1319 cals ok?

623Hernandez Posts: 458
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been peeking at peep's food diaries. It seems that everyone gets more cals than me. I know I would get more if I worked out but still. I am at 1319 cals a day. This allows me to lose 1.5 pounds a week (or so it says). I chose this custom amount of cals because it is close to the BMR of my goal weight. Should I be doing something different?


  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    Does 1319 cals fill you for the day?!
    If so you're fine.
    I range from 800-1500!
    Although some days I go way over.

    Exercise is key to weight loss though. Without it there's really no point in dieting, you'll most likely end up eating back to that weight after dieting.
  • I would love to have the time to work out!!!! But with school (more than full time), homework, work, commuting to both (40 min each way to both) I barely have time to shower. Thank god I don't have kids! I graduate at the end of May and my reward is going to be a gym membership!!!!
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    Oh dear.
  • I know exactly what you mean. School dominates my existence. :( I saw a quotation on a professor's door that I like, "If you think education is expensive, you should consider ignorance".

    I got a cheap exercise bike from craigslist--Sports Authority brand 100 bucks. You might consider that. I would also consider the Tibetan Rites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjtslbrFbLY You might also look into yoga or an arobics DVD. There are other options that do not require a gym membership.

    Still, I don't exercise much--if at all--because I do not have the time. I got some DVDs and some equipment because working out at home seemed more plausible. You can also do crunches and pushups. Yeah, they suck, but I had to do them for years in the military. There are options.

    Good luck in your studies and with your diet.
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    I have been peeking at peep's food diaries. It seems that everyone gets more cals than me. I know I would get more if I worked out but still. I am at 1319 cals a day. This allows me to lose 1.5 pounds a week (or so it says). I chose this custom amount of cals because it is close to the BMR of my goal weight. Should I be doing something different?


    MFP calculates what you should eat based on an estimate of your BMR and what you want to lose. That takes into account what weight you are now and what your activity level is. So don't worry about what anyone else's calorie levels are - their calculation will be personal to them. My calculations have me at 1280 a day if that helps. It's not easy to stick to but I am trying hard and I'm sure you'll do great :smile:

  • JDizzIe
    JDizzIe Posts: 23
    Every one has different goals and this site is helpful in showing you how you can reach your goal. If you want to lose 1.5 pounds, with the information that you gave MFP, it has set up the calorie dificiet needed to lose 1.5 pounds a week. If you are feeling hungry then maybe you need to change your goals to 1 pound a week or pick foods that are more filling or try to find some time to squeeze in some extra exercise to add more calories to you daily goal. But don't worry that your daily amount is not the same as someone else! Someone who wants to lose 1 pound a week and is 5'9'' and is very active will have a different number than someone shorter who wants to lose 2 pounds a week and is sedentary. 1319 is fine if you don't feel like you are starving yourself! Mine is set at 1340 and I'm fine with it!
  • Hi. My daily calorie allowance is 1330. I'm only looking to loose around a stone. According to my ideal weight I should weigh at most, 3 stone lighter than I do now. Personally, I think I would look ill at 9 stone! Weight is such a personal issue. I just want to look good for my 40th, I like being curvy. Good luck, and don't beat yourself up to much, I bet you will do brilliantly. x
  • School also owns my life, unfortunately. I have found, however, that if I take the stairs every time instead of the elevator, and walk to all the classes instead of a bus or other transportation where you don't have to do the work, that I actually get quite a bit of exercise a day. I don't know if that is helpful, but that has helped me. I find I actually take 7 flights of stairs a day on average just to get to my classes!

    I know 1300 calories doesn't seem like a lot, but you need to find filling foods that are low in calories. Some days I have issues even getting to 1200 and my calories are set to 1400 something. Things like salads, turkey, peanut butter, fiber cereals, etc. are very filling.

    Hope this helped!
  • Thanks peeps.... I upped my cals a little. I want this experience to be a good one so I stick with it for life! I have an elliptical in the garage. I guess I could get my *kitten* on it for 10 or 15 a few times a week! I wish homework and commuting was exercise because I would be sooooooo skinny! lol
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