60 Minute BodyPump Class

Hey! Just curious to see if anyone has any idea as to how many calories you'd burn while doing a Bodypump class? Just an approximate number! And if you know what to list this under in the exercise section since there is no Bodypump listed? It'd be much appreciated if someone could help me out on this. Thanks!!!


  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    I think on the Body Pump poster at my gym it says you can burn up to 560 or so calories per class. I sorta wonder if that's a bit low though. I kinda always wanted to put Body Pump into MFP as 50 minutes of circuit training.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I list it as circuit training.
  • RosiePie25
    RosiePie25 Posts: 26
    Hmm that may just work to put it in under the circuit one like you say. Thanks!! :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    i burned 350 when i did it. 120lb.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It'll depend on a whole lot of things, such as how heavy you lift, and how much you push yourself.

    I've worn an HRM a couple of times for it, and reckon I burn around 450 for an hour.
  • RosiePie25
    RosiePie25 Posts: 26
    Awesome!! Thanks a bunch :)
  • poutyp11
    poutyp11 Posts: 10
    The Les Mills Body Pump poster does say you can burn up to 560 calories. I wear a polar heart rate monitor to class and track calories. I usually range anywhere from 400-520 depending on the class, the songs and how much effort I put into it that day. So if you want to just use a range then I would say around 450ish. I added my own into the system called body pump/circuit training with weights. Hope that helps.