Kcapitano Member


  • Thank you SOOO much for all your help everyone! I'm going to hit the store tomorrow and give the juicer another chance. I think some of you may be right, I prob just need a new juicer... bc the one I have works well, but the strainer takes foreverrrr to clean. Thanks again! :) xoxo Katie
  • P90X is definitely a good workout program that you can do at home. It is high intensity and high impact (especially in the plyometrics). You will lose the most weight if you follow the diet and dvds the way they tell you too. For me personally... I get very bored doing fitness Dvds.... I find them repetitive. So I only use…
    in P90X Comment by Kcapitano April 2013
  • It really all depends on what you are trying to do. If weight loss is your goal, then you do not want to eat back all of your calories (what would be the point?) To lose weight you need to consume LESS calories. If you are trying to bulk up then you want to increase your calories (with healthy foods and lean proteins) and…
  • It happens to us all! Everyone is right when they say you need to move on... because honestly, there isn't much you can do about it now. However, it is important to take note and realize how it makes you feel. Doing this will make you NOT want to let this happen again. Whether it makes you feel guilty, bloated, full,…
  • Thanks for your help, yeah I had no idea there was a separate division for figure and physique! I would definitely do either bikini or work hard for figure. How much do coaches usually cost? And where do you shop for competition bikinis? I don't see those kind around anywhere and shopping online is tough bc you can't try…
  • Great! Thank you so much! :)
  • Honestly... I think that is too low to start off, only because your body and metabolism is not used to such a small calorie intake. It told me my goal is 1200 calories a day too, and with the way I exercise, that is in no way enough. It really all depends on how quickly you are looking to lose weight. I would go for long…
  • Congrats Nadia, that is awesome!!!! What is your ultimate fitness goal? Yeah I need to just sign up... I know once I do I will be extra motivated, I just think I need a competition coach bc I literally would have no clue what to do haha.