anyone have any experience with electric cigs?

mccorml Posts: 622 Member
im thinking about switching i just cant quit nicotine and im thinking about switching whats a good reliable brand any testimonies or experience with them?


  • zebulonwindrow
    I quit, cold turkey. Just keep at it. But, if you must smoke the electronic cigs or a vaporizer are better.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    My friend recently got one - he said that the transition between normal cigarettes and the electric one was completely smooth. No cravings or anything. He loves it, although I've got to admit it looks quite funny :tongue: like sucking on a pen! But that's not important, basically, I've heard very good things. I tried it and it tastes really nice too! I don't know which brand he bought though, sorry.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Yeah, I vape. I started off with a Joye 510 and upgraded to a Joye eGo, which is basically the 510 with a longer lasting battery, but it is a bit bigger. If you want formal suggestions and information, I recommend going to I'm also on that site, and they have loads of information in their stickies and vids for people who have questions when they're considering switching over to vaping from analogs.

    Plus the community there is very helpful, like it is here.

    As a testimonial, I never intended to quit smoking cigarettes [analogs], but I was getting tired of smelling like butt, so I was introduced to the same Joye 510 I started with by a friend. The act of it and blowing out vapor was great. It's like a cigarette, but the technique is a bit different. You still get nicotine, and you decide on the strength of it from the juice vendors you order them from, plus the wide variety of flavors you get to vape are always a plus. But ever since I started vaping, I haven't touched an actual cigarette since. Well, to be honest, I have, but I hated it. My sense of smell is more sensitive than ever, I'm able to breathe so well, that I can literally vape before a workout routine and NOT be short of breath. It doesn't hinder weight loss or have negative effects on the body nor its propensity to exert energy. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to stop smoking cigarettes, but don't wanna start chewing gum, getting a patch, or be on prescription medications.

    There are people and companies that advertise it as a "smoking cessation device" which is completely out of context. It CAN be, but it's now considered an "alternative nicotine delivery device." So, in other words, you still have the nicotine, but without the other 3999 chemicals that you get from lighting up.

    Good luck and choose a brand that you feel comfortable with that suits your needs. All formal questions should be directed towards the ECF community and veterans. I'll chime in there as well.
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I got my 510 yesterday. I cannot believe how much this seems like smoking.I think for now I need this whole ritual. I had quit smoking and my weight blew up like crazy. Then I was a heavy person who felt like crap and still wanted a smoke and really had no outlet to deal with stress etc.

    I am completely aware of the dangers of vaping (possible nicotine poisoning from trying to mix your own ejuice- nicotine still constricts the blood vessels because, well ITS NICOTINE) but having looked at all the information, I would rather vape than smoke. Since I brought it in the house and got it charged up, I have not had a cigarette. I can tell you that in the past, the amount of nicotine in my body would be pretty high by now, because I used to use Nicorette Gum or lozenges etc. I don't feel any of that Nic-poisoning sick feeling that I got from the gum.

    Won't be long and I will drop my Nic% in the drop I put on... then I really don't think I will smoke again. I can't believe the CDN gov't and the FDA in the states are thinking about banning them. Seems like they are just bowing to big tobacco and big pharma. Take a look at the alternatives
    SMOKING- Will kill you and it's legal. Chantix-Can kill you or can make you angry enough to be violent towards others AND more likely to kill yourself Wellbutrin-Increased danger of suicide. Even the gum and the patch have a list of side-effect warnings that are pretty scary. Plus none of these address the issue of the psychological- "ritual" of smoking. For me probably the thing I missed most when I quit was the "time out" that I gave myself by going outside to smoke.

    This for me is an "all else has failed" so why wouldn't I try it?