abcdmomof2 Member


  • I'd like to join - goal is 6 lbs. I'm getting married in September and would like to lose 30-40 lbs by then.
  • I am right there with you! I have 2 kids, 4 and 2, work full time and my hubby works as a roofer so they can be anywhere from 8-14 hour long days! It's very hard to fit in any extra time, but have implemented evening walks with the kids, and will start biking to work :)
  • Thank you so much!!
  • "gallstones are a real problem. gluten intolerance is usually in your head, so stick with the low-fat diet for the gallstones. " Unfortunately, this isn't the case. Celiac Disease runs in the family. It was always thought to be anxiety/IBS and since I've stopped eating gluten, it's all stopped. I was sent for MRI's, CAT…
  • Also, new to this....what is 30DS?? the 30 day shred?
  • Side steps with arm raises is a good replacement. I also had larger ladies (untill November when I had my reduction) and this is what my trainer had me do
  • Obviously you and your mom have a very open, honest relationship with each other. Some people (as stated above) would take the comment to be offensive, but if it's something she felt she needed to say, and was able to get her point across to you then great. Congrats on the weight loss!
  • In the end this is your decision, but since you decided to turn to others for advice, I'm thinking you've already made your decision. I really do feel for you. The fact that you were over weight to begin with and now, he's telling you he won't marry you unless you lose weight is the saddest thing I've ever heard. I would…
  • This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!!
  • I was lucky, my mom was a single mother and worked nights, but taught me how to cook. I raised my little brother from the time I was old enough to stay home alone and use a stove. Yes, frozen foods are there for convenience purposes, but here, the markets aren't expensive for fresh fruits and veggies. My daughter, age 4,…
  • yes not everyone wants to be healthy, but this poor child isn't being given the choice, his parents are making the choice for him! To even give him the choice between fruit or pepperoni, one or the other?? Seriously? Where is the sense in this?
  • I just checked out the website website you posted and to quote "Your TSH is normal. It’s not your thyroid.” “You need to eat less, exercise more.” “Everyone needs to nap” “You need to see a therapist.” “Your problems are due to being a mom/stress/genetics/your job.” “Let’s put you on this…
  • I guess I didn't really post my story on here yesterday and after reading all of yours, I've decided I should lol I'm a 27 yo mom of 2 beautiful girls (4 and 2) Before my first daughter I was 140 lbs, gained 54 and was 194. I lost 40 lbs after her and then quit smoking, gained an additional 15 lbs. I joined weight…
  • Wow, so weird that I was just talking about this with my Dr.! I have recently discovered a gluten allergy, not celiac, but an intolerance non the less. And now, I am being sent for an ultra sound because of gall stones. Do these things go hand in hand or something? It's hard enough having to cut out all the gulten, but now…
  • I'm def in the same boat as you! I'm only have 2 girls, but my husband is horrible! He eats whatever he wants, whenever he wants and it sabatoges me everytime
  • I'm new to MFP, a friend of mine uses this and told me how she's been tracking for 3 years and has met and surpassed her goal. I've been trying to lose weight for years and I'm constantly falling off the wagon and bouncing around and nothing stays....any help/guidance would be appreciated!!
  • no, goat cheese is softer
  • Pizza!!! Use something like na'an bread or a smaller flat bread and you can use the goat cheese on pizza