Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph....



  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    I am not a scholar but I do have a background in Anatomy and physiology as well as nutrition and medical science but have learned more from living life than all the books I've had to read. I can guarantee there are different body types that are genetically inherited.
    I am just 5'6" muscular, hourglass, large wrist size 7". My husband is 5'10 , lean but muscular, wrist size 6". Daughter luckily inherited his frame and body type. (Thank goodness) I cook dinner every day, pack lunches etc. I know how much eat, they r not consuming under TDEE We do not all have the same body type, metabolism, just seems reason when it comes to diet and exercise ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL!

    Well spoken. Thank you for your comment.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125

    BTW...I don't see this as bro-science or a fad diet or snake oil. I DO see this as the idea that we are all different, our bodies are different and what works for one person may not work for someone else.
    I'm not looking for snide, rude or self-rightious comments, but legitiment and honest opinions. So if you, honestly believe this is unfounded garbage, please leave.

    So everyone's body is different, but we all fit into one of 3 different categories. Got it.

    Sorry that I was not more clear when I first wrote this. Plus I did state later on that it is
    wrong to try to classify people into 3 body types....JUST as much as it is wrong to classify people into 1 sterotype of logic that less, lose weight. What is less? For one person it is 1200 cals which everyone loves to have a field day over. But maybe the next guy's tdee is 3000.
    My point is that we ARE different.

    Thanks for your response. Much appreciated.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    I've been doing research about what is the best lifestyle/eating...for myself and my family. I came across a few articles about the 3 different body types, ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.
    The idea is that each of us fits into 1 of these 3 body types or commonly a combination of 2.

    An ectomorph is a person, male or female that typically has a hard time gaining weight or muscle. They have a high matabolism which turns all food into energy rapidly. They generally have a thin body with long, thin limbs and neck.

    A mesomorph is a person, m/f, whose body builds muscle very easily. They have a medium build/bone structure typically are very athletic.

    An endomorph is a person m/f who can add both fat and muscle, but has a much harder time shedding the fat. They have a larger frame and are typically considered "soft and round" and carry a lot of the weight on the bottom and thighs...pear shaped.

    For each of these body types there is, of course, a certain way of eating. But no matter what body type, a person is still supposed to be eating CARBS, PROTEIN AND FAT...all coming from healthy sources plus with each body type the carb/protein/fat ratios will be different.

    Some of you may have heard about this already and for some , this is your first time. Personally I found this to be very insightful and helpful and have changed my diet accordingly.

    I would, however like to hear some others thoughts and opinions on this subject.

    BTW...I don't see this as bro-science or a fad diet or snake oil. I DO see this as the idea that we are all different, our bodies are different and what works for one person may not work for someone else.
    I'm not looking for snide, rude or self-rightious comments, but legitiment and honest opinions. So if you, honestly believe this is unfounded garbage, please leave.

    Again, there are no food groups being left out with this idea. It's still about eating healthy, eating the right amount of calories and being active. The only difference being the ratio of cabs/protein/fat.

    Look it up if you are interested. There is a lot of information and it may even help.


    Just to clarify a little more...I am NOT, repeat NOT endorsing Sheldon or his ideas. In truth I never even heard of him until someone else brought up his name.
    The idea, however, that there are possible 3 body types or a combination of them did intrigue me. I was NOT using it as an excuse or to gain sympathy, but mearly seeing it as this could be useful (in the proper setting) to myself and possibly others. Plus wanting to know what others think w/o all the negativty. I really don't understand why some people feel not only a need to try to belittle others and think that it's ok to do so on these threads.
    There are some on this site who are so turned off by all the negativity...they won't post or ask questions because of the horrible responses they might get and in the end they are left feeling more frustrated then when they started.
    People, we should be helping each other, not hurting each other.
    If you don't agree, fine then say so and leave the nasty comments at the door. It really is a simple request.
  • kusterer
    kusterer Posts: 90 Member
    Got to this thread late. It is one of those that drives me crazy on MFP. As Tigersword and one other long ago (ecdc?) have correctly stated, there is easily available information about Sheldon and his completely discredited theory of three body types. For example:

    I was photgraphed, as a requirement during freshman orientation, as one of his 18-year-old Ivy League research subjects. So I was very interested when the whole unethical research project and its eugenics-derived theoretical model was later blown apart in a huge splash of scandal and revelations of long-running establishment-supported quack science.

    But, in MFP, we spend many pages ardently arguing about ideologies (some with science backing, some not) before somebody finally enters the thread who knows the actual relevant information, or until somebody thinks to just google to find the actual relevant information.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    Got to this thread late. It is one of those that drives me crazy on MFP. As Tigersword and one other long ago (ecdc?) have correctly stated, there is easily available information about Sheldon and his completely discredited theory of three body types. For example:

    I was photgraphed, as a requirement during freshman orientation, as one of his 18-year-old Ivy League research subjects. So I was very interested when the whole unethical research project and its eugenics-derived theoretical model was later blown apart in a huge splash of scandal and revelations of long-running establishment-supported quack science.

    But, in MFP, we spend many pages ardently arguing about ideologies (some with science backing, some not) before somebody finally enters the thread who knows the actual relevant information, or until somebody thinks to just google to find the actual relevant information.

    Well said. Thank you for your insight. Honestly, I had no idea that this philosophy has been around for years. I just happened upon it the other day and I found it interesting. Plus what I had read mentioned nothing about Sheldon or his research. A lot of what I was reading was coming out of body building sites, not all if it, but quite a bit.
    I am sorry, however, that you went through this, but thank you for sharing. I do plan on reading more about this.
  • TLWallperson
    TLWallperson Posts: 125
    I would like to thank everyone who posted with honest, legit responses, whether pro or con. I did not realize this subject had been
    debated on here I've only been here for 3 months and, honestly I forget to check past threads.
    I never meant for this to blow up the way it did. But after seeing what others had to say...well, I will continue doing research about health and diet. I enjoy reading what others have to say because I enjoy this subject (health and nutrition that is...). But I don't enjoy the negative comments. So I guess in future I will leave well enough alone, not ask questions or seek advice in the forums, but instead ask from those in my friends group along with read whatever info is on the net/in books.

    Again, thanks to everyone who posted legit responses, they are much appreciated.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    I am not a scholar but I do have a background in Anatomy and physiology as well as nutrition and medical science but have learned more from living life than all the books I've had to read. I can guarantee there are different body types that are genetically inherited.
    I am just 5'6" muscular, hourglass, large wrist size 7". My husband is 5'10 , lean but muscular, wrist size 6". Daughter luckily inherited his frame and body type. (Thank goodness) I cook dinner every day, pack lunches etc. I know how much eat, they r not consuming under TDEE We do not all have the same body type, metabolism, just seems reason when it comes to diet and exercise ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL!

    I really don't think anyone meant to imply that we are all genetically equal. Some people are definitely more advantaged than others. Some people have something working against them. I think the argument is, despite your advantages, or lack there of, everybody (barring a few medical anomolies) loses or gains weight the exact same way - either with a calorie deficit or a calorie surplus.

    With very few exceptions, you don't lose weight without expending more energy than you consume and you don't gain weight without consuming more energy than you expend.

    Edit: "genetically advantaged" sounds more eugenic-y than I meant. I hope no one was offended. I just meant that, for example, some people seem naturally more athletic than others, so sports may have been more appealing to them as a child, starting positivehabits at a young age. I don't even know if athleticism is necessarily genetic, per se, but you get my drift.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I think it's nonsense also. I don't fit any of them. I am small framed, with visible muscle definition, but if I become inactive and eat a lot of food I gain soft roundness on my thighs.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member

    One last point - the qualified fitness trainer dude [...] but I agree with everything he has said in this thread.

    ^ This. Yes.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    I seem to have ran out of popcorn, but this has been entertaining so far:drinker:
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    P.S. I also don't believe that a persons body type has anything to do with personality or vise versa.

    Of course not, personality is determined by the four humours.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Deactivated. Don't you just love when people get all hissy and pissy when people don't agree with them?
  • cbc937
    cbc937 Posts: 15
    If you think its a myth or "broscience" you're an idiot.

    1) its been proven that genetics play a role on body types

    IE larger bone structure - wider rib cage - longer glycogen levels - metabolism speed

    2) The Biophysical Foundations of Human - read it, backed by science

    You might not be 100% one type you can be multiple

    Me and my roommate are a prime example

    Both 200lbs
    Both 5'11
    Both 13% bf

    Me no abs visible
    Him 4 pack visible

    My calories intake carb cycling 1700-2200
    His calories intake no carb cycling 4500

    My diet cutting
    His diet maintaining

    My chest 49"inches
    His chest 40" inches

    My biceps 17.5"inches 75% bicep
    His biceps 17.5"inches 75% tricep

    My shoulders 20 inches
    His shoulders 16.5 inches

    My legs tree trunks
    His leg twigs

    My waist 34 inches
    His waist 28 inches

    We have different bone structure
    Different muscle response & size
    Different metabolism

    I'm carb sensitives hes not

    We have trained together and dieted together for over 3 years

    This is called DIFFERENT body types idiots

    I eat every 4-5 hours based on Layne norton
    He eats every 2-3 hours based on 99% of the diets out there about cutting and bodybuilding etc êtc

    We are roommates and live basically the same life's accept he drinks on some weekends and still gains nothing

    Same work same everything, guess what DIFFERENT body types get a clue

    Most of you idiots have zero real life experience to even talk about **** and just throw up basic "broscience" opinions not facts.

    You can look at two of the biggest men
    Jay Cutley and Phil Heath and see different body types / structure and diets

    If I eat over 2000 calories I gain weight. If I eat every 3/4 hours in range I gain weight. It has nothing to do with "total calories" in and out... It's body type and TIMING

    When my insulin levels are high, when low, when in a catabolic state. I can eat before I sleep and burn fat off regularly if I don't i gain weight

    If my roommate who is an ecto/meso does he gains fat unless its a hour prop
    Me being pure endo has to eat before i sleep

    I've done low calories
    High calories
    1500-5000 calories diets depending on cutting / bulking
    No carbs
    No fats
    Mix of both 30/30/40 split

    Me personal carb cycling with 3 days low - 3 regular and 1 refeed works the best with interval cardio or flat out wind sprints

    Unlike my roommate who needs carbs for strength I can fast and still hit all my max numbers in the gym just fine. It's ducking genetics which makes the body types

    I currently run 1700-2200 and switch calories to a cut phase after a bulk to get ready for a show

    25 fat - 35 carbs - 40 protein

    This is from experience, not broscience. Facts and science, not some **** article so retard read like most of you who say
    Burn those 2000 calories and y'all drop weight!!! Along with shot health issues, no muscle retainment, lose of alot of strength

    Why? Because most of these idiots only know how to lift weights and don't understand diets or biology at all.

    Closing statement

    "In the past it was thought that body types were genetically determined and so did not change throughout life. Researchers now agree that the body types do have a genetic component but that they are also a product of environment. Somatotypes were originally described as genotypes, but they are now considered phenotypes because of the environmental influences on body shape and the fact that somatotype can change throughout life. Anthropometric somatotypes use measurements to describe the shape and composition of the body at a particular point in time."

    Learn before you speak. Go do a show where true body manipulation matters or tell that to someone who does body transformation for a living they would laugh in your face.

    /game over
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    It's broscience. While genetics helps to determine, height, skin color, hair color, etc., energy consumption/use determines body "type". Overeat and one becomes an "endomorph". Undereat to be an "ectomorph".
    I used to believe this **** too till I got educated on actual human physiology and researched peer reviewed clinical studies to confirm.
    No need to call people idiots.............that's a cope out to an intelligent debate.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • cbc937
    cbc937 Posts: 15

    Ok...I agree with this. The more you burn the more you need to fuel. But (and I am asking seriously, because I do want to know what you think) do you think that because of his body type or that his body type may paly a role in how effectivly/quickly he burns calories or how quickly his body can change/adapt to his training?


    Honestly, no. It really does depend on the type of training/sport the athlete would be preparing.

    Ok. But is this the same for the regular person who is just starting out in either physical activity or trying to lose weigh?
    And thank you for your comment.

    This could also apply to someone who is just starting out depending on what type of exercise they prefer, but for the most part no it wouldn't matter. Genetics plays a big role in where we store fat. For the average joe/jane that works a 9-5 and just wants to live a healthier lifestyle, focusing on calorie deficit should be the first place to start. After that, the most technical they should get would be to monitor macro/micro intake for body recomposition. There will be psychological tendencies that vary from person to person. Obviously, not everyone is going to enjoy eating or exercising the same way. However, I do think, overall, excluding medical limitations, everyone can lose weight the same way.

    I understand what you are saying. And I agree with the idea that most people generally lose weight by burning more cals then are being eaten. My question is (not trying to be a smarta@@) how are genitcs and having different body types exclusive of one another? Don't genetics play a role in the body type a person has and how/where fat is stored? It's probably not right to say that everyone falls into 1 of only 3 body types. But why is it ok to say it's genics, but it's wrong to say how genetics may give you a certain build/body type...etc that may make it more or less difficult for a person to gain weight/muscle?

    You are 100% right - genetics & certain build/body type is EXACTLY what makes body types

    Most of these people are 1) fat 2) get advice from other fat people 3) get advice from uneducated people or 4) don't have a clue about it because they only see calories in/out and haven't experienced **** on a every day life of someone else for example

    I live with a trainer and my comment prior

    Genetics and body types is exactly what makes "body types"

    Once against you can be more then one

    That girl who said "I don't believe it because I'm small but when I eat bad i get fat in my *kitten*"

    That just shows you how dumb you are

    You're most likely an ectomorph who's body can easily start to gain eight in the hips

    Metabolism bone frame = ecto
    Mixed with wide hips and/or thighs of a = meso

    Is not rocket science if you could eat like **** like my girl who eats

    Pizza and Taco Bell a day @ easily 2500-3000 calories a day and still remains tiny at 110lbs and does as much exercise as a lizard besides the hiking we do some times on Sunday you would be a ectomorph

    Guess what it's a "body type" Ding ding

    Fast metabolism
    Small waist

    Or you could be like my ex who weighed around 115 and ate roughly 1500 calories and biked 3 x a week

    Small chest/legs but very wide baby making hips and would gain weight of she didnt exercise

    A ecto/meso or ecto / endo body type ding ding

    She had small wrist and shoulders so more meso then endo

    Come to my gym and ill show you 3 physique guys who compete in the exact same weight class / roughly the same weight yet

    Different bone structure
    Different calorie intake
    Different macros per calories
    Different muscle mass
    Different measurements because of BONE structure

    All which lead to "body types"
  • cbc937
    cbc937 Posts: 15
    I've read up on biochemistry - took several classes in kinesiology & physiology ...

    I suggest you take your *kitten* back to school or stick to kickboxing because you are wrong and contradicting half your statements with

    Blah blah blah genetics make a difference ah blah blah, but it has nothing to do with "body types" because its broscience

    When in fact it has everything to do with it... Matter of fact if you reword your sentence

    Genetics changes body types, bone structures, metabolism, calorie break down it determines your body type, muscle size and density, and where you store calories

    Point is proven

    And that's in dumb "E" terms
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    It's broscience. While genetics helps to determine, height, skin color, hair color, etc., energy consumption/use determines body "type". Overeat and one becomes an "endomorph". Undereat to be an "ectomorph".
    I used to believe this **** too till I got educated on actual human physiology and researched peer reviewed clinical studies to confirm.
    No need to call people idiots.............that's a cope out to an intelligent debate.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I've read up on biochemistry - took several classes in kinesiology & physiology ...

    I suggest you take your *kitten* back to school or stick to kickboxing because you are wrong and contradicting half your statements with

    Blah blah blah genetics make a difference ah blah blah, but it has nothing to do with "body types" because its broscience

    When in fact it has everything to do with it... Matter of fact if you reword your sentence

    Genetics changes body types, bone structures, metabolism, calorie break down it determines your body type, muscle size and density, and where you store calories

    Point is proven

    And that's in dumb "E" terms
    Genetics are predetermined......fact. One can't change skin color, hair color, etc. by diet and exercise. Bone structure is due to genes from parents (unless some hormonal imbalance is present) and more than likely the characteristic of one or both.
    Even in the Biophysical foundation of humans it states that humans were once thought of as a genotype, but now are more regarded as a phenotype due to the fact that physical environment affects it directly (in this sense energy intake/use). In other words, the identifying shape (skinny, normal, fat) of one's body isn't directly due to genetics. Yes it does say that.

    Research will show you that somatotyping's origin is from the 1940's from a psychologist who deemed the body types. And even then defintions of ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph (based on Sheldon "somatotyping" number scale) are considered non existant. However combinations of all three are present in just about every human.

    In other's broscience used by the fitness industry and diet industry to take advantage of marketing programs to cater to people who believe it. Consider yourself one of them. Next thing you'll believe "toning" is real too.

    Lighten up on the juice. Your answers are more aggressive each time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    If you think its a myth or "broscience" you're an idiot.

    1) its been proven that genetics play a role on body types

    IE larger bone structure - wider rib cage - longer glycogen levels - metabolism speed

    2) The Biophysical Foundations of Human - read it, backed by science

    You might not be 100% one type you can be multiple

    Me and my roommate are a prime example

    Both 200lbs
    Both 5'11
    Both 13% bf

    Me no abs visible
    Him 4 pack visible

    My calories intake carb cycling 1700-2200
    His calories intake no carb cycling 4500

    My diet cutting
    His diet maintaining

    My chest 49"inches
    His chest 40" inches

    My biceps 17.5"inches 75% bicep
    His biceps 17.5"inches 75% tricep

    My shoulders 20 inches
    His shoulders 16.5 inches

    My legs tree trunks
    His leg twigs

    My waist 34 inches
    His waist 28 inches

    We have different bone structure
    Different muscle response & size
    Different metabolism

    I'm carb sensitives hes not

    We have trained together and dieted together for over 3 years

    This is called DIFFERENT body types idiots

    I eat every 4-5 hours based on Layne norton
    He eats every 2-3 hours based on 99% of the diets out there about cutting and bodybuilding etc êtc

    We are roommates and live basically the same life's accept he drinks on some weekends and still gains nothing

    Same work same everything, guess what DIFFERENT body types get a clue

    Most of you idiots have zero real life experience to even talk about **** and just throw up basic "broscience" opinions not facts.

    You can look at two of the biggest men
    Jay Cutley and Phil Heath and see different body types / structure and diets

    If I eat over 2000 calories I gain weight. If I eat every 3/4 hours in range I gain weight. It has nothing to do with "total calories" in and out... It's body type and TIMING

    When my insulin levels are high, when low, when in a catabolic state. I can eat before I sleep and burn fat off regularly if I don't i gain weight

    If my roommate who is an ecto/meso does he gains fat unless its a hour prop
    Me being pure endo has to eat before i sleep

    I've done low calories
    High calories
    1500-5000 calories diets depending on cutting / bulking
    No carbs
    No fats
    Mix of both 30/30/40 split

    Me personal carb cycling with 3 days low - 3 regular and 1 refeed works the best with interval cardio or flat out wind sprints

    Unlike my roommate who needs carbs for strength I can fast and still hit all my max numbers in the gym just fine. It's ducking genetics which makes the body types

    I currently run 1700-2200 and switch calories to a cut phase after a bulk to get ready for a show

    25 fat - 35 carbs - 40 protein

    This is from experience, not broscience. Facts and science, not some **** article so retard read like most of you who say
    Burn those 2000 calories and y'all drop weight!!! Along with shot health issues, no muscle retainment, lose of alot of strength

    Why? Because most of these idiots only know how to lift weights and don't understand diets or biology at all.

    Closing statement

    "In the past it was thought that body types were genetically determined and so did not change throughout life. Researchers now agree that the body types do have a genetic component but that they are also a product of environment. Somatotypes were originally described as genotypes, but they are now considered phenotypes because of the environmental influences on body shape and the fact that somatotype can change throughout life. Anthropometric somatotypes use measurements to describe the shape and composition of the body at a particular point in time."

    Learn before you speak. Go do a show where true body manipulation matters or tell that to someone who does body transformation for a living they would laugh in your face.

    /game over

    Two things:

    1. Ain't no body got time to read all dat.
    2. Bro, do you even lift....?
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I don't believe in classifying people in somatypes. There are too many variables to classify anyone person to a body type and be absolutely wrong about it.

    Here's what we do know. Really thin people have a tendency to undereat. Really overweight people have a tendency to overeat.
    People who are in the normal range, eat enough.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Have you ever come across a person who can eat all day long and never gain weight or a person who does all the right things, but can't lose weight? Or the guy who burgers and fries but some how manages to build muscle anyway aside from his unhealthy lifestyle?
