Good is the Enemy of Great

I am struggling with the last 6 - 7 pounds! I'm fairly new here but have been working on the weight loss since January and seem to be burnt out - hardly any motivation is left to get those last few pounds off. I've had some good success and hear that from those around me, but now that I am in my skinny pants and have clothes in smaller sizes, I am slacking off about getting to that final goal weight. It seems like it's "Good enough" and not worth the additional effort, especially when I get stressed or busy. How do people get over that feeling and keep going?


  • ColeyCannoli
    ColeyCannoli Posts: 147
    I completely feel you! I have started slacking since I reached my college weight even though I KNOW I want to and can healthily get smaller. I dunno. I keep trying to tell myself that I look fine now, but don't I want to look GREAT? If I feel this much better at normal/average won't it feel even better at the perfect weight? It sucks cause it does get harder the closer you get and it starts to take more effort. You gotta want it that much more.

    Look at all the work you've done! Don't let it go to waste :)
  • TanyaPearce
    TanyaPearce Posts: 41
    Look how far you have come...don't give up on yourself! You can do it!
  • csinor373
    csinor373 Posts: 8
    I'm having the same problem. I'm stuck at trying to get the last 5 pounds off. Never mind that I've also had "breakthrough" on and off for the last weeks (ah the joy of perimenopause..I've been really stressed for the last month as we found out my father has stage 4 lung cancer, along with some garbage from the ex (we've only been divorced for 8 years, go figure).

    I was doing really well by exercising once or twice a week doing Zumba or bellydance basics (great way to flatten that stomach!), but with everything that's been going on, I haven't exercised in about a month now, and I'm actually starting to miss it!

    I've lost a quick 4 lbs the last 2 weeks so I teased and said that I'm currently on the "Stress Diet" - a great way to lose a quick 5 to 10 lbs. Unfortunately, I still fight water retention if I eat too many carbs on any given day.

    I guess I'll just have to push through this "plateau" that's caused by water and lack of energy and time to exercise. Maybe by trying even harder to exercise, I'll be able to get rid of the blahs and increase my energy level along with taking care of me.