

  • I recently did the HCG diet (greatly restrictive high protein veggie and fruit based diet for 21-30 days, then maintenance diet afterwards) and lost 25 pounds. This particular diet says that in the maintenance phase you can break a plateau or you can lose weight quickly if you gain 2 lbs after a particular day of…
  • I'm having the same problem. I'm stuck at trying to get the last 5 pounds off. Never mind that I've also had "breakthrough" on and off for the last weeks (ah the joy of perimenopause..I've been really stressed for the last month as we found out my father has stage 4 lung cancer, along with some garbage from the ex (we've…
  • "Bipolar scale"..... I love it! That totally describes how my scale acts. One day lower weight, the next day up anywhere from 2 to 4 lbs depending on what I eat. (carbs and salt kill my numbers). Two days ago, my scale crept up 2 lbs each day and then this morning, I "magically" lost 4 lbs OVERNIGHT! At least now I know…
  • Great article. I needed this reminder.
  • OMG I thought it was just me and the scale was having fun at my expense the last two weeks because I've noticed the same thing after exercisingI ! Thanks for the tip about drinking ALOT of water. I will make sure I do that because I realized the last 2 times that I did Zumba for 45 minutes each time, I was more bloated…
  • I'm 45 as well and trying to avoid the midlife spread. I too have had the gain 5, lose 3, gain 2, lose 1 roller coaster over the last year. Luckily, I found this website and have lost 8 pounds since joining in mid-January (actually 14 if you could count the up/down). I've noticed that most of my weight is from water…
  • I've been using Zumba for the last 2 weeks and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! I got the new 4 CD set. The music is what makes the difference and I'm having so much fun dancing that I can't believe how quickly the time goes by and I've exercised for 45 minutes or an hour without stopping or without realizing it! There is a tone &…
  • Count me in as part of your support team! This is really easy once you get used to doing your daily entries. You'll find that it's not that hard to eliminate the "bad" foods so that you can eat what you want to. For example.....Do I want 4 Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies for 140 calories at 2:00 pm while running around with…
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