

  • According to this I should eat 1920 calories a day. That's alot of calories. Wondering how I will be able to eat all of that.
  • I'm 5'3" and would be happy with 145 to 150. If I lose too much I look sick.
  • I have taken phenteramine in the past. I lost weight and gained it back plus. Right now I currently take an all natural weight loss supplement called ACE that curbs my appetite and cuts my cravings as well as gives me energy. Does basically the same as phenteramine but without the drugs. Just all Natural.
  • I'm already eating full Only thing I have sugar free would be an occasional diet coke but most of the time I have water. I did change the way I cooked and what I cooked. My husband can't have greasy foods anymore due to ulcers so basically I've been cooking with no added oils and have been laying off of the…
  • I had back surgery on Jan. 19, 2012 and am still recovering from it. Makes it difficult to do things but I'm getting there.
  • I'm 5'3" and 47 yrs. old. Add me
  • Good luck to you. The site is an awesome place to be in your journey. Come to the boards for encouragement. Even though I don't post alot, I enjoy reading the other messages.
    in hello Comment by sdardar March 2011
  • Here is my results for the first week. Not what I had in mind. :cry: start weight: (as of 2/19/2011) 187.6 2/23 - 188 (up .4) :sad: 3/2 - 3/9 - 3/16 - 3/23 - 3/30 - 4/6 - 4/13 - 4/20 - Easter GW - 170 (leaving to go on a cruise the day before easter) goal weight: 145
  • I also take Percocet occasionaly at night when the pain is really bad. But try not to since it knocks me on my *kitten*.
  • In the few weeks I've been on it, I haven't seen the scale move. I do get some exercise 3 days a week. Maybe I need to try to get more exercise and not eat the extra calories. Don' t really know.
  • Hi, my name is Sherry. I'm 46 yrs. old and I'm the mother of 3 very handsome young men. (pictured in my signature) They think they are very funny and I never know what to expect from them next. I am a cafeteria manager who is currently out on workmans comp due to a back injury I got at work so I am limited on the amount of…
  • I just started this program as well. Both of my sisters have been following it for a couple of months now with great success while I've been following weight watchers new plan with only minimal success. I've decided to try this out to see if it works better for me. Yesterday I was under my calories but today I'm over by 91…