gaining weight after exercise - crazy-making

numberscolors Posts: 254
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
last saturday, i weighed in at 189 (my lowest weight since, god knows when!). getting out of the 190's gave me some motivation to take my fitness regimen up a couple notches. i got a gym membership at 24 hour fitness and have taken 3 zumba classes this week (so far!), each burning about 850- 900 calories. well, i weighed myself this morning and i'm up to 191.6!

now, i understand starting a new workout at a higher level of intensity can cause water/glycogen-retention around the sore muscles to protect them. when i think about my weight gain rationally, it makes sense. but i am VERY motivated (impatient...) by the numbers on the scale.

has this happened to anyone else? gaining weight after exercise? how fast does your body regulate? will i see a huge drop in the scale next week? help me cope! AAAAHHHHH!!!!! *runs away screaming and pulling out hair*


  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Make sure you are drinking a lot of water to flush your body out. Keep up the good work!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Id always gain a lb or 2 after a lon run when I was training for my marathon, from water retention. Your muscels are repairing themselves so they kind of enlarge. Also do you wear a heart rate monitor? How long are your classes? Sounds like a lot of calories for a 60 mins class. Id double check your calorie burn as well.Mabe you are overestimating the burn.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member

    Everybody is different to how their bodies regulate so there isn't 1 specific answer to your question. Pay attention to how you feel and your measurements as well because the number on the scale doesn't always reflect the actual progress...and give it more than a week. Once your body gets new to your new routine, you should start to see the results you are looking for! :flowerforyou:
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    There are various factors that can cause a bump. Water intake? Did you alter your diet? Eat more? Is it close to that TOM? You retain anywhere from three to six pounds before during and after that time. You could be gaining new muscle. Are you clothes fitting differently? Don't fret about a small change upwards when you change your routine. Keep at it and you will see the weight go down again. Good luck!
  • Malcose
    Malcose Posts: 2
    Most likely you'll see a drop after your body gets use to the more intense workout, also there will be a slight increase in muscle mass so you will probably see more inches lost than actual weight to start. (Theoretically)
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    the scale is always a little high for me after workouts, so i just don't weigh then since i expect it & don't like feeling discoruaged like that. i'm jealous of the people who sweat out enough water weight to be a little thinner after... but that just isn't me, no matter how much i sweat, i am consistently heavier after working out.
    i suggest waiting till the morning after a great intake/burn day & weighing after you pee, with as little clothes as possible, before you eat breakfast :o) then you'll see the hard work paying off!
  • Measuring yourself helps immensly when you see those numbers flucuate. I had a couple of weeks where I didn't lose or gained a small amount but I lost inches. That helped keep me motivated. And they're right, go by how you feel. Keep up the great work!!!
  • MaysMom
    MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
    Definitely frustrating... I gained 4 lbs. this week. I seemed to do better the first 6 weeks when I wasn't exercising, only tracking calories. I started exercising regularly and vigorously 2 weeks ago. I know it's better to exercise as well as tracking caloric intake, and I know that it will work itself out, but I am also motivated or discouraged by that stupid number on the scale. Let's give it some time... remember things like water retention (how much sodium are you taking in and are you drinking enough water to flush it out?), that time of the month that EVERYTHING goes all screwy with your body, and muscle weighs more than fat. Personally, I am going to start keeping a better log of my inches as well. I am fine with being 250 lbs, as long as it's all muscle! lol
  • FordEXP
    FordEXP Posts: 22
    It's all about the long term. It's not good to weigh yourself too frequently because weight loss is not something that happens immediately. It's best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning before eating anything and after you use the bathroom. If you drink water during your workout you are always going to be taking on more weight than you are sweating off. Hang in there!
  • wonderish
    wonderish Posts: 89 Member
    Same is happening for me. I havent lost or gained anything this week. Ive been working out every morning........ Oh well!! im enjoying it.
  • OMG I thought it was just me and the scale was having fun at my expense the last two weeks because I've noticed the same thing after exercisingI !

    Thanks for the tip about drinking ALOT of water. I will make sure I do that because I realized the last 2 times that I did Zumba for 45 minutes each time, I was more bloated than before I exercised (and held it for almost 24 hrs). I also realized that I didn't drink near as much water as I did the very first few times when I started using my Zumba CDS. (I just figured I was horribly out of shape and dying of thirst!)

    I will definitely hydrate more and hopefully the results will be much better!
  • Great article. I needed this reminder.
  • Thanks so much, everybody! Yet another instance of MFP people keeping me sane... I definitely could stand to increase my water intake. But I also need to increase my patience! Thanks guys!
  • I'm experiencing the exact same thing. My scale tells me that I've lost 5% body fat or about 6 pounds of fat but my overall weight has increased by 3 pounds. I wonder how long it will take for the numbers to catch up with the fat loss.
  • Wow thanks for all the info - this just happened to me and I guess I expected more after a week of diet and vigorous Zumba and tread-milling it.. but I have not exercised in 15 years.. yeah I know bad.. and unfortunately I am motivated by the numbers as well, so I will NOT weigh myself so much, I love water but will try to intake more during Zumba, and it is logical that with this type of work-out that my muscles have to be affected so thanks for the motivation... I really need it.. just starting after many many years of abuse to my body and now because I am now a diabetic and pad (all my fault) I have to try to make up lost time and see if I can reverse the process... so wish me luck and I will definitely keep reading.
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