The Last 20, How Did You Do It?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Your foods look fairly good. I would definitely try to be a little more consistent in terms of hitting your goal. How much are you losing per week now and how long have you been eating 1600-1700 calories.
  • cbc937
    cbc937 Posts: 15
    Not trying to sound like a prick but most of these post are amatuers.

    you should lose between 1lb/1.5lbs per week

    also you would need to add some information

    exercise days x? cardio = ? lifting = ?

    weight? bf ? calories you are taking in? currently vs when you started your cut?

    as you lose weight especially drastic numbers you need to readjust those numbers when I was bulking I was eating 4000 calories a day

    I lost 30lbs to trim down from 236 to 208 and my cutting was @ 2500 calories at a 40/40/20 split carbs - protein - fat and im an endomorph with a desk job who trains hard x5 a week lifting every day heavy - 3 days of 450calories burned to HIIT cardio

    since I need to drop another 10lbs while retaining muscle to get my 8% bf I readjusted my numbers being a endomorph I don't need a lot of calories or carbs - need protein to retain muscle

    now im at 2000 calories ( original 2500 ) and change to 35% carbs - 40% protein - 25% fat ( 40/40/20 ) originally

    this will help use my FAT stored for energy to burn it, instead of pure carbs.....

    stay away from anything with aspartame - high fructose syrup or products that say "enriched" -

    aslong as you hit your macros daily and do at cardio ( depending on you body type ) you should be fine. Some people need HIIT - some people just need walking - others need incline walking etc etc - I would need more information and a picture of your frame to be more specific
    RAGGEDYANN1970 Posts: 115 Member
    oh wow it was hard. i had to really cut my calories and work-out harder and longer.
    last year before i got pg, i lost 41 and the first 20 came off VERY quickly. last 10 were a b*:embarassed:
    hoping to lose about 20 more right now. i'm sure it will prove difficult again! :sad: