theblackspot Member


  • But you guys give us work to goto! We could doze on base on a saggy old sofa if you didn't find drunk incontinent old ladies for us to clean up and package to the ED... Which is why the nurses don't always think kindly of Paras/emts, as we bring them work, when they'd rather be taking the micky out of a junior doctor...…
  • Cheers Lisa and Griffin, I may try upping cal's with more lean protein, but keep the fasts, as I want the possible health benefits it offers.
  • I wonder what gymnasts, and swimmers and cyclists, and runners or highschool basketball players weigh? Bet they fit in their bmi. Me? I'm over weight. But working on it.
  • We all live in the rich part of the world Europe or the north Americas, where getting enough to eat is easy for most. Not becoming overweight is hard, we are encouraged to eat and snack and grow wider. Over time we all get used to seeing bigger people as normal. You compare yourself and decide your normal, regardless of…
  • UK blood service use 14 or 16g, not a safety cannula either. Looks like a kebab skewer! Last time I gave it was absolutely painless though with no bruising. I put that down to practice!
  • Some times an answer does come... when I cook stir fry/chop suey things don't all go in together, but in 2 or 3 groups as different meats and vegies cook at different rates. Group 1 onion garlic ginger for flavour group 2 harder veg group 3 soft veg leaves and small pieces of meat or fish. group 4 noodles sauce stir heat…
  • Hello from England too. Good luck in your quest. Like your attitude, to enjoy food and not rule things out. My grandad used to say "a little of what you fancy does you good".
  • Cheers for the support Helen, I do need to try and expand my hobbies, De-stress activities, as I am a bit too foodie possibly. The low calorie stuff I did yesterday was make 2 types of chili sauce, habanero hell and roasted green chili with garlic. All distracting behavior. Need to start crafting, or doing exercise extra…
  • Hi, I'm Simon, a paramedic in The east midlands, England. Just joining the group, and glad there are so many folks who understand why jelly sourz are a food group! (One I'm getting away from). I only work 12 hour shifts, and have put on 1-2 stone in the 5 years I've been on the service. Not liking the arithmetic if I stay…
  • I'm in. Me and my Mrs turn 40 this year, so I'm feeling like if I pass this mile stone carrying this weight and being a bit unfit, it may be a bad omen... Anyhoo were off on holiday to snuggle on a barge in may and getting down to a healthy weight by then would be great. Going to copy my friend Pritesh, who started a…
  • I work 12 hour shifts too, and enjoy long hiking days. When I want a hot lunch but have no access to cooker/ microwave I use a wide neck food flask. You can put good lumpy stews, chili, curry etc, and eat it with nice bread, or wraps. Whatever takes your fancy. I then take something that will be fine at room temp' for a…
  • I always used to enjoy tempeh, a soya bean thing that was invented in Indonesia I think, but makes a very tasty filling to a sandwich, or as part of a cooked breakfast. It has much more body and bite to it than straight tofu, which I feel the need to fry to make interesting. I would also recommend using the 'pescatarian'…