protein for vegan?

I am looking at becoming vegan (except I'm still going to eat fish, I know that's kind of messed up) I have already cut out gluten and lactose from my diet and I am feeling so much better (I recently had my gallbladder out, and other complications). What are some protein sources that I can draw from if I go vegan and stop eating birds and cows?

Also, kind of sad due to my health problems I am looking a little malnourished, I am trying to start eating more and build my metabolism, would anyone want to look at my diary and tell me if I'm way off? I am at my goal weight, but I certainly don't have my goal body, I have been in chronic pain and unable to exercise for months, so I am looking forward to finally being healthy :) Thank you!


  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I am looking at becoming vegan (except I'm still going to eat fish, I know that's kind of messed up) I have already cut out gluten and lactose from my diet and I am feeling so much better (I recently had my gallbladder out, and other complications). What are some protein sources that I can draw from if I go vegan and stop eating birds and cows?

    Also, kind of sad due to my health problems I am looking a little malnourished, I am trying to start eating more and build my metabolism, would anyone want to look at my diary and tell me if I'm way off? I am at my goal weight, but I certainly don't have my goal body, I have been in chronic pain and unable to exercise for months, so I am looking forward to finally being healthy :) Thank you!
    If you are going to be eating fish then you will not be a vegan. And if you say this to a Vegan, don't expect a positive response. Do you not recognise that fish is a living breathing being? ANYWAY

    Vegetarian/Vegan options for protein:

    Beans, lentils, pulses, nuts, soy protein (if you're doing proper Vegan make sure it's not quorn as they use egg).
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    A buddy of mine refuses to eat anything that has a face.

    He says potatoes have feelings too. Strange guy...
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Because of complications in your health I'd personally say go see a nutritionist! Your doctor can probably refer you to one. I know from personal experience that when your body is really sensitive you don't want to drastically cut your intake variety in any way, it could make you more sensitive to other things. With all eating restrictions there's downsides for some people, everyone's body is different. Just educate yourself and hope it goes well!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    If you're going to eat fish, it would probably be best to describe your way of eating as "pescetarian" rather than vegan. Less arguing and hurt feelings involved.
  • theblackspot
    theblackspot Posts: 22 Member
    I always used to enjoy tempeh, a soya bean thing that was invented in Indonesia I think, but makes a very tasty filling to a sandwich, or as part of a cooked breakfast. It has much more body and bite to it than straight tofu, which I feel the need to fry to make interesting.
    I would also recommend using the 'pescatarian' phrase. And fish is jam packed with protein, so no worries about getting enough there!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I would definitely be seeking professional advice on this...concerning your medical conditions and the symptoms you describe.

    As for the diet your describing you would fit into the Pescetarianism group not Vegan as you are still eating animal products...especially animal flesh which would not even make you vegetarian.

    As as vegan myself we sometimes joke and say people who consider themselves Vegan/vegetarian but still eat seafood "Fish'n'Chipocrites" or "Vegaquarian"

    But I do not judge it is your life and try to remember to not just focus on the scales but also your health e.g nutrient intake.
  • Embee_2311
    I'm not a vegan, but I'm just not meat-mad (and meat's fat/cholesterol scares me a bit), so a lot of the time I eat veggie burgers and sausages made from soya beans. Their really tasty and FILLING (moderate to high protein levels), but obviously they don't taste like meat. You can also buy dried soy-meat chunks from health stores and make delish stews/curries with them. If vegans eat eggs, you can try those bcos their also a good source of protein, and if you're okay with dairy products (low-fat yoghurt especially) their also got good protein - even the soy-milk has good protein levels. Hope some of these might work for you:smile:
  • leotardbanshee
    leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
    lol i didn't realize people would get so hurt about the word vegan. i actually called myself a sober gluten free wannabe vegan ocean killer but i the future i'll say i'm pescatarian with no other animal by products so that people don't get upset. i was really just looking for protein alternatives and not a philosophical debate. thank you so much for the suggestions, i've been seeing a doctor, i live in a small rural town so i don't really trust that they completely understand what is wrong with me. all that i know is that making dietary changes has already made me feel better.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    I am looking at becoming vegan (except I'm still going to eat fish, I know that's kind of messed up) ...

    ... lol i didn't realize people would get so hurt about the word vegan. i actually called myself a sober gluten free wannabe vegan ocean killer ...

  • jeannie0312
    jeannie0312 Posts: 35 Member
    if you eat fish you are a pescatarian, not a vegan :)
    you will get plenty of protien from beans, legumes, leafy greens, broccoli, nuts & seeds.
    animal protien is not good for you, contrary to popular belief.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    lol i didn't realize people would get so hurt about the word vegan. i actually called myself a sober gluten free wannabe vegan ocean killer but i the future i'll say i'm pescatarian with no other animal by products so that people don't get upset. i was really just looking for protein alternatives and not a philosophical debate. thank you so much for the suggestions, i've been seeing a doctor, i live in a small rural town so i don't really trust that they completely understand what is wrong with me. all that i know is that making dietary changes has already made me feel better.

    I think the reason it may upset some vegan people is because they have made a huge commitment to their health and animal welfare and it's not to be taken lightly. :smile: The lifestyle is a statement for some people as well as its benefits, and the meaning of it shouldn't be diluted. Perhaps you could say Plant Based Pescatarian? Or Dairy free plant based pescatarian ;)

    Also, dark greens are your friends. So brocolli, dark green cabbage, asparagus, KALE, SPINACH <- these two are the best! are full of calcium and protein. Like someone said above, animal protein isn't digested well, plant protein is far superior.
  • Ravenfeather002

    ????? Funny - yes, all inclusive - no, because not everyone who chooses to eat a modified vegan diet , does so for animal welfare. There are people out there, who follow Pescetarianism solely for health reasons.

    One major example is keeping cancer in remission. They only eat fish once a week, avoid all refined sugars and bad fats/oils, and avoid all dairy, with the exception of egg whites or egg substitutes. My family eats like this and my husband has been in remission for almost 5 years now.

    I use vegan recipes, modified to accommodate the type of sweetener or oil we can use. I buy vegan products, as long as they contain the right ingredients.

    ADDED: leotardbanshe, my husband had problems with his gallbladder and ended up having it removed. He lost over 30 lbs in the process and looked like death-warmed-over. Until it was correctly diagnosed, he was in constant pain, so I feel for you. Eat healthy, avoid foods with lots of fat, and slowly incorporate some strength training to get those muscles back in shape. Hope you feel better soon.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    Not to beat a dead horse, but yupper: Definitely keep referring to yourself as an omnivore or as a pescetarian, as that's what you are. It involves less confusion in the long run for everyone... people won't be going to you "wait, i thought you were vegan?" and it'll help not raise how often people go "you're vegan/vegetarian, so you eat fish, right?" to others.

    A good source of protein that I didn't see when I skimmed the other lists above given to you, though I might've missed it: seitan (wheat gluten). One serving of Westsoy Seitan has 120 calories and 21g protein.
  • bloodraynegatito
    bloodraynegatito Posts: 14 Member
    you are a vegetation not a vegan. a vegan EATS NOTHING DAIRY OR MEAT. fish is meat. I am a vegan. i do not eat ANYTHING that has meat or dairy.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Eating Fish: Not Vegan.
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    As as vegan myself we sometimes joke and say people who consider themselves Vegan/vegetarian but still eat seafood "Fish'n'Chipocrites" or "Vegaquarian"

    I can't believe I've never heard those before. I'm stealing them now.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Well if you're gonna eat fish, you might as well eat dairy as well, and whey is dairy.
    But then you might as well eat chicken as well.
    But then you might as well eat pork and beef.
    Lamb is optional. I don't even like lamb. I know, that's weird.

    But yeah, my vote for vegan protein options for a fish-eating vegan would be chicken.
  • flex500
    flex500 Posts: 63
    I am looking at becoming vegan (except I'm still going to eat fish, I know that's kind of messed up) I have already cut out gluten and lactose from my diet and I am feeling so much better (I recently had my gallbladder out, and other complications). What are some protein sources that I can draw from if I go vegan and stop eating birds and cows?

    Also, kind of sad due to my health problems I am looking a little malnourished, I am trying to start eating more and build my metabolism, would anyone want to look at my diary and tell me if I'm way off? I am at my goal weight, but I certainly don't have my goal body, I have been in chronic pain and unable to exercise for months, so I am looking forward to finally being healthy :) Thank you!

    My yourself whatever you want. If people are that upset tell them to get a life. I mean seriously I cook 36 meals a week of pre-measured food, do cardio at 4am, and lift 6 times a week for an hour and have to lose 50 pounds in 12 weeks for bodybuilding competitions...quite a sacrifice and I couldn't give 2 $h@ts if some 150 pound guy that casually lifts calls himself a "bodybuilder". Seriously...who cares. Hell I'll call myself a vegan from now and I eat 1 pound of red meat a day.

    To your question though. If you are going to eat fish eat em up! Also, how do you feel about whey protein or dairy ie eggs. How about egg whites? I know the vegans say no to all animal products but since you are making a fish exception i thought I'd ask.

    I know plenty of vegans who will allow themselves whey protein (even though yes it does come from an animals indirectly).

    Anyway here is some...

    hemp protein powder
    pea protein powder
    Fish (since you are making the exception)

    I'm sure there is others I just can think of any of the top of my head
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    I am looking at becoming vegan (except I'm still going to eat fish, I know that's kind of messed up) I have already cut out gluten and lactose from my diet and I am feeling so much better (I recently had my gallbladder out, and other complications). What are some protein sources that I can draw from if I go vegan and stop eating birds and cows?

    Also, kind of sad due to my health problems I am looking a little malnourished, I am trying to start eating more and build my metabolism, would anyone want to look at my diary and tell me if I'm way off? I am at my goal weight, but I certainly don't have my goal body, I have been in chronic pain and unable to exercise for months, so I am looking forward to finally being healthy :) Thank you!

    I think your best bet is to consult a nutritionist if you can afford it.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Well if you're gonna eat fish, you might as well eat dairy as well, and whey is dairy.
    But then you might as well eat chicken as well.
    But then you might as well eat pork and beef.
    Lamb is optional. I don't even like lamb. I know, that's weird.

    But yeah, my vote for vegan protein options for a fish-eating vegan would be chicken.

    I like your logic.