

  • I am six feet even.....so most guys are shorter than me. I have actually never dated a man taller than me....a few the same height...but never taller. My husband is only 5'10 and I say if it doesn't bother the man then I'm not worried about it. I have always been self conscious of my height....but now I just own it :-)
  • I might need to try this for the weekend!!! Thanks! :-)
  • I wear "boy shorts" they work great!
  • I am 6 feet even. My goal weight is 165 right now and to be a size 8-10.
  • I log it as "body pump" which I manually entered myself. I wear a heart rate monitor and burn anywhere from 450-550 calories a class. I usually log in the middle around 500 calories.
  • I got a polar off amazon for under 50 dollars. I love it!
  • The Les Mills Body Pump poster does say you can burn up to 560 calories. I wear a polar heart rate monitor to class and track calories. I usually range anywhere from 400-520 depending on the class, the songs and how much effort I put into it that day. So if you want to just use a range then I would say around 450ish. I…
  • I tend to eat a grilled cheese sandwhich, egg salad sandwich or a turkey hotdog. I usually eat baked chips along with it. I am also a stay at home mom and try to make something that my 3 year old will eat as well and still "semi healthy" and stays within my calories.
  • Zumba is a lot of fun! The moves aren't too complex. Once you get a move they are usually used in a few of the songs and easy to follow. You get a little break inbetween each song to get water etc so you shouldn't get too worn out. Usually instructors will do the same group of songs for a few classes. So if you go often…
    in Zumba Comment by poutyp11 May 2011
  • I love body pump! I take it about three times a week in addition to bikram yoga, Zumba, and Step. I have been thinking of getting certified myself but heard it's a long process! I have seen great results with body pump!