

  • I quit, cold turkey. Just keep at it. But, if you must smoke the electronic cigs or a vaporizer are better.
  • I'll send you a message about coke zero.
  • Thank you for the tip on the EVCO. I will definitely check that out. I am also going to look into the protein. I plan to start working out when I get out of school. What do you use as far as the protein? How much do you drink? And, do you know any place to get good deal on EVCO? Thanx =)
  • Exactly. The point of exercise is to reach muscular failure. I would apply my push up philosophy to any work out: when you can't push, go to to your knees. When you can't push from your knees, pivot from your hip. When you can't pivot from your hip, stand up and do cherry pickers until your arms can no longer move and you…
  • As I am a male,I am not exactly sure what flab you are talking about. But, I think I recall seeing flab on ladies arms before, and it generally hung down from the tricept area. If that is the case for you, then I would recommended the following exercises: push ups -- do a lot of these, the closer your hands are together,…
  • Thank you all for responding. =) Each response helped greatly. I was doing olive oil, nuts, and so on and I wasn't getting those fats but I was getting the bad stuff. I'll check out the labels. I got into this site because I don't have time to check out labels lol. But, they do most of the work and we have a great…
  • 1 cp Lentils -- you can get these at costco if you know someone with a costco card for cheap or get these at Trader Joe's. Cook the lentils first, unless you get the precooked at TJ's. Now, throw in some vegetables: 1/2 Bell Pepper half a box of mushrooms -- if you like them enough to buy the big box, use half of that lol…
  • Yay!!
  • I know exactly what you mean. School dominates my existence. :( I saw a quotation on a professor's door that I like, "If you think education is expensive, you should consider ignorance". I got a cheap exercise bike from craigslist--Sports Authority brand 100 bucks. You might consider that. I would also consider the Tibetan…