
  • Hey, thats an accomplishment, but youre also selling yourself short, but to each their own. I recommend you look up Layne Norton on youtube and Elliot Hulse when you decide to make that next step if you dont want to take my word on it, try some professionals. Layne is the best in the business and credentials speak for…
  • You also fall in the same as the Original Poster ( OP ) Adjust your diet with different foods, so that does not happen and you will be good to go. Your body will not burn weight if you under eat. Metabolism SLOWS down If you have enough calories it moves at 100% power and has a constant burn If you have low calories it…
  • Thats because your diet is not right with your daily macro's. IE - What JustMary4CM just posted
  • You have reasonable amount of fat left to lose ( like I stated above in # 1 ) because your diet is broken....
  • I dont quite understand this comment. Im assuming you get protein and fat goals from just your weight. Then you workout and lose -400, so you eat an extra 400 you have "excess" calories? that doesn't make sense you should still be hitting X amount of calories daily, thats what they are there for...... Otherwise at the end…
  • You're not being difficult. You are correct and they are wrong.
  • Means youre not dieting right. You should never have "excess" calories..... All macro's or numbers that are apparently "excess" from working out, means you need to replenish them as if you didnt hit them to begin with, with the % of P/F/C spent on exercise....... definitely should not be daily and if its weekly thats how…
  • you can do two scoops, but there are several factors. 1) food is a better source of protein and youre suppose to be eating a meal at least 1 hour after a shake, so there goes 30-45g of protein in that meal, which means with in 1 hour and a half you consumed roughly 90g of protein give or take, which a rookie wouldnt use…
  • I've read up on biochemistry - took several classes in kinesiology & physiology ... I suggest you take your *kitten* back to school or stick to kickboxing because you are wrong and contradicting half your statements with Blah blah blah genetics make a difference ah blah blah, but it has nothing to do with "body types"…
  • You are 100% right - genetics & certain build/body type is EXACTLY what makes body types Most of these people are 1) fat 2) get advice from other fat people 3) get advice from uneducated people or 4) don't have a clue about it because they only see calories in/out and haven't experienced **** on a every day life of someone…
  • If you think its a myth or "broscience" you're an idiot. 1) its been proven that genetics play a role on body types IE larger bone structure - wider rib cage - longer glycogen levels - metabolism speed 2) The Biophysical Foundations of Human - read it, backed by science You might not be 100% one type you can be multiple Me…
  • not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded.... hes either on steroids or gifted genetics.......... but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them…
  • Not trying to sound like a prick but most of these post are amatuers. you should lose between 1lb/1.5lbs per week also you would need to add some information exercise days x? cardio = ? lifting = ? weight? bf ? calories you are taking in? currently vs when you started your cut? as you lose weight especially drastic numbers…