

  • Yeah, you over did it a bit. You did the right thing to ice it and I would continue to do so over the next couple of days... 2-3x per day for 15 min at a time. You need to realize that although you are making great strides in your running, you are still a 3 week old newbie! Take your time and do not push your body! If you…
  • My wife and I want our money back. Trash. Catchy title and obtruse language got them to sell a few books. One we enjoyed and got alot of fun reciepes out of was "The Bikini Beach Diet." It teaches more how to eat wholesome and for life. We don't follow it exactly but we do follow it's principle and have has great success!
  • I pretty much work out 1.5 hours per day. 1 hour of lifting and 30 min of cardio unless it's a cardio only day and then I go for 45 minutes of cardio. I enjoy eating and although I eat healthy foods, I want to enjoy them to the max so I make sure I burn no less than 750 calories per day in the gym. On the weekends, I try…
  • I second iceprincess! Actually, I am going to take my wife to a resort and enjoy our buff bodies in the sun!
  • Incorporating strength training is a HUGE step! By building your muscles, you will begin to burn off more calories on a daily basis. As a woman, you have about a 0.60% chance (less than 1%) of becoming 'muscle bound' as most women do not naturally produce the testosterone needed to 'bulk up' so don't worry about that.…
  • Your attitude is contagious! Keep that mental focus and you will have no problem achieving your goal!
  • You can do it! Never tell yourself that you can't. Everyday when you wake up, envision yourself back at your ideal weight, live as though you already are there and you will feel better and will stay motivated!!
  • Don't hope... believe you can! EVERYONE can loose weight if they put their mind to it! You have it in you. Don't let anyone, not even yourself, tell you otherwise! GO FOR IT!!!
  • Sounds awesome! Just remember to use Whole Wheat hot dog buns! You'll burn those off faster than processed white bread!